
"All Peoples Practiced Slavery, But Only the Whites Abolished It"

The colonist nations have forced the local peoples to renounce slavery, the French historian Bernard Lugan, 74, writes in his new book “Esclavage l’istoire à l’endroit” [Slavery. The History the Right Way Around].

Nevertheless, now, only slave trade practiced by white people is criminalised, while the Arab slave trade which only ended with colonisation, is hushed up.

Berber women and girls were rounded up in what the Arab conquerors called the "Berber harvest". Tunis born Islamic scholar Ibn Khaldun (+1406) spoke of the "beautiful Berber slaves, with their honey-coloured fleece."

Millions of European were kidnapped until the 1800s at sea and along the Mediterranean shores. It was said that "it is raining Christian slaves on Algiers."

Black slave trade depended on African partners who handed over their captives. One part of Africa became rich by selling the other part.

Therefore, bishops stated at an October 2003 meeting in Gorée, Senegal, “Our fathers took part in the ignominy of the black slave trade and slavery. They were sellers in the ignoble Atlantic and trans-Saharan slave trade."

Shocking data. (from wiki) "..the number of slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world are 11.5 million and 14 million" Jew bashers don't hate slavery. They hate Jews.
"Significant merchants" of 0.24% of the trade in colonial Brazil. that amounted for less than half of the transatlantic total that didn't include the Muslim Middle East where slavery kept going right into the late 1960s.. @Be Ye Debunked
"The percentage of Talmud Jews who owned people..." ---isn't given! :D
Too bad owning a product is different from a merchant who sells it. You're definitely …More
"Significant merchants" of 0.24% of the trade in colonial Brazil. that amounted for less than half of the transatlantic total that didn't include the Muslim Middle East where slavery kept going right into the late 1960s.. @Be Ye Debunked

"The percentage of Talmud Jews who owned people..." ---isn't given! :D

Too bad owning a product is different from a merchant who sells it. You're definitely winning the E. Michael Jones Prize this year.
Be Ye Separate
"Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade.
The percentage of Talmud Jews who owned people, in the Americas was also very high, compared to other peoples."
You don't see Americas? @Ultraviolet Fem
As I quoted below, Talmud Jews dominated the buying and selling of human beings in Brazil: "The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews"
I'll be adding many …More
"Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade.
The percentage of Talmud Jews who owned people, in the Americas was also very high, compared to other peoples."
You don't see Americas? @Ultraviolet Fem
As I quoted below, Talmud Jews dominated the buying and selling of human beings in Brazil: "The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews"
I'll be adding many more stats, for the other areas of the Americas.
Do you know what gives me a warm fuzzy feeling @Be Ye Stupid?
Every time you get into the ring with @Ultraviolet he wipes the floor with you. You are way out of your weight division and being the moron that you are, you keep coming back for more.
How does it feel having your bullshit posts being put through the shredder and you coming out qualifying for the honorary position of GTV's very own …More
Do you know what gives me a warm fuzzy feeling @Be Ye Stupid?

Every time you get into the ring with @Ultraviolet he wipes the floor with you. You are way out of your weight division and being the moron that you are, you keep coming back for more.

How does it feel having your bullshit posts being put through the shredder and you coming out qualifying for the honorary position of GTV's very own Idiot in Residence?

Keep 'em coming... who knows? One day you may even become Idiot Emeritus.
Be Ye Separate
@Andrew3186 says: "Keep 'em coming Einstein. Show all of GTV just how big of a dick*ead you are." @Andrew3186 This is a comment of yours to another Catholic.
You definitely belong with VioletFem. Perverse theology!
So you're complaining because @Andrew3186 insulted you while going out of your way to insult me. @Be Ye Separate. Andrew nailed it. "Keep 'em coming Einstein". :D Awesome faux-piety, too. "This is a comment of yours to another Catholic."
You tend to remember Catholicism only when you're virtue-signalling The rest of the time, you're just as filthy-mouthed as he is. pic related.
...and …More
So you're complaining because @Andrew3186 insulted you while going out of your way to insult me. @Be Ye Separate. Andrew nailed it. "Keep 'em coming Einstein". :D Awesome faux-piety, too. "This is a comment of yours to another Catholic."

You tend to remember Catholicism only when you're virtue-signalling The rest of the time, you're just as filthy-mouthed as he is. pic related.

...and technically @Andrew3186 isn't insulting "another Catholic". You're not a Catholic. ;-) You're a schismatic under Can. 751 and Can. 1364.1 automatically excommunicates your kind.
There's some irony in a paedo calling anyone "fem". Notably a paedo disproven by his own source. Jews were involved in 0.24% of the total slavery, and mainlyin colonial Brazil. This is how you anti-Semites define "significant": Zero percent. You need a decimal point before you can even start recording the impact of Jews in the African slave trade in only one part of the world.
First some …More
There's some irony in a paedo calling anyone "fem". Notably a paedo disproven by his own source. Jews were involved in 0.24% of the total slavery, and mainlyin colonial Brazil. This is how you anti-Semites define "significant": Zero percent. You need a decimal point before you can even start recording the impact of Jews in the African slave trade in only one part of the world.

First some background:

"Be Ye Bigot" (direct quote)
"Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade."
(referring to the entirety of the African slave trade)

"UV" (citing a source)
--"The numbers just aren’t there to support the view," ..."Jews were involved, but to an insignificant degree. "
(referring to the entirety of the African slave trade)

"Be Ye Bigot" (citing a source)
According to Arnold Wiznitzer's "Jews in Colonial Brazil" ..."The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews."
(referring ONLY to Colonial Brazil)

...and Colonial Brazil is not the entirey of the African slave trade. MOST of it went elsewhere. Deliberately dishonesty on your part.

Now let's talk numbers, and I'm using just YOUR source. I also linked it up top since you were too busy playing with yourself to bother. Yeah, that's another "uh oh correction".

--"According to one well-regarded census, 9.6 million Africans arrived alive in the so-called "New World" from the 16th century through the 19th century."--

That isn't the entirety of the African slave trade. Millions more were bought by Muslim slavers. The Muslim slave trade in Africans didn't stop until around 1969. This is just the transatlantic slave trade. Also wiki places the number higher.
--"Between 1650 and 1900, 10.2 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas"-

Britannica supports the higher figure, as well

But let's stick with your source just for consistency.

Your source states: "Nearly 4 million went to Brazil, the largest single devourer of African labor."

So now we're down to less than half the total number of transatlantic African slaves. That number includes ALL slaves, including the ones Jews didn't have anything to do with.

Your source narrows that number down further: "More than 23,000 Africans were shipped to Brazil between 1636 to 1645, Wiznitzer says,"

So from 9.6 million total transatlantic African slaves you're down to 23,000 with documented Jewish involvement. That's quoting YOUR source and YOUR author.

So (your words) "Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade." A whoppingly signficiant 0.24% in Brazil which was itself less than half the transatlantic total.

We're not done.

Your source states: "As Arnold Wiznitzer has pointed out, Jews in Amsterdam owned as much as 10 percent of the stock in the Dutch West India Company, the great slave-shipping enterprise that helped launch the Netherlands to international commercial prominence during the 1600s"

Wow 10% was owned by da joooz! It's a pity we can't get you to play Russian Roulette with a "signficant" ten percent chance of surviving. :D

So 90% was owned by non-Jews. For some perspective, Russian Roulette with five out of six is only 83% .

Your source also states: "The Catholic French, however, ordered the expulsion of all Jews from these islands in 1685, thus virtually ending their role in the trade. "

Slavery did not end in Martinique until 1848. Slavery was going for another 203 years after the Jews had been expelled

Slavery did not end in Guadeloupe until 1794. Slavery was going for another 109 years after the Jews had been expelled

...and what was the time frame Mr Wiznitzer covered? 1636 to 1645. 9 years

TL;DR Your own chosen source discredits your claim of "significant" involvement. Anti-Semitism might be a hobby for you, but we both know where your true appetites lie. ;-)
Be Ye Separate
@Ultraviolet Fem
"...according to Arnold Wiznitzer's "Jews in Colonial Brazil." The shipping of Africans to Brazil was monopolized by the Dutch West India Company, which sold them "at public auctions against cash payment," Wiznitzer writes. "The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews." These brokers then sold slaves to plantation owners on credit. More than 23,000 Africans were …More
@Ultraviolet Fem
"...according to Arnold Wiznitzer's "Jews in Colonial Brazil." The shipping of Africans to Brazil was monopolized by the Dutch West India Company, which sold them "at public auctions against cash payment," Wiznitzer writes. "The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews." These brokers then sold slaves to plantation owners on credit. More than 23,000 Africans were shipped to Brazil between 1636 to 1645, Wiznitzer says, a period when perhaps half of the 3,000 white civilians living there were Jews."
(Washington Post)


By David Mills
October 17, 1993
"Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade." @Be Ye Michael Jones Debunked ages ago. www.tabletmag.com/…/slave-trade-bla…
--"The numbers just aren’t there to support the view,” ...“Jews were involved, but to an insignificant degree. “Overwhelmingly,” Faber said, “Jewish merchants and shippers were not involved at all; they represent a minuscule portion of owners of …More
"Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade." @Be Ye Michael Jones Debunked ages ago. www.tabletmag.com/…/slave-trade-bla…

--"The numbers just aren’t there to support the view,” ...“Jews were involved, but to an insignificant degree. “Overwhelmingly,” Faber said, “Jewish merchants and shippers were not involved at all; they represent a minuscule portion of owners of ships.” While Jews did own slaves, he found, “their ownership was directly proportionate to their numbers.”--
Be Ye Separate
Talmud Jews were significant merchants, in the African slave trade.
The percentage of Talmud Jews who owned people, in the Americas was also very high, compared to other peoples.
Jewish owned publications such as the NY Times, omit these facts, especially when they are promoting financial reparations for Americans of African heritage.🙉📰
Jesus Is Truth, He Is Freedom
"Peoples" @Roberto 55 Definition Number Five.. Not you personally. :-)
Roberto 55
Not all. I never had a slave!