353,4 tis.

Moc mena Panny Márie

Moc mena Panny Márie: Svätý Bernardin z busty hovorí o vtáčikovi, ktorý sa naučil vyslovovať "Zdravas Mária". Keď ho raz napadol jastrab, vtáčik vyslovil "Zdravas Mária" a jastrab padol ihneď mŕtvy na zem. Boh nám tým chcel naznačiť, že ak bolo nerozumné vtáča zachránené volaním svätého Mena Panny Márie, o čo skôr bude zachránený pred satanom ten, kto hneď pri útoku vzýva Pannu Máriu. Sv. Alfonz Liguori. Panna Mária postrach zlých duchov a jej moc
O svätej poslušnos…

"Keď nás prepadnú zlí duchovia pokušením," hovorí sv. Tomáš z Villanova, "nemáme robiť nič iné než ako kuriatka, ktorá sa pri uzretí jastraba zbiehajú hneď pod krídla sliepky."
Tak máme konať aj my, keď nás prepadnú pokušenia, hneď a bez vyjednávania s pokušitelom sa skryme pod Máriin plášť. "A ty, naša Pani a Matka," pokračuje svätec, "nás musíš chrániť, pretože po Bohu nemáme iné útočisko okrem teba, jediné ty si našej Nádej a jediná ochrankyňa, ktorej dôverujeme."

Ukončime to slovami sv. Bernarda: "Človeče, nech si ktokoľvek, buď presvedčený, že sa na tejto zemi viac potácaš na vlnách nebezpečenstva a búrok, než kráčaš po pevnej zemi. Ak sa nechceš utopiť, neodvracaj oči od tejto hviezdy Panny Márie Marie.

Dívaj sa na nebeskú hviezdu, vzývaj Pannu Máriu. V nebezpečenstvách hriechov, v úzkostiach pokušenia, v pochybnostiach, pri rozhodnutiach, spomeň si, že Panna Maria ti môže a chce pomôcť, a hneď ju aj vzývaj o pomoc.

Jej mocné meno nech naplní tvoje srdce vždycky dôverou a tvoje ústa nech ju neustále vzývajú. Nezblúdiš, ak s Pannou Máriou, nezídeš z cesty spasenia. Keď sa jej zveříš do ochrany, nestratíš malomyseľnosť.

Keď ťa ona drží, neodpadneš! Keď ťa ona chráni, nemusíš sa báť záhuby. Keď ťa ona vedie, bez veľkej námahy dosiahneš spasenie. Skrátka: keď ťa chráni Panna Maria, iste dosiahneš kráľovstvo blažených. A zažiješ skutočné štastie už tu na zemi. Tak rob a budeš žiť!

O pozdraveni anjelskomAnjelského pozdravenie zdrava Mária si Panna Mária nesmierne váži. Ním sa jej obnovuje radosť, ktorú zakúsila, v jej nepoškvrnenom srdci, keď jej sv. Gabriel zvestoval, že sa stane Matkou Božou. Zdravme ju často každý deň týmto posolstvom. "Zdravý ju," hovorí sv. Tomáš Kempenský, "Pozdravom anjelským, veľmi rada počuje jeho ohlas."

Matka Božia sama oznámila sv. Mechtilde, že ju nikto nemôže ju pozdraviť lepšie, než uctia ak pozdravom Zdravas Mária.

Kto Pannu Máriu zdraví, toho pozdraví aj ona.
Sv. Bernard kedysi počul z úst preblahoslavenej Panny celkom zreteľne slová: "Ave, Bernard - Bud 'zdravý, Bernard! "Pozdravenie Panny Márie," hovorí sv. Konrád Saský "je sprevádzané zakaždým nejakou Božou milosťou." Zázraky Panny Márie - Ježiš Mária milujem Vás
Vznesenosti Panny Marie Svaty Alfons Maria de Liguori


Niečo pre protestantov
-Panna Mária a ruženec boli čiastočne zatienené, no ide iba o dočasné zatmenie.

Keď sa zatmenie skončí, hviezda je svetlejšia ako predtým !
Pätnásť minút pred popravou odsúdený na smrť Claude Newman povedal.
Keby si aspoň raz videl jej tvár a pozrel sa do jej očí, nechcel by si už žiť.
Ach, vy vôbec nič nechápete! Je taká krásna že, keby ste boli aspoň raz videli tvár P. Márie a pozreli sa do jej očí, tak by ste ani vy nechceli žiť čo i len o jeden deň dlhšie !

