
More Heresies: Francis Claims That Christ Rose “in the likeness of a Spirit”

Eugenio Scalfari reported a heresy Francis told him during their first meeting four years ago (La Repubblica, November 5, full article).

Francis said about Christ after his death: “He was a man until he was placed in the sepulchre by the women who took care of his corpse,

"That night, in the tomb, the man disappeared, and he came out from this cave in the likeness of a spirit who met the women and the Apostles, still keeping the shadow of the person and then disappeared permanently.”

However, the Gospels state explicitly that Christ was not like a spirit. Luke 24 says that the risen Christ asked the apostles to touch his hands and feet, “for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

In John 21, Christ asks for fish, and at several other occasions he eats with the apostles.


Call me Jorge really needs to silence this clown!
Once, twice, and now three times Scalfari has reported horrific heresy coming out of the mouth of Bergolio. And ! no direct word of correction from Bergolio? Just a mealy mouth "well, not exactly " from the Vatican Press Office. Nothing !!!! clearly and directly from Bergolio !!!! forget the 'hearsay' excuse which tries soo very, very painfully hard to avoid the obvious........
On the contrary, m'dear. it isn't an "excuse" it's a legally-grounded objection, which is something very different. Hearsay evidence is generally inadmissable in court. Saying something nasty about someone else doesn't prove it true. Also, the Vatican has no legal obligation to disprove every crazy accusation made by whatever random journalist feels like doing so..
If you think back to colonial …More
On the contrary, m'dear. it isn't an "excuse" it's a legally-grounded objection, which is something very different. Hearsay evidence is generally inadmissable in court. Saying something nasty about someone else doesn't prove it true. Also, the Vatican has no legal obligation to disprove every crazy accusation made by whatever random journalist feels like doing so..

If you think back to colonial American history, this is exactly the sort of "evidence" that was presented at the Salem witch trials.

"I saw Goodman Bergoglio flying on a broom. No, really I did! Totally saw it! And I know Goodman Bergoglio once owned a yellow duck as a satanic familiar.Oh, and I also once heard Goodman Bergoglio conjuring daemons." ---all three accusations from the same guy who just happens to make his living selling these stories to newspapers.

Is everything the media "reports" about Donald Trump automatically true just because they say so?
In all fairness to Francis, this is total hearsay with zero substantiating proof.
Prayer, sacrifice, reparation. Our Lady of Good Success pray for us. Scalfari is a tool as is Francis. PF must be on some kind of time line. His statements against Catholic Dogma seem to be coming faster and more furiously.
Croí Láidir
Yes, Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us! Amen. 🙏
There goes Jorge of the Pachamamas again. Repent before you burn for eternity.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Scalfari is another tool of PF to add doctrinal confusion to the mix of heresy and corruption. Everything is going as planned.