
Parolin: Desperate To Become Pope?

In view of the next conclave, French priest Claude Barthe published a profile of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, 69, who wants to succeed Francis (ResNovae.fr, December 2023).

• Parolin is a disciple of the anti-Catholic Cardinal Silvestrini (+2019) and an admirer of the disastrous Ostpolitik of Cardinal Casaroli (+1998).

• Benedict XVI's secretary of state Bertone removed Parolin as undersecretary in 2009 and exiled him to Venezuela.

• Parolin's work in Venezuela was appreciated by Cardinal Bergoglio.

• Bergoglio called Parolin to Rome in 2013 to replace Cardinal Bertone.

• Among Parolin's mistakes is the 2018 China deal which gives Beijing the right to appoint bishops, including two married men.

• Despite the concessions, the massive persecution of Chinese Christians continues.

• In 2018, Parolin spoke at the globalist Bilderberg conference in Turin.

• In April 2019, he received for over an hour high-profile homosex propagandists.

• Parolin was directly involved in the Vatican's €200M property deal in London.

• Francis bypassed Parolin when he entrusted Cardinal Zuppi with [useless] negotiations with Ukraine and Russia.

• Parolin has had cancer in the past.

• He believes in the obsolete Vatican II as the origin of a new "synodal" Church as a counterweight to the pre-conciliar monarchical organisation [of which Francis is the culmination].

• He is a follower of Amoris Laetitia which regards immorality as "authentic magisterium".

• Parolin played a key role in the drafting of Traditionis custodes.

• He made public interventions against the German Synod on the invalid ordination of women and practiced homosexuality probably only for tactical reasons.

• Parolin wants to be as "open" [anti-Catholic] as possible without endangering the institution too much.

Picture: Pietro Parolin, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHnkefmzisl

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I remember a very great man, well respected, well loved as a zealous preacher with a reputation for holiness and disiplined life who entered a Papal conclave with EVERYONE saying he would be elected, and he was.....the great, saintly Ven. Pope Pius XII (1876-1958, pontificate 1939-58).
Jan Joseph
Als Kardinaal Parolin tot Paus wordt gekozen, dan hebben we al een Tweede Paus die door middel van een staatsgreep aan de macht komt. Volgens mij zijn de vriendjes van Paus Franciscus nu al afspraken aan het maken wie de volgende Paus wordt. De crisis in het bestuur en de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk begint zich te versnellen en te verdiepen. Het gevolg hiervan kan zijn dat bovengenoemd …More
Als Kardinaal Parolin tot Paus wordt gekozen, dan hebben we al een Tweede Paus die door middel van een staatsgreep aan de macht komt. Volgens mij zijn de vriendjes van Paus Franciscus nu al afspraken aan het maken wie de volgende Paus wordt. De crisis in het bestuur en de organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk begint zich te versnellen en te verdiepen. Het gevolg hiervan kan zijn dat bovengenoemd machtsmisbruik (staatsgreep) de Rooms Katholieke kerk bij het volgende conclaaf in duizenden stukjes uiteen valt.
The Italians have a saying, "He who enters the conclave as a Pope, exits a Cardinal."
To the Church’s great misfortune that adage has oft proven acutely untrue for countless Papal Conclaves throughout the centuries, including the last two.
Maybe it was true for Bergolio, but Ratzinger didn't want to be pope. He reluctantly accepted. Bergolio going in already had the backing and influence of the St. Gallen Mafia.
English Catholic
Hardly an impressive CV . . . As it stands at present, about 73% of the cardinal-electors for the next conclave were appointed by Francis, and the number may be even higher by the time the conclave arrives, so barring a miracle, don't expect any u-turn in the current trajectory, after Francis goes.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That would be a tragedy for the Church, but I don't know why I am cautiously optomistic that we might be in for a huge surprise at the next conclave coming very soon. I did read elsewhere, that Francis is deeply disliked in the College of Cardinals, even among many he himself appointed. A very small core group are "Bergoglians", a large group are wishy-washy " moderates to conservatives or leaning …More
That would be a tragedy for the Church, but I don't know why I am cautiously optomistic that we might be in for a huge surprise at the next conclave coming very soon. I did read elsewhere, that Francis is deeply disliked in the College of Cardinals, even among many he himself appointed. A very small core group are "Bergoglians", a large group are wishy-washy " moderates to conservatives or leaning conservative", and a small but increasingly powerful group of "conservatives (and even traditionalists), made stronger by the vindictive actions of Bergoglio and company against Catholic tradition, and good men like Cardinal Burke. So I think we may be in for a very pleasant surprise, someone who may not be a 99.9% orthodox conservative, but someone more like Benedict XVI or to the right of him slightly....but someone willing to clean house...unlike Benedict XVI who was too afraid.
Dr Bobus
The Cardinals at the 2013 conclave were appointed by JPII & BXVI. How much does Francis have in common with them?
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....always tell you...deeply happy hear about your Opinion.....always I learning a lot...if, if you are ok...please teach me...always learning a lot...you are my great Online Friend, Church Family....jajajaja....I heard about Cardinal Parloin is a Papabile...it's so terrible!!!! I well know....Cardinal Parloin dose not against to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....always tell you...deeply happy hear about your Opinion.....always I learning a lot...if, if you are ok...please teach me...always learning a lot...you are my great Online Friend, Church Family....jajajaja....I heard about Cardinal Parloin is a Papabile...it's so terrible!!!! I well know....Cardinal Parloin dose not against to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition Abortion.....I think he support to this wrong Ideologies..be cause he support to Globalist Agenda....and he dose not saying about all Persecution area situation....like many area of Africa, Asia...and all Communist's Persecution....and he made to wrong Communist China Deal....so I am sure....if, if he will elect to Pope...ah...we will see another version of Bergoglio.....so horrible.....I hope one more tell....my Former Archbishop of Seoul...Eminence Cardinal Andrew got to 80 years old....last Tuesday...so he will can't participate to Conclave...ah....huge sorrow situation....so painful situation....he was not perfect..but he against to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimiton Abortion....almost Orthodox Cardinal.....so much sorrow....and December 28, Eminence Cardinal Cipariani(Former Archbishop of Lima,Peru)will get to 80 years...next year..4 Orthodox Cardinals get to 80 years old...ah...at 2021...after year...3 or 4 Orthodox Cardinals get to 80 years old....it's means huge damage to Orthodox Catholic groups....than...Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals...hmm...now Korea...1 Cardinal participate to Conclave....he is a Lazaraus You..(Former Bishop of Daejoen, Korea)...now Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy.....but I think he is a Wrong Cardinal....be cause he dose not against to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition Abortion....and he always said..he loves so much to Bergoglio....ah...so I think now..Korea lost to Conclave vote Cardinal...we don't have Conclave Cardinal right now...I think many area Church similar too.....Lord please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope....these days...much sad....and until 2025 years...so much Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals.....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you will join Underground Church too....and much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer....before finish to wrong Synod..I really hope going to Lord's home....if, I will Got that....it's a Orthodox Catholic People's way...after this Synod...we are not any more to Christian Church....we are New World Religion...so horrible....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
@Dr Bobus Are you kidding? They are the ones who ELECTED him. At least two-thirds of the Cardinal-Electors in the Sacred College of Cardinals (all of whom had been given the Red Hat by either Pope Saint John Paul the Great or Pope Benedict XVI) wanted him as the next Supreme Pontiff. They VOTED for him knowingly and with their eyes wide open; fully cognizant of his history and the history of his …More
@Dr Bobus Are you kidding? They are the ones who ELECTED him. At least two-thirds of the Cardinal-Electors in the Sacred College of Cardinals (all of whom had been given the Red Hat by either Pope Saint John Paul the Great or Pope Benedict XVI) wanted him as the next Supreme Pontiff. They VOTED for him knowingly and with their eyes wide open; fully cognizant of his history and the history of his primary backers, they cast their votes to make him Bishop of Rome. He was their choice and they knew he would fulfill their desires and do their bidding. They knew exactly what he would do and what he stood for. They AGREED with it and wanted it. That is why they put him in Office and placed the Petrine ministry in his hands. It is THEIR agenda he is implementing and enforcing. An agenda which has LONG been in the making, long before this pontificate or even the last several pontificates. Far, far longer than any of the Faithful would ever suspect, just awaiting for the right man to be elected to the Throne of Saint Peter in order to give their godless, unholy, subversive agenda life and move it forward. That is what’s so insidious about all of this. Pope Francis was indeed, duly and legitimately elected, that is an undeniable, undebatable, inescapable fact of reality, and is thus, the Successor of Saint Peter and Vicar of Christ on Earth, regardless of how we feel about him personally and in spite of what he does or says. He is the Holy Father, and in accordance with Canon Law and the unchanging Magisterium of the Church there is absolutely nothing whatsoever that we nor any other human or human agency upon this earth can do about it. And this is true even though he was set in place by men who wanted to destroy the Church as she was originally founded by Christ and nurtured by His Apostles, and remake her in an image born of hell’s abyss; men who clearly are evil minions of Satan and whose whole purpose and agenda is to undermine and overturn the dogma and doctrines of Holy Mother Church, and especially the moral precepts to which the Spouse of Christ has been ascribed for millennia. Fortunately, the Lamb of God Himself prayed for Peter that his faith “fail not.” So there is only so much damage that any given Pope at any given time can do, even Pope Francis. The wreckage is limited, thank God. But still, far too many souls are lost to perdition and the Light is obscured with the darkness brought on by the confusion of heresy and apostasy and abomination. Particularly, from that which is vomited out of the Vatican itself. Therefore, our only hope is divine intervention, which we must pray desperately and relentlessly for, holding ever to Our Lord’s immutable and invincible promise that even the very gates of hell cannot prevail against His Church.
Dr Bobus
You missed the point. It was said that the Cardinals at the next conclave will elect someone like Francis, because he appointed 3/4 of them. My response was that all the Cardinals at the last conclave had been appointed by JPII or BXVI--and Francis was elected, who is nothing like the two popes who had appointed them.
And I think you're wrong about the last conclave. Usually, there is at least a …More
You missed the point. It was said that the Cardinals at the next conclave will elect someone like Francis, because he appointed 3/4 of them. My response was that all the Cardinals at the last conclave had been appointed by JPII or BXVI--and Francis was elected, who is nothing like the two popes who had appointed them.

And I think you're wrong about the last conclave. Usually, there is at least a year during which the pope is dying, and the Cardinals in one way or another get to know one another and coalitions form. With the resignation of BXVI that process was pre-empted. The St. Gallen Mafia were the only ones who arrived in Rome with an agenda.
John Fritz Logan
@Clement Jaeho Chung Hi Clement. It's a shame that those good cardinald turn 80 but thankfully Francis has actually added some reall solid orthodox during the last consistory to replace them, so I am not too worried.
Francis II
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
We all hope not. I think Parolin's chances will backfire, just like Zuppi.
Dr Bobus
The chances of Parolin and Zuppi are about the same as the US winning the World Cup