Odseknutá ruka.
Svätý Ján Damascénsky bol osobným sekretárom kráľa v Damasku. V tom čase carihradský cisár. Lev Isaurický začal všemožnými prostriedkami bojovať proti katolíckej viere a opovrhoval a ničil sväté obrazy.
Ján, veľký ctiteľ Panny Márie, začal písať nádherné listy, v ktorých bránil úctu k Panne Márii a sväté obrazy, aby tak udržiaval vieru tých, čo sa klátili počas hrozného prenasledovania.
Cisár Lev sa preto veľmi rozhneval a dal napísať list, akoby ho ho! zložil mladý Ján Damascénsky, v ktorom pozýval cisára, aby sa zmocnil Dámsku a kráľovstva. Ba naznačil aj spôsob, ako by sa ho mohol zmocniť. Potom akoby sa mu hnusila Jánova lesť a vierolomnosť, poslal falošný list kráľovi Damasku a nepravdivo ho uj>ozornil na nečestnosť jeho sekretára Jána.
Keď kráľ list prečítal, rozhneval sa tak veľmi, že nechcel ani len počuť obranu Jána a dal mu odťať pravú ruku, ktorou — podľa falošnej obžaloby — napísal ten prekliaty hanebný list.
Obohý Ján podstúpil prebolestnú amputáciu pravej ruky. Potom dôverujúc Panne Márii, pre slávu ktorej toľko písal, aj proti obrazoborcom, poprosil kráľa o odťatú ruku. ktorú mali verejne vystaviť na námestí.
Kráľ súhlasil. Ján šiel pred obraz Panny Márie a vrúcne ju prosil, aby mu ruku opäť spojila s ramenom, aby mohol i naďalej písať na česť a slávu Božiu a svätých.Dlho sa modlil. Nato upadol do vytrženia a videl Pannu Máriu, ako láskavo na neho hľadí a počul slová: « Hla, ruka, ktorú ti odťali, je na pôvodnom mieste. Používaj ju pre dobro, ako si to robil doteraz. »
Keď sa spamätal, ruku mal opäť na pôvodnom mieste, ostala len jazva na dôkaz toho, čo sa skutočne stalo.
Keď sa to kráľ dozvedel, chcel prijať Jána späť do úradu a zasypať ho poctami, no svätec sa radšej utiahol do kláštora v Palestíne, kde sväto žil a písal krásne diela užitočné Cirkvi a na slávu Matky Božej

Zachránený len pre jednu ružu?

Istá mladá kresťanka sa vydala za muža, ktorého veľmi milovala, ale ktorý nemal nijakú vieru. Robila všetko možné, aby ho obrátila, ale márne, aj napriek ich veľkej vzájomnej láske. Obavy v nej deň Čo deň vzrastali, pretože bol veľmi chorý na srdce a bála sa o jeho náhlu smrť.
V jednej veci jej však robil radosť: zbieral kvety, ktorými ozdoboval sošku Panny Márie.
Nečakane odišiel na druhý svet bez akéhokoľvek znaku viery. Ona, akoby zlomená ostrým bôľom ochorela a myslela si. že sa zblázni. Potom počula hovoriť o arskom farárovi, ktorý vedel zmierniť každú bolesť a len čo mohla, vydala sa na cestu, o ktorej nik nevedel. Keď vošla do kostola a začala sa modliť, zbadala pri sebe farára, ktorý jej pošepkal: « Pani, neplačte! Vaše nxxllitby boli vyslyšané! »
A úbohej, akoby ohromenej tou neuveriteľnou zves- tou, doda! istotu: « Pamätáte, že mesiac pred smrťou vám váš manžel priniesol najkrajšiu ružu a povedal: 'Zanes ju Presvätej Panne!' Panna Mária to nezabudla! Váš manžel je spasený. » (Z apoštolského procesu svätého farára arského)

Viac tu: Panna Mária ich zachránila :: Ježiš Mária

Vznesenosti Panny Marie Svaty Alfons Maria de Liguori
Segatašja – vizionár z Kibeho. Rozhovor s Ježišom o konci časov
Panna-Maria-Matka vsetkych-narodov-zjavenia-Spoluvykupitelka-Ida Peerdeman-Amsterdam-Blessed-Virgin Mary-Mother-of-All-Nations-Miracles- Messages-Amsterdam

Ježiš prostredníctvom Luz de Maria povedal;
„Moja matka oznamuje po celom svete a v priebehu času, čo je práve teraz na obzore.“Slová pre Luz de Maria de Bonilla, ako aj o. Michela
Rodrigua, ktorí v súčasnosti dávajú posolstvá, sú obzvlášť naliehavé. K varovaniu dôjde práve v tejto generácii.
Najmä v tomto obdobi diabol veľmi rýchlo rozvíja umelecke talenty ambiciózných ľudi na tej najvyššej úrovni. Týmto spôsobom môže uchvatiť a zajať miloini duší v kultúre zameraná na telo. Pan mi povedal, že neexistujú talenty, ktore by priťahovali Lucifera viac ako umenie. Vidime hviezdy, ktoré sa štverajú na podia. Odievaju sa ľudskou mocou, bohatstvom a slavou. Ich prestiž a vplvv poskytuju diablovi platformu na skazenie más, pretože on vie, ľudia napodobnuju dekadentné a svetské správanie hviezd.
Co sa stane počas varovania s tými, čo majú ťažký hriech?
„Pre tých, ktorí nie su' v stave milosti, tu bude desive, povedal Ježiš v Heedei V Španielskom Garabandale (1961 - 1965) Conchita uviedla, Že bude „tisíckrat horšie ako zemetrasenia, Bude to ako oheň; nespáli naše tela, ale budeme ho cítit fýzicky aj vnútorne... A neveriaci pocitia bázeň pred Bohom.. Ak v tom čase
zamrieme, bude to strašné... vydesí ludi' osvietenie svedomia?Ježiš odpovedal: „Strach, ktorý zapáli ich srdcia, je posvatným
strachm z nesmiernej moci môjho Otca, najmä pre mnohých duši,
ktoré naďalej papieraju jeho existenciu. Tieto duše zažiju obrovský spasitelny strach.
ludia, ktori nežiju podľa Božích prikázaní, mnohí zomru, ked' uvidia svoju dušu.
v okamihu, v ktorom bude každý človek sam pred svojim vlastným
Svedomim a svojimi hriechmi. Bude to taký silný okamih, že niektorí
neprežiju', ked'zažiju' svoju vlastnu' zahubu, Aj vy dnes, zhromaždení na modlitbách v duchovnom večeradle môjho Nepoškvrneného Srdca, sa pripravujete na prijatie zázraku druhých Turíc - Druhé Turíce prídu, aby znova priviedli
spohanštené ľudstvo, žijúce pod mocným vplyvom zlého, k plnému spaločenstvu života so svojím Panom, ktorý ho stvoril, vykúpil a spasil

Ludia budú musieť urobiť konečné rozhodnutie. A potom im už ostanú následky rozhodnutia. Ćas milosedenstva sa skončí a začne spravodlivosť. Toto povedal Ježiš sv. Faustíne, je to to hodina rozhodnutia pre svet. Niektorí napravia svoj život iny zaprú Ježiša, a tak sa stanú z nich veľký prenasledovatelia mojich vyvolenych, povedala P. Maria Luz de Marii. Tí čo budú konať pokanie, pocitia neuhasiteľny smad po Božom svetle. Ich laska bude ku mne taka silná, že v zjednotený s Nepoškvrneným srdcom Máriiným A najsvätejšim Srdcom Ježišovym zvíťazia nad satanom. Včetci tí, ma milujú, sa spoja, aby pomohli vytvoriť pätu, ktorú P. Maria rozdrví. Potom ked všetci keď prirodzene zomriete, bude váš smad po tomto svetle uhasený. Vtedy uvidíte mňa, svojho Boha. Budete žiť v mojej laske. Budete v nebi.
Počas varovania a krátko po ňom bude satan oslepený. Nebude schopný pokúšať duše. Bez tohto božského oslepenia by duše nedokázali vidieť absolútnu pravdu o svojom stave pred Bohom, ani by nemalí absolútnu slobodu vybrať si Boha alebo ho odmietnuť.
»Len čo bude satan oslepený,“ povedal náš Pán Elizabeth Kindel Mannovej, „mimoriadnym spôsobom sa naplnia komnáty Druhého vaikánskeho koncilu ... Nech sa kňazi a ich veriaci zromaždia v duchovnej jednote, toto vyliatie zasiahne aj duše nepokrstených.

