
Müller, „Benedict Was Lured Into A Trap”

Benedict XVI was lured into a trap and deliberately misinterpreted, Cardinal Gerhard Müller writes on Corriere.it. There is "not the slightest doubt" that Benedict XVI remembers well that he "knew …More
Benedict XVI was lured into a trap and deliberately misinterpreted, Cardinal Gerhard Müller writes on Corriere.it.
There is "not the slightest doubt" that Benedict XVI remembers well that he "knew nothing" about the Essen priest's paedosexual past and that he is telling the truth "objectively and subjectively".
Müller calls media activists who call Ratzinger a "liar" "conscienceless agitators and anti-Catholic hate preachers." He states that the Munich report is a commissioned work to promote "a de-Catholicised German national church". Dirty water are directed from the Munich law firm to the "synodal" mills of the German bishops.
At about the same time as Müller's statement was made, Benedict XVI described his statements to KNA.de as "objectively false". But his correction only concerns the fact which is not relevant to the accusation, that he was present at a Munich ordinariate meeting about the priest in 1980.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYsrqgtnesi
Nah, Angelo... Blabby Benedict just got caught contradicting himself.
Angelo Santelli
Pope Francis, overturned Pope Benedict XVI, 2007 Summorum Pontificum, with his own,Traditionis Custodes.
Was Pope Benedict XVI ,going to speak out against ,Traditionis Custodes.
Was someone trying to shut Pope Benedict XVI, dow
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Mueller would make a perhaps decent Pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis is guilty of 1,000x more of this covering up for pedophile priests and homos, yet nothing is ever said about him. Probably 2/3 of his Roman Curia is made up of homo priests,monsignorii, bishops and even cardinals. He covered up pedohile priests in Buenos Aires, and nothing is said. People there know of his misdeeds. If only a huge number would speak up, it would discredit Bergoglios …More
Pope Francis is guilty of 1,000x more of this covering up for pedophile priests and homos, yet nothing is ever said about him. Probably 2/3 of his Roman Curia is made up of homo priests,monsignorii, bishops and even cardinals. He covered up pedohile priests in Buenos Aires, and nothing is said. People there know of his misdeeds. If only a huge number would speak up, it would discredit Bergoglios whole term there, and ruin his pontificate. Francis must be of the devil. Nothing phases him, nothing hurts him. He keeps going on, wrecking the Church. I even wonder if all those reports about him being very gravely ill are true.
One more comment from Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I am sure It was done by a Bergoglio supported clique of radical liberal progressivist laypeople and priests, and even bishops to discredit Benedict XVI in advance of Francis' planned "Synodal Church".
Maria Pocs
"Only the Catholic Church possesses Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament." St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina