
Sydney Archbishop: Ex-Synod Proposes Ideas Radically At Odds With Gospel

The Ex-Synod should not blame it all on the Holy Spirit, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher, 62, told Ewtn.com in Rome. Proposals that are “radically at odds” with the Gospel and “a revolution” are not …More
The Ex-Synod should not blame it all on the Holy Spirit, Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher, 62, told Ewtn.com in Rome.
Proposals that are “radically at odds” with the Gospel and “a revolution” are not of the Holy Spirit, because “we cannot have Christ and the Holy Spirit at war with each other.” The Holy Spirit is "consistent with what Christ has revealed to us in the Apostolic Tradition."
For Fisher, it is superstition to pin everything on the Holy Spirit, “We’ve also had some terrible popes in history. We’ve had some awful priests and bishops and awful things happen in people’s lives.”
On issues such as the invalid ordination of women, Fisher added, “There’s a lot of tension and emotion around.”
Charles Mangerian shares this
Vrouwen behoren te worden geaccepteerd in de Rooms Katholieke kerk, zoals de Heilig Maagd Maria wordt geaccepteerd door de Rooms Katholieke kerk. De wijding van vrouwen tot priesters staat haaks op het evangelie en haaks op het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof. In het evangelie zijn veel belangrijkere taken voor vrouwen opgenomen, zoals het managen van een gezin, dan de roeping tot het priesterschap …More
Vrouwen behoren te worden geaccepteerd in de Rooms Katholieke kerk, zoals de Heilig Maagd Maria wordt geaccepteerd door de Rooms Katholieke kerk. De wijding van vrouwen tot priesters staat haaks op het evangelie en haaks op het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof. In het evangelie zijn veel belangrijkere taken voor vrouwen opgenomen, zoals het managen van een gezin, dan de roeping tot het priesterschap. Vrouwen hebben geen roeping om priester te worden, maar hun behoefte komt voort uit de emancipatie behoefte van vrouwen. Maar de emancipatie behoefte van vrouwen staat haaks op het evangelie en het al tienduizenden jaren oude Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof.
Samengevat, vrouwen die willen emanciperen en gewijd willen worden tot priester kunnen niet het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden.
Krystian N.
If something is at odds with gospel it must come from hell.
But "hell" and "devil" are not the most trendy words nowadays.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Slowly but surely, more are stepping up against Pope Francis. I which this trickly would turn into a tsunami of opposition to Pope Francis and his homo squad.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has managed to deceive thousands of 'Catholics' disguised as the Pope, should be nominated as best actor of the century. With impunity he mocks God and tramples on his Holy and Immutable Law in front of everyone and MANY still consider him Pope and support him in his dirty tricks. In other words, they support him in his rebellion against God and against the …More
The apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has managed to deceive thousands of 'Catholics' disguised as the Pope, should be nominated as best actor of the century. With impunity he mocks God and tramples on his Holy and Immutable Law in front of everyone and MANY still consider him Pope and support him in his dirty tricks. In other words, they support him in his rebellion against God and against the Church. Many priests and bad Catholics, with his silence, have become Bergoglio's accomplices. They have abandoned Christ and have been UNFAITHFUL to Him. THEY HAVE BETRAYED GOD AND THE CHURCH. THEY HAVE BECOME APOSTATES LIKE THE APOSTATE ANGELS WHO SUPPORTED LUCIFER IN HIS REBELLION AGAINST GOD.
Dr Bobus
Re certain radical notions at the Synod: Perhaps it is better to refer to the Putative Spirit--or perhaps more accurately, the
Fr. Ormond Rush: "This Synod is a dialogue with God. That has been the privilege and challenge of your 'conversations in the Spirit.' God is waiting for your reply."
Dr Bobus
With a slight adjustment:
"This Synod is a dialogue with God. That has been the privilege and challenge of your 'conversations in the Zeitgeist.' God is waiting for your reply."More
With a slight adjustment:

"This Synod is a dialogue with God. That has been the privilege and challenge of your 'conversations in the Zeitgeist.' God is waiting for your reply."
Tony Smith
He can add so is the entire post conciliar religion.