Pokiaľ ide o svet a jeho buducnosť, Pán mi povedal, čo sa ešte stane,
náboženstvo bude iba súkromnou aktivitou, kto rú nebude možné verejne prejavovať. Vlady Cirkev budú sledovať a kontrolovať. Pravá Cirkev bude žiť prakticky v podzemí ako na začiatku kresťanstva.
Pan mi povedal, že k obráteniu Izraela musí dôjsť ešte pred návratom Ježiša. Vysvetlil mi, že Židia sú jeho vyvolený národ. Katilíci sú zaštepení do stromu vyvolených ako ich adoptovane deti, Židia
sú naši starší bratia. Musíme uznat' ich postavenie, aj keď ešte neveria.
Ježiš povedal, že židovský národ bol vybraný nielen pre Ježišovo vtelenie, ale aj pre jeho druhý príchod. Židia sú tí, ktorí pripravia cestu Panovi ked' znova príde. Na samom konci budú Židia masívne konvertovať na katolicizmus. Pomazanie Duchom Svätým ich zavolá späť k Bohu. Stane sa to takmer zo dňa na deň podobne, ako padol Berlínsky múr. Ked sa Obratenie začne, nastane medzi Židrni vela zmätku. Mnohí z nich sa budú navzájom vraždit'. Masové konvertovanie židovského národa na

katolicízmus je posledným zvonením, ktoré oznamuje: „Ježiš prichádzaľ' a Židia zachránia Katolícku cirkev pred veľkým odpadlíctvom. z knihy varovanie - christine Watkins

Dominik Chmielewski - Už nie dlho - tento svet sa rúca

Liečenie účinkov vakcíny 28. júla 2021 – Posolstvo od Pána Enochovi z Kolumbie Pán povedal: „Deti moje, venujte všetku pozornosť tomu, čo vám poviem prostredníctvom svojho proroka Enocha: Všetci tí, ktorí kvôli nedostatku znalostí, viery alebo strachu boli očkovaní a sú ovcami môjho stáda. Hovorím, nebojte sa, pretože pre vás existuje nádej, keď vo viere urobíte môj ruženec drahocennej krvi a rán spolu s mojimi litaniami mojej krvi ako novénu a požiadate ma, aby moja krv zničila škodlivý účinok vakcínu vo vašom tele oslobodím vás svojim Milosrdenstvom od jej nepriaznivých účinkov a zapečatím vás svojou Krvou. Milované deti, sila mojej Slávnej krvi a rán je najlepším liekom proti akémukoľvek vírusu, moru alebo pandémii; robte modlitbu mojej krvi ráno i večer, rozširujte ju na vaše deti a príbuzných; Uisťujem vás, že ak to urobíte s vierou, žiadny vírus, mor alebo pandémia vám nemôžu ublížiť. Izbu vám zanechávam, svoju izbu vám dávam. Čiňte pokánie a obráťte sa, pretože kráľovstvo Božie je blízko. Váš Majster, Ježiš v Najsvätejšej sviatosti, Milovaný, ktorý nie je Milovaný. Dajte moje deti, aby poznali moje posolstvá spásy celému ľudstvu."

St. Padre Pio Recited 36 some other days (60) Rosaries A Day And Offered His Life To Avoid A ‘Cataclysm’. "Abandon yourself in the hands of Mary. She will take care of you." Padre Pio always wore the Rosary around his arm at night. Convinced of the power of the Rosary. "With this, one wins the battles. If there were one million families praying the Rosary every day, the entire world would be saved.” – Pope St. Pius X - spiritdaily.net/PIOCATACLYSM.HTM Padre Pio on the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary Why Did God Give the Rosary? Answer from Saint Pio and Saint John Paul II - Taylor Marshall catholicexchange.com ❤💞💛 ❤ 💛 ❤💞💛 ❤💞💛 ❤💛 ❤💞💛 "Abandon yourself in the hands of Virgin Mary. She will take care of you." Padre Pio always wore the Rosary around his arm at night. Concerning the Rosary, Our Lady herself said to Padre Pio: "With this weapon you will win." Convinced of the power of the Rosary, Padre Pio always held the Rosary in his hands. To Padre Onorato Marcucci, grabbing the Rosary that he had put few seconds on the nightstand: "With this, one wins the battles. "We can't live without the Rosary." "Say the rosary, and pray it every day." When his death was approaching, he recommended the Rosary to his spiritual children by saying: "Love Our Lady and make her loved. Always recite the Rosary. Padre Pio said of the Mother of God: "The Madonna is the shortcut to get to God." Padre Pio advises: "Love the Madonna, and make people to love her." A few days before his death, as Padre Pio was getting into bed, he said to the friars who were in his room, "Give me my weapon!" And the friars, surprised and curious, asked him: "Where is the weapon? We cannot see anything!" Padre Pio replied, "It is in my habit, which you have just hung up!" After having gone through the pockets of his religious habit, the friars said to him: "Padre, there is no weapon in your habit! . . . we can only find your rosary beads there!" Padre Pio immediately said, "And is this not a weapon? . . . the true weapon?! Padre Pio instructed: "Recite the Rosary and recite it always and as much as you can." Jesus chose to come to earth through Mary. Similarly, Jesus chooses that we come to Him through her; for her soul magnifies the Lord. Padre Pio understood all of this. Padre Pio said many times: "I wish I had a voice loud enough to tell all the sinners of the world to love Mary. She is the ocean across which one must travel in order to reach Jesus." Above Padre Pio’s door were the words: "Mary is the reason of all my hope."The Holy Virgin assists me." Speaking of Our Lady, Padre Pio said: "Each grace passes through her hands." The Rosary is one of the most powerful weapons that we have against Satan and his minions. It will help to ward off temptations. Prayed together with the family, it will create a locus of stability and peace in the home. There are also a number of indulgences attached to the Rosary, which can bring about the remission of temporal punishment due to us even if we die in a state of grace. If there is any reason why the Rosary is not recited as often today as it was in the past, you can be certain that Satan himself is behind it. The inconvenience of praying the Rosary daily, which can seem at first tedious or burdensome, grows lighter with every recitation. Let us equip ourselves for battle. Make a commitment to pray the Rosary every day – and keep it. Why You Should Pray the Rosary Daily: 15 Reasons Straight From Our Lady - OnePeterFive Padre Pio on the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary Saint Quotes that Reveal the Supernatural Power of the Rosary Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.” – Pope Bl. Pius IX The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” – St. Padre Pio The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.” – St. Francis de Sales If there were one million families praying the Rosary every day, the entire world would be saved.” – Pope St. Pius X 10 Simple Tips to Help You Pray the Rosary Every Day ---------------- Miracles of the Mother of God. Read more: THE MIRACLES OF OUR LADY The Beautiful Lady does not cry over the resounding grave sins of the time. ~Secret of La Salette -Our Lady of La Salette (France)~ Padre Pio Recited 36 (60) Rosaries A Day And Offered His Life To Avoid A ‘Cataclysm’ - www.rcatholics.com/padre-pio-recited-36-rosaries-a-day/ Why Did God Give the Rosary? Answer from Saint Pio and Saint John Paul II - Taylor Marshall catholicexchange.com Hail Mary’: currency of Heaven. One day Saint Gertrude had a vision of Our Lord counting gold coins. She summoned the courage to ask Him what He was doing. He answered: “I am counting the Hail Mary’s that you have said; this is the money with which you can pay your way to Heaven. www.rosesfromheaven.com/rosary_speech3.htm FATIMA - Pray the Rosary every day, a great deal, and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to Hell because they have no one to make sacrifices and pray for them. Learn how to pray the rosary every day to help you find peace and serenity in your life.Continue to pray the rosary every day. The favorite prayer of Our Lady is the Hail Mary. Better yet! The favorite prayer of Our Lady is the most Holy Rosary—a bouquet of fifty roses offered to the Heart of our Heavenly Queen. Mother, why are you so beautiful ? I am beautiful because I love I am beautiful because I love Apparition Hill - A New Film presentationparish.org/user/login danielklimek.com/tag/medjugorje/ THE GLORIES OF MARY - ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI EXAMPLE - Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates,! that there lived in the city of Aragona a girl, named Alexandra who, being noble and very beautiful, was greatly loved by two young men. Through jealousy, they one day fought and killed each other. Their enraged relatives, in return, killed the poor young girl, as the cause of so much trouble, cut off her head, and threw her into a well. A few days after, St. Dominic was pass ing through that place, and, inspired by the Lord, approached the well, and said;Alexandra, come forth; and immediately the head of the deceased came forth, placed itself on the edge of the well, and prayed St. Dominic to hear its confession. The saint heard its confession, and also gave it communion, in presence of a great concourse of persons who had assembled to to witness the miracle. Then, St. Dominic or dered her to speak and tell why she had receiv ed that grace. Alexandra answered, that when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal sin, but that the most holy Mary, on account of the rosary, which she was in the habit of recit ing, had preserved her in life. Two days the head retained its life upon the edge of the well, in the presence of all, and then the soul went to purgatory. But fifteen days after, the soul of Alexandra appeared to St. Dominic, beautiful and radiant as a star, and told him, that one of the principal sources of relief to the souls in pur gatory is the rosary which is recited for them; and that, as soon as they arrive in paradise, they pray for those who apply to them these power ful prayers. Having said this, St. Dominic saw that happy soul ascending in triumph to the kingdom of the blessed. PRAYER. Oh Queen of heaven and of earth, oh mother of the Lord of the world, oh Mary, creature most great, most exalted, most amiable, it is true that many on the earth do not love thee and do not know tnee; but there are innumerable angels and saints iu heaven who love and praise thee con tinually. On this earth, too, how many souls burn with love of thee, and live enamored of thy goodness 1 Ah, if I, too, might love tnee, my most lovely Lady! Oh, that I might always be engaged in serving thee, in praising thee, in honoring thee, and in striving to awak en love of thee in others. A God hath been enamored of thee, who, by thy beauty, if I may so speak, hast drawn him from the bo som of the eternal Father, to come upon the earth and become man and thy Son; and I, a miserable worm, shall I not be enamored of thee? Yes, my most sweet mother, I also will love thee, love thee much, and do all in my power to make thee loved by others. Accept, then, oh Mary, the desire I have to love thee, and help me to fulfil it:I know that thy lovers are regarded with much favor by thy God. Next to his own glory, he desires nothing more than thy glory, in seeing thee honored and loved by all. From thee, oh Lady, I await all my blessings. Thou must obtain the pardon of all my sins, thou must obtain for me perseverance, succor in death, de liverance from purgatory, in a word, thou must conduct me to paradise. All this thy lovers hope from thee, and they are not deceived. This I also hope, who love thee with all my heart, and above all things next to God -- EXAMPLE. A young man in Perugia once promised the devil that if he would help him to commit a sin ful act which he desired to do, he would give him his soul; and he gave him a writing to that effect, signed with his blood. The evil deed was committed, and the devil demanded the perfor mance of the promise. He led the young man to a well, and threatened to take him body and soul to hell if he would not cast himself into it. The wretched youth, thinking that it would be impos sible for him to escape from his enemy, climbed the well-side in order to cast himself into it, but terri fied at the thought of death, he said to the devil that he had not the courage to throw himself in, and that, if he wished to see him dead, he himself should thrust him in. The young man wore about his neck the scapular of the sorrowing Mary; and the devil said to him: Take off that Bcapular,and I will thrust you in." But the youth, seeing the protection which the divine mother still gave him through that scapular, refused to take it off, and after a great deal of altercation, the devil departed in confusion. The sinner re pented, and grateful to his sorrowful mother, went to thank her, and presented a picture of this case, as an offering, at her altar in the new church of Santa Maria, in Perugia. PRAYER. Ah, mother, the most afflicted of all mothers, thy Son, then, is dead; thy Son so amiable, and who loved thee so much! Weep, for thou hast reason to weep. Who can ever console thee? Nothing can console thee but the thought that Je sus, by his death, hath conquered hell, hath open ed paradise which was closed to men, and hath gained so many souls. From that throne of the cross he was to reign over so many hearts, which, conquered by his love, would serve him with. Read more at: catholictradition.org/Mary/glories.htm themostholyrosary.com/the-glories-of-mary.pdf krolestwonmp.pl/…rie-de-liguori-the-glories-of-mary-nowy-jork-1888/ catholickingdom.com/…Library/Books/G/Glories_of_Mary_Ligouri_OCR_CK.pdf Satan hates the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, he has been doing everything in his power to discourage devotion to her and instill hatred for her for two millennia. Have you ever noticed that it is Marian dogmas and devotions that stir the strongest reactions in those who reject the Church? Even some good Catholics are embarrassed by devotion to our Lady, and they feel we should not be too extreme in our veneration of her. Perhaps you, too, have wondered why the Church holds the Immaculate Virgin in such high regard. Perhaps you have wonder why God has chosen to use her in the work of redemption. Today, I’d like to take a look at why the devil hates the Blessed Mother so much, and why we should be her devoted knights. Why the Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin So Much (And Why You Should Love Her) - The Catholic Gentleman A History of the Occult in Rock & Roll - Medium - Devil-music-the-occult-beatles A woman once sought out Saint John Vianney because she was worried her husband who had committed suicide was in hell. Saint John declared to the woman, "He is saved! He is in purgatory, but he is saved." Saint John Vianney is a famous church mystic. Awesome, one more reason to love St. Juan Maria Vianey. There is an oft related story from the life of the Cure of Ars who found in his confessional a woman in tears who explained that her husband had just committed suicide by jumping off a bridge but the good Saint John Vianney, who could read hearts and was given knowledge about such things by God, said: “Between the bridge and the river he repented and was forgiven“. Saint John declared to the woman, "He is saved! He is in purgatory, but he is saved." Saint John Vianney is a famous church mystic. Now certainly stories like this are accounts of exceptional graces, but it does mean that we can pray for the repose of the soul of those who have committed suicide. And as Saint Padre Pio tought we ought to pray that they had the grace of perfect contrition before they died because God is outside of time and we can still pray for them. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of. Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God. If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law. Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide. We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives. (CCC 2280-83) Yes, suicide is a sin, but despite its gravity, it may not be completely freely chosen, and may therefore be non-mortal. There is no definite yes/no to this question. Mental illness lessens the culpability of the sin, so it may not be a mortal sin. Suicide does not automatically condemn a person to hell. Gods mercy is infinite and we must hope and pray (but not presume) that he has mercy on those who have committed suicide. The best saint to pray to and to turn someone to for help if they are suffering from temptations of suicide is the great Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. It is not well known that she developed a deep understanding and love for those who suffer from these temptations during her final months because of the indescribable suffering she endured. Just a month before her death she said: Watch carefully, Mother, when you will have persons a prey to violent pains; don’t leave near them any medicines that are poisonous. I assure you, it needs only a second when one suffers intensely to lose one’s reason. Then one could easily poison oneself. (August 30, Green Notebook). During the process of her beatification one of her novices, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, said the following: Three days before she died, I saw her in such pain that I was heartbroken. When I drew near to her bed, she tried to smile, and, in a strangled sort of voice, she said: If I didn’t have faith, I could never bear such suffering. I am surprised that there aren’t more suicides among atheists. (Proces de beatification et canonisation. Vol. 1 Proces informative ordinaire [Rome: Teresianum, 1973)] 472. English tr. in C. O’Mahoney, St. Therese of Liseux by Those who Knew Her: Testimonies from the Process of her Beatification [Dublin: Veritas, 1975] 254.) The following prayer found below is taken from the official approved prayers used at the American National Shrine of the Little Flower. It is approved for public or private use. It can be found in The Little Flower Prayerbook. What does the Church Really Teach about Suicide? – Catholicism Has the Answer unamsanctamcatholicam.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-suicide-of-samson.html Vicka speaks about her trip with the Gospa (Madonna, the Virgin Mary) in the afterlife. Vision of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell. Read more: MEDJUGORJE - Vision of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY Read more at: Hell exists The trip of Vicka in the afterlife - Medjugorje WebSite Stories of Seeing Heaven, Purgatory, and hell | Medjugorje: Apparitions of the Virgin Mary Queen of Peace Does hell exist? - Catholic Straight Answers What the Early Church Believed: Hell Has hell frozen over? The cross reminds us that there is no true love without suffering. Only love can save this world. Our Lady: There is oneAccording to an interview with Mirjana in 1983, “She (Our Lady) always recommended faith , prayer, and fasting.” Our Lady has also spoken of the necessity of prayer to sustain a living faith, saying, “Faith cannot be alive without prayer.” God and one faith. motherofallpeoples.com…/heart-of-the-message-o…/ Medjugorje WebSite - Panna Mária v Medžugorie - Posolstvá a Zjavenia ----------- UFOs – transports from hell - UFO's - transports from hell. For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air. . . . [Satan] will have great power over nature.” Our Lady to the seers at LaSalette, France in 1846. False miracles“Already satan is working his way into your consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from hell. