
Tucho: Ex-Synod Will Look Like Failure

The ex-synod will not discuss celibacy, the [invalid] ordination of women, or things like that, wrote the CDF's Tucho Fernández on a social media (September 29).

Each of these issues would require a lot of prior study, regional discussions, and then a whole ex-synod or two, he explained.

But he promises that “this could happen next year”, saying that the ex-synod could make a request "to study" such a topic.

Fernández expects that the ex-synod “will not be interesting for the press” and “may sound like a failure or an irrelevant meeting" [like almost everything that comes out of the Vatican].


True Mass
Kissy face Tucho. Seriously people. Is this really happening. Theater of the absurd.
Sandy Barrett shares this
Oh, really? Better watch the footnotes!
Jan Joseph
Het wijden van vrouwen tot priester zal de laatste gelovigen de kerk uitdagen en zal een schisma tot gevolg hebben.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope he is right. If none of that garbage is open for discussion, won't the radical Germans etc. be disappointed. I am sure they will cause trouble. Fernandez didn't mention the talk of "blessings for homos". This "synod" is heretical enough, but if they waste their time discussing how to accomodate LGTBQ's and TRANS, and have them welcome in the Church, they will see parishes empty out even faster …More
I hope he is right. If none of that garbage is open for discussion, won't the radical Germans etc. be disappointed. I am sure they will cause trouble. Fernandez didn't mention the talk of "blessings for homos". This "synod" is heretical enough, but if they waste their time discussing how to accomodate LGTBQ's and TRANS, and have them welcome in the Church, they will see parishes empty out even faster than when the "reforms" of Vatican II were implemented.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? long time no see...even though we don't have many talking..but I always thinking our great memories....always really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people....I am very Angry...horrible man Victor Fernandez leading to Doctrine of Faith..and he got to Cardinal's hat...and all wrong mans are same too....Bergoglio want …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!! how are you?? long time no see...even though we don't have many talking..but I always thinking our great memories....always really hope Lord always protect to you and all your family, lovely people....I am very Angry...horrible man Victor Fernandez leading to Doctrine of Faith..and he got to Cardinal's hat...and all wrong mans are same too....Bergoglio want destroying to our Orthodox teachings much stronger.....make me much happy....so many Faithful Catholic People did not participate to yesterday Consistory....I saw...so so few People attended to Consistory....it's means...so many Faithful, Orthodox Catholic People hate to this horrible Old man...Main stream Media said...many People loves to Bergoglio....but it's huge lie!!! .all Orthodox Catholic People don't have anything...maybe can't anything...Sauron and all his members got to Vatican....but now..we don't have The Fellowship of the Ring...it's make me much sad...I think if, if Lord don't send to us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...I think we are must going to Underground Church...many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! have a great day....talk to someday!!! my great online friend, great Brother!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
🤪 @Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your kind words to me. I hope you and family are well too. Yes, Fernandez is bad for the CDF office, as are all of Bergoglio's appointments. I am VERY happy that the turnout of people who came to see the consistory was very small, and even less for the ecumenical prayer service for the "Synod" later.
Fernandez said that the topics of "women priests …More
🤪 @Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement! Thank you for your kind words to me. I hope you and family are well too. Yes, Fernandez is bad for the CDF office, as are all of Bergoglio's appointments. I am VERY happy that the turnout of people who came to see the consistory was very small, and even less for the ecumenical prayer service for the "Synod" later.
Fernandez said that the topics of "women priests" and celibacy for priests will not be open for discussion at the Synod. But I'll bet the radicals try to talk about it anyway. It seems to me the big topic of the Synod will be LGBTQ's . TRANs, and how to make them feel happy in the Church. Personally, I could not care less about them. To me they will always be immoral sodomites living in sin. Sorry for not being charitable, but even though I'm only 28, I am "orthodox" Catholic and traditional. Most of my family is not. But maybe they will see this Synod for the evil it is, and start being more traditional😂
My 4th year of teaching has started off well, except for 1-2 minor issues with students who have no respect for teachers🤪. I can't force them to learn. 😂😂