
Vatican Newspaper Features Pachamama Bowl

The Spanish edition of L’Osservatore Romano (November 1) featured on its cover the famous bowl of earth used during the Amazon Synod's closing Mass.

Observers noticed at the time that the bowl was a Pachamama symbol. The Spanish L'Osservatore Romano displayed only two pictures of the Mass, both about the bowl.

Originally, Francis had announced to probably display effigies of the idols during the Mass, but he likely refrained from doing so because Pachamama had already distracted all attention away from the Synod. So he used the bowl as a subterfuge.

It was highly visible during the Mass at the entrance procession (picture below) and on the altar).


Blasphemous grotesque pagan farce. Francis is going down in history as the worst Pope ever.
Antipope Francis the Apostate. The worst antipope in history.
Jorge of the Pachamamas is hell-bent on sending every one to hell.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Why the bowl? According to Pachamama tradition, if a statue is not available, she is present in a bowl of dirt.
"If it is difficult for you to move to a natural space to offer to Mother Earth, do not worry, you can perform your own ritual at home:- Use a bottle or flower pot full of dirt, there you proceed to make a hole, it is recommended to do it with your hands to connect with the energy of …More
Why the bowl? According to Pachamama tradition, if a statue is not available, she is present in a bowl of dirt.

"If it is difficult for you to move to a natural space to offer to Mother Earth, do not worry, you can perform your own ritual at home:- Use a bottle or flower pot full of dirt, there you proceed to make a hole, it is recommended to do it with your hands to connect with the energy of the ritual. - A kind of well is made, and food and drinks are poured for the enjoyment of the Pachamama. The food option is extensive, one can place anything from fruits to Creole foods and seeds. In the case of drinks, chicha, natural juices, honey, wine, even coca leaves are suggested. Then we proceed to cover it with dirt and flowers. Every year more people join in and they learn to leave our daily work and reflect and realize who we are, where we are and have this gesture of recognition and thanks to Mother Earth, which we say is humanity, the earth, the air, the animals, the water, the fire, which is everything that makes our life."