
Vatican Starts “Witch-Hunt” To Trace The Author Of “Dictator Pope”

The Vatican has “sparked a frantic witch-hunt” to find the author of the book “Dictator Pope”, writes Australian Journalist Tess Livingston. The book is written in a factual style and is an Amazon …More
The Vatican has “sparked a frantic witch-hunt” to find the author of the book “Dictator Pope”, writes Australian Journalist Tess Livingston.
The book is written in a factual style and is an Amazon bestseller. Francis is portrayed as the ecclesiastical replication of Argentinian dictator Juan Perón (+1974).
One priest who worked with Archbishop Bergoglio, is quoted saying: “The guy manipulates you with the affections.”
The Vatican secret service is clearly inept.
According to a comment on Lifesite News. "Marcantonio VIII (n.1948), XIX prince and duke of Paliano" it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonna_(famiglia) "An ancient Roman Family with close ties to the Vatican. Pope Martin came from their family. Their Palaces contain artwork to rival the Sistine Chapel." www.pointdevue.fr/art-de-vivre/univers-au-pala…More
The Vatican secret service is clearly inept.

According to a comment on Lifesite News. "Marcantonio VIII (n.1948), XIX prince and duke of Paliano" it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonna_(famiglia) "An ancient Roman Family with close ties to the Vatican. Pope Martin came from their family. Their Palaces contain artwork to rival the Sistine Chapel." www.pointdevue.fr/art-de-vivre/univers-au-pala…
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Just like the Nazis, the Vatican will not tolerate anything but the party line.
And what when / if they find him?