The Vision of the Saint Don Bosco about persecution of the Church in the end time

On the 30th of May, 1862, according to the evening prayer, Don Bosco, in front of his co-workers and boys gathered in the chapel of the Turin oratorio, spoke of a vision which had been given him a short time before:

Imagine, we are on the coast of the sea or better still on a lonely cliff, and see no land but the ground beneath our feet. On the wide sea we see an innumerable multitude of ships that have arranged for a sea battle. They have iron bowls and are equipped with guns, guns, other weapons of all kinds, with burners, and also with books. They approach a ship that is much bigger than theirs and try to damage it with their pointed beaks, light it, and inflict every possible harm to it. The large ship is accompanied by many small boats, which receive orders from him and defend the majestic ship against the enemy fleet. They have strong winds and the turbulent sea seems to favor the attackers.

In the middle of the wide sea are two powerful columns at a small distance from each other.
The one is crowned by a statue of Immaculata, at the foot of which is inscribed the inscription: << Auxilium christianorum >> (Help of the Christians), on the second, much higher and more powerful column, we see on a shield the words <Salus credentium >> salvation of the faithful).

The pope, as commander of the ship, recognizes the fury of the enemy, and thus the danger in which his faithful are situated. He therefore calls the steers of the escort boats for advice on his ship. As the storm gets stronger, they have to return to their boats. After calming the sea, the pope calls the commanders a second time. Suddenly the storm breaks again.

The pope is at the helm and tries with all his might to steer his ship between the two pillars, with many anchors and large hooks attached. the enemy ships are now starting the attack and wanting to sink the papal ship. Some of them are struggling with books, fonts, and brand names, and they try to throw them aboard the papal ship, others with cannons, guns, and snips. Despite the passionate struggle of the enemy ships and the use of all weapons, the attack failed. In vain do they make new experiments. The papal ship plods freely and safely to the sea. Sometimes it happens that it is shattered by terrible jolts and heavily beaten on its planks, but hardly hit, a gentle breeze, which emanates from the two pillars, immediately closes every leak.

On the ships of the attackers, the cannon-tubes burst, the ships' snatches are broken, many ships burst apart and sink into the sea. Suddenly, however, the pope is hit by a hostile bullet. His assistants support him and set him up again. A little later, an enemy bullet hits him again, and he sinks to the ground.

In the enemy's fleet there is a cry of joy and victory. The commanders assembled on the papal ship, however, elect a new pope in such haste, that the news of the death of the steward was at the same time the news of the successor's choice among the enemies. Now they suddenly lose all their courage; but the papal vessel overcomes all the obstacles, and safely sailed between the two pillars, where it is anchored. The enemies escape, ram themselves together, and perish.

Many other ships, which had withdrawn for fear of the battle, are in the distance, waiting in a wise, observing position, until the ruins of all submarine ships disappear in the waves of the sea. Then they take courage and also take course on those two pillars and fix there. There is now a great calm on the sea.

As far as its execution. Don Bosco now asks Don Michael Rua, his later successor as Generaloberer of the Salesians:

What do you make of it? Don Rua answered, "It seems to me that the Pope's ship is the church whose head he is. The other ships are the people, the sea is the world. Those who defend the great ship are the faithful followers of the pope, the others his enemies, who by all means seek to destroy the church. The two pillars, we think, are the worship of Mary and the Holy Eucharist.

