
Francis' Bitter Crusade Against Latin Intensifies

In a moment when you thought things in the Vatican couldn’t possibly get any more insane, they do, Father Peter Stravinskas observes on CatholicWorldReport.com (June 30).

Stravinskas who himself regularly presides the Latin Novus Ordo Eucharist, informs that the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV), the Vatican Press, is no longer printing or reprinting Novus Ordo liturgical books in Latin. Further, the Liturgy Congregation is even denying publishing houses permission to publish the books which LEV has laid aside.

This is mere lunacy as the Latin texts of the New Rite liturgy are the original and the basis of translations into vernacular languages. Stravinskas speaks of an “anti-Latin mania” that has gripped Francis.

Thankfully, this move will only damage the Novus Ordo Liturgy as the Vatican has lost or is about to lose the copyright of most Roman Rite liturgical books.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYuhgutzjpk

Stay rigid.
Fr Dan
'At night weeping enters in,
but with the dawn rejoicing.'
You cannot fight with God and prevail.
Klamstwa, jakimi poslugiwaly sie pralaty kosciola katolickiego przez dekady. ze jakoby sobor watykanski II byl cacy, dzisiaj ukazywane sa w calej KRASIE i bez zenady. I masoneria, i Zydzi, i komunisci, i protestanty oraz ich milosniki - Congar, Schillebex, Ratzinger, Bea, Rahner, King i wielu innych, ktorym Kosciol swiety katolicki stal koscia w gardle, przylozylo swoje raczki do zniszczenia Go. …More
Klamstwa, jakimi poslugiwaly sie pralaty kosciola katolickiego przez dekady. ze jakoby sobor watykanski II byl cacy, dzisiaj ukazywane sa w calej KRASIE i bez zenady. I masoneria, i Zydzi, i komunisci, i protestanty oraz ich milosniki - Congar, Schillebex, Ratzinger, Bea, Rahner, King i wielu innych, ktorym Kosciol swiety katolicki stal koscia w gardle, przylozylo swoje raczki do zniszczenia Go. Tak oto doczekalismy sie odslony FALSZYWEGO kosciola, o czym np. mowa u blog. wizjonerki i stygmatyczki, autorki Zywota Pana naszego Jezusa Chystusa, Katarzyny Emmerich.
John A Cassani
It would seem that the general condition for being in union with Bergoglio’s Vatican is a rejection of everything prior to the almighty Council. This will eventually culminate in the destruction of the Sacraments, and, as a result, the cutting off of the normal means of conveying sanctifying grace. I’m still praying about it, but it is hard to see how I could remain in communion with it.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions.”
Defeat Modernism
Pope St. Pius X clearly condemned use of the vernacular at mass in his Motu Proprio "Tra le Sollecitudini" when in #7 he states;
"The language proper to the Roman Church is Latin. Hence it is forbidden to sing anything whatever in the vernacular in solemn liturgical functions — much more to sing in the vernacular the variable or common parts of the Mass and Office." adoremus.org/1903/11/tra-le-…More
Pope St. Pius X clearly condemned use of the vernacular at mass in his Motu Proprio "Tra le Sollecitudini" when in #7 he states;

"The language proper to the Roman Church is Latin. Hence it is forbidden to sing anything whatever in the vernacular in solemn liturgical functions — much more to sing in the vernacular the variable or common parts of the Mass and Office." adoremus.org/1903/11/tra-le-sollecitudini/

Good people, please stop attending the new mass. It is all condemned. You have been led out of the Catholic Church and into a Modernist-Masonic Sect pretending to be the Church. There are numerous prophecies warning about this. How much more do you need to see?! Find a traditional catholic chapel that rejects the new mass and Vatican II. I attend the Society of St. Pius V chapels sspv.org/index.php/locations - I will never go back to the new mass or give a cent to the modernist Vatican or my local parish or diocese.
Defeat Modernism
The Church has already condemned the use of the vernacular at mass when in the DOGMATIC Council of Trent (Session 22, Canon 9) it states:
"If any one saith...that the mass ought to be celebrated in the vulgar tongue only...let him be anathema" thecounciloftrent.com/ch22.htm
That is the dogma of the Faith that cannot be changed by anyone, period. The reason the Church condemned the vernacular is …More
The Church has already condemned the use of the vernacular at mass when in the DOGMATIC Council of Trent (Session 22, Canon 9) it states:
"If any one saith...that the mass ought to be celebrated in the vulgar tongue only...let him be anathema" thecounciloftrent.com/ch22.htm

That is the dogma of the Faith that cannot be changed by anyone, period. The reason the Church condemned the vernacular is to prevent heretics (like Francis & Company) from changing the meaning and understanding. Look at the destruction it has caused!
Let’s read what the Papacy says on the subject! papalencyclicals.net/john23/j23veterum.htm
atreverse pensar
Novus Ordo has no solution, in Latin or not.
Paus Franciscus verbrandt alle Latijnse boeken. Paus Franciscus gaat niet alleen de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis verbieden, maar ook de Novo Ordo Heilige Mis in het Latijn. Binnenkort verbiedt hij ook de Novo Ordo Heilige Mis in de landstaal. Paus Franciscus gaat waarschijnlijk alle boeken over de Heilige Mis verbranden.
Op de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis heeft Paus Franciscus niet het alleen recht, ook de …More
Paus Franciscus verbrandt alle Latijnse boeken. Paus Franciscus gaat niet alleen de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis verbieden, maar ook de Novo Ordo Heilige Mis in het Latijn. Binnenkort verbiedt hij ook de Novo Ordo Heilige Mis in de landstaal. Paus Franciscus gaat waarschijnlijk alle boeken over de Heilige Mis verbranden.
Op de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis heeft Paus Franciscus niet het alleen recht, ook de Pius X broederschap heeft het recht op de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis.