
Synodalism Façade: Francis Institutes More Centralism

Francis published a June 15 rescript regarding the erection of new religious communities by diocesan bishops.

The rescript takes away from the bishops the right to institute a public association of the faithful which aims at becoming a religious community.

Now, a bishop “must” obtain a written permission of the Dicastery for Religious. This means: more centralism. The measure comes immediately into force.


John A Cassani
They have to make sure that rigid restorationists aren’t allowed to congregate together, which likely would constitute a large percentage of fledgling religious communities, especially in the US.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Another reform of religious life by Francis.
More Vatican centralisation and control…
Numerous German bishops can question the perennial teachings of of the Church, yet one may not question the Council and its teachings, some of which seemed to have opened the door to that very questioning now done by German bishops.
De Profundis
This marks a change in the Code of Canon Law, Book II Ch. II (can. 312 §1). Decree and relevant canon below.
As a matter of fact, before the Council, there was much less bureaucracy and much for freedom for the local bishops.