Don Bosco said, "You have replied well. Only one expression must be correct. The enemy ships mean the persecution. Extremely difficult times prevail to the church. What has happened so far is almost nothing compared to what is to come. The enemies of the church are symbolized by the ships who wanted to sink the main ship. Only two means remain to save themselves in this stormy time: the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the frequent reception of the Holy Communion. Let us do our best to use these two means ourselves, but also to achieve them everywhere and by all.
Theresia Katharina
Theresia Katharina "The condition that the Gospel is preached everywhere is fulfilled!" is a matter of opinion. As for the Great Monarch (King - in English the terms are equivalent) yes it is 'prophecy' but then so is the Book of Revelations in so far as it speaks of the future. My point is that we are safest when we read Scripture through the Tradition of the Church and there is a consistent …More
Theresia Katharina "The condition that the Gospel is preached everywhere is fulfilled!" is a matter of opinion. As for the Great Monarch (King - in English the terms are equivalent) yes it is 'prophecy' but then so is the Book of Revelations in so far as it speaks of the future. My point is that we are safest when we read Scripture through the Tradition of the Church and there is a consistent message in that tradition. Again I recommend Birch's book wherein he presents his research.
Theresia Katharina
@BrTomFordeOFMCap Do you mean the "Great Monarch" with the "Great King"? There is a prophecy, that he will come after the 3 dark days of cleaning and he will lead back the hole christianity to the kingdom of Jesus Christ! After the 3 days the followers of Satan are no more alive! The condition that the Gospel is preached everywhere is fulfilled!
Theresia Katharina Your English is fine. There is a long tradition of Catholic interpretation of the Book of Revelation. We are safest when we stick close to that tradition. There have been bad Popes before. One of the conditions for the coming of Antichrist is that the Gospel should be preached everywhere yet there are many parts of the world where the Gospel has yet to be heard. Another thing to …More
Theresia Katharina Your English is fine. There is a long tradition of Catholic interpretation of the Book of Revelation. We are safest when we stick close to that tradition. There have been bad Popes before. One of the conditions for the coming of Antichrist is that the Gospel should be preached everywhere yet there are many parts of the world where the Gospel has yet to be heard. Another thing to remember is that Catholic prophecy has long held that the Antichrist will come after the reign of the Great King i.e. a French king who will help convert the world to the Catholic Faith. I don't know if Birch's book is in German but if your English is good enough I recommend it.
Theresia Katharina
@BrTomFordeOFMCap I don't think so. I mean, that we have entered into this last times and I presume that Pope F is the False Prophet of the Bible! But there will become later an new springtime also for the church under the kingdom of Our God Jesus Christ! Why do you think that the conditions are not fulfilled? Excuse, my English is not perfect, because I am German!
Theresia Katharina I would suggest that you read Birch's Trial, Tribulation and Triumph in which the author presents his research into what approved Catholic saints and mystics have said about the end times. Too much of our thinking today is influenced by protestantism. According to Birch we have not yet fulfilled all the conditions required for us to be in those times. I am reminded of St John …More
Theresia Katharina I would suggest that you read Birch's Trial, Tribulation and Triumph in which the author presents his research into what approved Catholic saints and mystics have said about the end times. Too much of our thinking today is influenced by protestantism. According to Birch we have not yet fulfilled all the conditions required for us to be in those times. I am reminded of St John Paul's belief that the Church is entering into a 'new springtime'. If things are bad in the Church and the world at the moment it is because we are still in a severe Winter.
Theresia Katharina
The False Prophet of the Bible, therefore, looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon, spreads Satan's opinion, and so is the wolf in the sheep's fleece
Theresia Katharina
@BrTomFordeOFMCap @aderito @sunalos
The end time is when the False Prophet and the Antichrist appear, the False Prophet being the pioneer of the Antichrist.
Revelation Chapter 13, verses 11-15:
11 And I saw another beast rising out of the earth: and it had two horns like a lamb, and it spake as a dragon. 12 And all the power of the first beast (of the Antichrist) prevails before him, and the …More
@BrTomFordeOFMCap @aderito @sunalos

The end time is when the False Prophet and the Antichrist appear, the False Prophet being the pioneer of the Antichrist.
Revelation Chapter 13, verses 11-15:

11 And I saw another beast rising out of the earth: and it had two horns like a lamb, and it spake as a dragon. 12 And all the power of the first beast (of the Antichrist) prevails before him, and the earth, and those that dwell upon it, will worship the first beast whose wound was healed. 13 And it is a great sign that it will bring down fire from heaven to the earth before men.
could also be a future Pope
The Pope is this vision could refer to more than one holder of that office. After all hasn't the Church been undergoing this assault for a long time now? The first time the Pope is shot and is helped back up could refer to St John Paul's wounding. If the Pope being shot a second time is a different many, as I think, then there is yet to be a successful assassination or murder of a Pope followed …More
The Pope is this vision could refer to more than one holder of that office. After all hasn't the Church been undergoing this assault for a long time now? The first time the Pope is shot and is helped back up could refer to St John Paul's wounding. If the Pope being shot a second time is a different many, as I think, then there is yet to be a successful assassination or murder of a Pope followed immediately by a successor who will succeed in anchoring the Church to the Worship of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and the devotion to our Lady, Help of Christians. Seeing the defeat of the Church's enemies all the other Christians will become Catholics and a time of peace will be given to the Church and the world. That's my take on it.
Theresia Katharina
The one column is crowned by a statue of Immaculata, at the foot of which is inscribed the inscription: Auxilium christianorum = (Help of the Christians), on the second, much higher and more powerful column, we see the words Salus credentium (Salvation of the faithful). We must be chained to these two pillars, then we will surrender all persecution!