The Dangerous Hope for an Empty Hell

Yesterday Pope Francis said, “This isn’t dogma, just my thought: I like to think of Hell as being empty. I hope it is.” As often happens following a controversial …
Live Mike
The Nouvelle Théologie of Swiss Jesuit Hans Urs von Balthasar, "Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved?"
Was his work influenced by a Universalist Liberal Protestant Sect?
Dr Bobus
J G Tasan
He'll knew it, once he got there...
So be it!More
He'll knew it, once he got there...

So be it!
Wishful thinking
Dr Bobus
So God created a hell that is empty. So much for Divine Providence.
Sally Dorman
And Christ spoke about people there in flames.
Oh well, he very well may find out how full it is.
Jeffrey Ade
A very progressive understanding of the Catholic Faith! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
God would be the most joyous if hell were empty. However, people have free will and those that choose to hate him have only hell to go to. No one knows how many souls there are there. The less, the better.
Confident that there are hundreds of millions in Hell, I am busy praying he does not contribute to its over population.
Hound of Heaven
It would take some very strange irrationality to fathom a pope of the Catholic Church who believes that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was merely nattering on (our Lord refers to hell more than anyone else in the Bible) about a place that was "empty". If that is the case, one would have to concoct a bizarrely sadistic and psychotic Redeemer who is (hell?)-bent upon instilling fear in those He …More
It would take some very strange irrationality to fathom a pope of the Catholic Church who believes that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was merely nattering on (our Lord refers to hell more than anyone else in the Bible) about a place that was "empty". If that is the case, one would have to concoct a bizarrely sadistic and psychotic Redeemer who is (hell?)-bent upon instilling fear in those He gave His life to redeem. A perverse theological understanding indeed.