
CruxNow.com: The Affair Has Now Become an Amoris Laetitia Wife

Elise Harris, a Denver native and journalist at CruxNow.com, has changed her name. She is now Elise Ann Allen.

This indicates that she civilly "married" the divorcee John Allen, the CruxNow.com founder and boss.

In October their “love” affair was made public.

Not surprisingly, Allen is a Francis partisan. Harris is a former journalist with CatholicNewsAgency.com which belongs to EWTN.

CruxNow.com is financed by the Knights of Columbus.

GaryLockhart and one more user link to this post
This is stuff you see everywhere: I bet for the Antichrist it's a theological place...
CruxNow.com se met à la mode d'Amoris Laetitia
Élise Harris, originaire de Denver et journaliste à CruxNow.com, a changé de nom. Elle s'appelle désormais Élise Ann Allen.
Cela indique qu'elle a "épousé" civilement le divorcé John Allen, le fondateur et patron de CruxNow.com.
En octobre, leur liaison "amoureuse" a été rendue publique : …More
CruxNow.com se met à la mode d'Amoris Laetitia
Élise Harris, originaire de Denver et journaliste à CruxNow.com, a changé de nom. Elle s'appelle désormais Élise Ann Allen.

Cela indique qu'elle a "épousé" civilement le divorcé John Allen, le fondateur et patron de CruxNow.com.

En octobre, leur liaison "amoureuse" a été rendue publique : catholique.forumactif.com/t565-news-au-1er-novembre-2019

Il n'est pas surprenant qu'Allen soit un partisan de François. Harris est une ancienne journaliste de la CatholicNewsAgency.com qui appartient à EWTN.

CruxNow.com est financé par les Chevaliers de Colomb.

[Ça, c'est des trucs qu'on voit partout : je parie que pour l'Antéchrist, c'est un lieu théologique...]
There is this
Crackers the Parrot forgets that by his reasoning, Saint John Paul II is also a "now excommunicated antipope" for "Domine Jesus", since he approved it. If no heretic can become a true Pope, then the document also condemns then-Cardinal Ratzinger.
Either Canon Law and Church teachings are applied to ALL clerics, past and present, or we give them the …More
Crackers the Parrot forgets that by his reasoning, Saint John Paul II is also a "now excommunicated antipope" for "Domine Jesus", since he approved it. If no heretic can become a true Pope, then the document also condemns then-Cardinal Ratzinger.


Either Canon Law and Church teachings are applied to ALL clerics, past and present, or we give them the benefit of the doubt. Selective application is outright hypocrisy.
Thors Catholic Hammer
For persons interested in the formal heresies promulgated by the now excommunicated antipope francis the following link is instructive.
For persons interested in the formal heresies promulgated by the now excommunicated antipope francis the following link is instructive.