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands.” Our Lady, June 18, 1978 In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man’s imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls. “There have been divisions of armies set up, two groupings. Lucifer, Luciel, despicable creature of the darkness, has set himself to destroy man, man’s soul, and take them to the abyss, the souls of My children. When you fall, you will have fallen of your own free will. No man enters hell unless he has given himself freely to satan.” Veronica - Now I see ... oh, I see—it’s like a large hole. I see the ground is opening and people, people are just falling, they’re floating down into a very deep hole. But they seem to have no weight. They’re unable to control their movements, and they’re just hitting each other, and there’s terror on their faces. And they’re going down. There’s a great, tremendous, flaming light. And also now coming up are horrible creatures. Now—oh, and they’re screaming in terror, the people; but their bodies now are glowing like, like orange, like they’re afire, like glowing coals. Oh! Oh, and these other things that—they look like half animal and half human—they’re also placing their clawlike hands and pushing onto the figures, the human beings; they’re pushing them and they’re tormenting them. And their very faces are so horrible. But they are—they look—they’re so horrible and ugly, that they look like they’re enjoying the tormenting of the poor souls. Oh! Now these bodies of these lost souls—they seem to have an endless burning, like live coals. And they’re looking upward, and it’s a desperate—they’re trying to go up, up, out of the hole. But the more they fight to go up, the further down they go—down into the pit. Oh! Now I see many down at the bottom of this pit, and they’re sitting there. They’re no longer floating. The others must be new ones coming down. And those that are sitting are sitting in dejection, and they’re repeating: “Forever lost! Forever lost!” Oh! Oh! [Veronica moans at the sorrowful sight.] Now it’s growing dark. And now the light is coming out in the sky. Oh, it’s Our Lady. Oh, now Our Lady has removed the black covering from Her head. She looks very beautiful. She’s dressed all in white with a gold trim. And I see now that She has a golden—not a necklace, but a clasp about Her, and it’s tied into a knot. The knot has some circles in it, like—looks like three circles, three golden circles. Now Our Lady is holding up Her hand, and She has Her Rosary in Her hand. It’s a very large Rosary—has very large beads, and the Our Father’s golden. And Our Lady says: Our Lady - “You will tell your beads, My child, constantly. A constant vigilance of prayer throughout your country and the world is now necessary.” Veronica - And now Our Lady is raising Her Rosary like this, with the crucifix, and She’s making the sign of the cross, like this: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.Apparitions of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers - the prophecies of Jesus and the blessed Virgin Mary to the seer Veronica Lueken the messages of Veronica Lueken of Bayside, New York: True or False? smwa.org/hst/HST_007/HST_7_UFOs.htm Discerning the Devil's - Discerning the Devil's .. Voices will be heard in the air. Men will beat their heads against walls, call for their death, and on another side death will be their torment. Blood will flow on all sides.Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879) It is time; the sun is darkening; only faith will survive. Now is the time; the abyss is opening. Here is the King of Kings of darkness; here is the Beast with his subjects, calling himself the Saviour of the world. He will rise proudly into the air to go to Heaven. He will be smothered by the breath of the Archangel Saint Michael. He will fall, and the earth, which will have been in a continuous series of evolutions for three days, will open up its fiery bowels; and he will have plunged for all eternity with all his followers into the everlasting chasms of hell. And then water and fire will purge the earth and consume all the works of men's pride and all will be renewed. God will be served and glorified. If they convert, the stones and rocks will change into wheat, and potatoes will be found sown in the earth. Do you say your prayers properly, my children?” We both replied: “Oh! no, Madame, not so much.” “Oh! my children, you must say them morning and evening. When you can do no more, say a Pater and an Ave Maria; and when you have the time to do better, you will say more. “Only a few old women go to Mass; in the summer, the rest work all day Sunday and in the winter, when they are at a loose end, they only go to Mass to make fun of religion. During Lent, they go to the butcher's like hungry dogs. “Have you ever seen any spoilt wheat, my children?” We both answered: “Oh no, Madame.” The Holy Virgin turned to Maximin, saying:“But you, my child, you must have seen some once near le ‘Coin’, with your father. The farmer said to your father: ‘Come and see how my wheat's gone bad!’ You went to see. Your father took two or three ears in his hand, rubbed them, and they fell to dust. Then, on your way back, when you were no more than half an hour away from Corps, your father gave you a piece of bread, and said: ‘Take it, eat it while you can, my son, for I don't know who will be eating anything next year if the wheat is spoiled like that!’” Maximin replied: “It's quite true, Madame, I didn't remember.” The Most Holy Virgin brought her speech to an end in French. “AND SO, MY CHILDREN, YOU WILL PASS THIS ON TO ALL MY PEOPLE” ~Secret of La Salette -Our Lady of La Salette (France)~
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