Assault on Archbishop of Brussels/ Mechelen. Shameful physical assault on Archbishop of Brussels/ MechelenMore
Assault on Archbishop of Brussels/ Mechelen.
Shameful physical assault on Archbishop of Brussels/ Mechelen
Gerti Harzl shares this
Erzbischof André-Jozef Leonard.
Dieser Erzbischof ist ein entschiedener Verteidiger Medjugorjes.More
Erzbischof André-Jozef Leonard.

Dieser Erzbischof ist ein entschiedener Verteidiger Medjugorjes.
Kuchen für den Bischof... Skandal! If you read some Spanish, please read this. Kuchen für den Bischof... keine Ursache wenn sonst... www.zenit.org/article-39168
holyrope 3
Agree Cannoli...
Holy Cannoli
There is another phenomenon at work here that (without mentioning names) I've seen occur several times at gloria.tv and at numerous other places on the internet. That is the open manifestation of ego, pride, the lack of humility and self-absorption. Basically, it is demonstrated by the absolute unwillingness of an individual to acknowledge the fact that he/she can be mistaken about one …More

There is another phenomenon at work here that (without mentioning names) I've seen occur several times at gloria.tv and at numerous other places on the internet. That is the open manifestation of ego, pride, the lack of humility and self-absorption. Basically, it is demonstrated by the absolute unwillingness of an individual to acknowledge the fact that he/she can be mistaken about one thing or another. There are psychological reasons for this but, for now, I would simply prefer to say that this kind of immaturity is unbecoming for anyone especially for those of us who profess to follow the One who said, "Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.”

Certainly, there is a time for gentleness and there is a time for militancy as we've talked about with respect to the assault on the Archbishop. In any case, “man up” and have the internal self-confidence to be able to say “I may be mistaken in my opinion” or “I see what you mean” or, if one is unable to publicly admit error or if (in spite of evidence to the contrary) one is still sure of one's position, at the very least be an adult and have the courage to say, “let's agree to disagree.”

What do you think, Rope?
holyrope 3
How about it?
Holy Cannoli
Interesting analysis, Rope.
it would certainly portray him for who he really is.
What would that be?
Interesting analysis, Rope.


it would certainly portray him for who he really is.

What would that be?

holyrope 3
Because he knows if he held his same position in regards to his Excellency, with that of it being his mother or child, it would certainly portray him for who he really is. On the other hand, say if he would show some hair on his backbone and did go after the perpetrator who caused harm to his family it would show him as a plain hypocrite. So, guess either way,.... he's a Big loser. ☕
Holy Cannoli
You asked a fair question but ACL does not want to answer.
What could be the reason for his refusal?

You asked a fair question but ACL does not want to answer.
What could be the reason for his refusal?

@EJG - I do not place internet resources above the hard copy library Book resource. And while the uploaded versions you site are exact, one canot draw upon New Advent as ones only source of information or in fact, internet resources in general. I consider this 'lazy' research and quite inconsequntial.
@Rope - What on earth are you on about?? Your question is inappropriate; as I said, that is not …More
@EJG - I do not place internet resources above the hard copy library Book resource. And while the uploaded versions you site are exact, one canot draw upon New Advent as ones only source of information or in fact, internet resources in general. I consider this 'lazy' research and quite inconsequntial.
@Rope - What on earth are you on about?? Your question is inappropriate; as I said, that is not the issue! 😇
holyrope 3
ACL...You still have not given a response to my post/question.
Again, ...
If your mother or child were assaulted, would you have the same attitude and approach as with his Excellency?More
ACL...You still have not given a response to my post/question.

Again, ...
If your mother or child were assaulted, would you have the same attitude and approach as with his Excellency?
Josephus...das ist doch unser Werk!
GTV kann da nix dafür...es lässt die "Taten" seiner User so stehen, irgendwie wird uns da der Spiegel vorgehalten!
@Cannoli: Go to the library and look up : Fortescue, Adrian (1934). Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described. Burns, Oates & Washbourne ltd; 5th ed edition. 👍
Iosephus Venator
Unfreiwillige Komik auf GloriaTV:
Als ersten Beitrag unter der Rubrik "gern gesehen" findet man ein Video mit dem Titel: "Torte ins Gesicht für Bischof Leonard"
Sehr lustig!
None online mate! lol You'll have to get yourself into a real library! But lets leave this at it is because it is quite trite and not worth the continuous banter. Do have a good evening. 😇
um ya,ACLumsden you are incorrect about New Advent.it is a proper resource for pre-concillar church approved published online books. i wouldnt ever compare the New Advent site in general or the 'old' Catholic Encyclopedia specifically at all to Wikipedia. New Advent just took the ENTIRE 1912/1917 Church approved print version 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia and just published it online (along with old …More
um ya,ACLumsden you are incorrect about New Advent.it is a proper resource for pre-concillar church approved published online books. i wouldnt ever compare the New Advent site in general or the 'old' Catholic Encyclopedia specifically at all to Wikipedia. New Advent just took the ENTIRE 1912/1917 Church approved print version 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia and just published it online (along with old editions of the Summa and Church Fathers and Bible,)we have the exact same Catholic Encyclopedia in like 17? volumes up in our Seminary and its EXACTLY the same as the New Advent online version. PLus one cant add or change things on New Advent site as one can in Wikipedia.The same version and subsequent later ' new' editions were published by the Catholic University of America. New Advent has just unaltered online versions of older (passed the copyright) of classic catholic work,( thus, of course lacking post-conciliar documents and newer Code of Canon law contexts)some qoutes then may be outdated or changed since the Reign of Pius X however.).you can also see the 1913 version scanned on Google Books.
PAX 😇 ps so like you cant take documents form vatican.va for example,or scanned books?as trustworthy because its not a print version from the bookstore in your hand?/ (i agree one must be cautious and aware of online sources, and fact check though)
Holy Cannoli
So, ACL doesn't approve of the basic yet worthy Catholic research tool called the “Catholic Encyclopedia” from New Advent because it proves him to be mistaken on a basic point of nomenclature? LOL
I suppose you will also reject the identical answer given from another Catholic internet site, again, because that answer proves you to be mistaken.
Re: How do I address a bishop?
In spoken conversation …More
So, ACL doesn't approve of the basic yet worthy Catholic research tool called the “Catholic Encyclopedia” from New Advent because it proves him to be mistaken on a basic point of nomenclature? LOL
I suppose you will also reject the identical answer given from another Catholic internet site, again, because that answer proves you to be mistaken.

