
Meeting Between Vatican and Russia On Vatican's Request

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko has met with Apostolic Nuncio in Russia, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, at the latter's request, Interfax.com reports (May 28). They discussed …More
The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko has met with Apostolic Nuncio in Russia, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, at the latter's request, Interfax.com reports (May 28).
They discussed cooperation in the area of protecting Christians and said that Russia's and the Vatican's approaches to the solution of pressing international issues are similar.
Further, both sides expressed their readiness for a further development of bilateral cooperation in the sphere of culture, education, science, and medicine.
In the Middle East, Russia has been the only power that has shown regard for the Christians while the Western regimes promote the interests of Jewish and Islamic fundamentalism.
Picture: Alexander Grushko, Celestino Migliore, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsPyutyezcxn
What rubbish. Islamic fundamentalism, yes. But Jewish? Get a grip and state the facts. The problem is ISLAM.