Re: How do I address a bishop?
In spoken conversation, you would call your bishop "Bishop (last name)" or "Your Excellency." In opening a letter, you would put "Dear Bishop (last name)" or "Your Excellency" ("Dear" is not used in front of "Your [title]"). In addressing an envelope you would put on the first line "The Most Rev. (full name)" and on the second line "Bishop of (diocese)."

Archbishops follow the same protocol as bishops. Cardinals are addressed as "Cardinal (last name)" or "Your Eminence." Letters to cardinals open "Dear Cardinal (last name)" or "Your Eminence." In addressing the envelope the first line would read "(first name) Cardinal (last name)" or "Cardinal (full name)"; the second line would read "Archbishop (or Bishop) of (archdiocese or diocese)."


ACL, perhaps you can site an authentic Catholic resource that would substantiate your erroneous claim that "His Excellency", in traditional prelate nomenclature, refers to a Cardinal.”

ACL writes: So, do get some travelling done, see the world, and then maybe you can know something.

If traveling would mean that I would be as poorly informed about matters Catholic as you obviously are, then I would prefer to stay in my cave.

In truth, I have done a bit of traveling and I've seen enough of the world to know that I never want to set foot on the foggy wasteland called Britain. Besides, I'm afraid I would not be able to tolerate the pretensions, pacifist, pansies who reside in that sissified country.

Holy Cannoli bids you, ACL, a wonderful day/afternoon/evening from the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Ah.....Cannoli, how easy it is to get information online. It seems that you don't do much good research (are you a shut-in perhapse?). "New Advent" site is a little like "Wikipedia.com" which any good scholar will call "Wickedpedia.com"! It is filled with half truths and unsubstantiated claims. DO go to your nearest RC library and look up protocol for Roman Clergy in Europe and her Colonies. I think …More
Ah.....Cannoli, how easy it is to get information online. It seems that you don't do much good research (are you a shut-in perhapse?). "New Advent" site is a little like "Wikipedia.com" which any good scholar will call "Wickedpedia.com"! It is filled with half truths and unsubstantiated claims. DO go to your nearest RC library and look up protocol for Roman Clergy in Europe and her Colonies. I think you'll find that the USA is quite odd (since on the whole, you chaps are not monachists!).

So, do get some travelling done, see the world, and then maybe you can know something. One can not sit in the USA, and presume to know (from internet sites...lol). Do some travelling man - open your mind somewhat. Take care mate! 🤗
Holy Cannoli
We do seem not to be understanding each other here.
How true!
"His Excellency", in traditional prelate nomenclature, refers to a Cardinal.
How false!
When making an assertion, it's wise to check your facts before posting. This is especially true when you are attempting to correct another poster.
English-speaking countries
"The Catholic Directory" (London …More
We do seem not to be understanding each other here.
How true!

"His Excellency", in traditional prelate nomenclature, refers to a Cardinal.
How false!

When making an assertion, it's wise to check your facts before posting. This is especially true when you are attempting to correct another poster.


English-speaking countries

"The Catholic Directory" (London, 1906) gives the following brief directions for forms of address, which, with the slight exceptions noted, may be safely taken as representing the best custom of the United States, the British Isles, Canada, Australia, and the British colonies in general:
"CARDINALS. His Eminence Cardinal . . . If he is also an Archbishop: His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop of . . . ; or His Eminence Cardinal . . ., Archbishop of . . . ; [to begin a letter] My Lord Cardinal, or My Lord; Your Eminence.



Arrivederci ACL and, in spite of our disagreements, I would like to give you a parting bit of advice. Remember to always keep in mind one thing. If it wasn't for the Yanks, you would be posting on the German side of gloria.tv.

👏 👍 😌
We do seem not to be understanding each other here. Therefore, of your charity, I bow out of this pointless discussion. Not well: "His Excellency", in traditional prelate nomenclature, refers to a Cardinal. The correct address for an Archbishop is "Your Grace" or in the passive "His Grace; for a Bishop it is "My Lord" or in the passive "His Lordship". Take care dear friends. 🙂 🤗