
Liberal: Jesuit Wants To FORCE People Into Novus Ordo

Prominent pro-gay Father Thomas Reese - who presents himself as "liberal" - calls for overturning the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum which liberalised the celebration of the Original Roman Rite.

The Jesuit wrote (religionnews.com, April 13) that “it was presumed” [by some anti-Catholics] that the Mass would fade away, and be replaced by Paul VI's 1969 Novus Ordo Eucharist.

He recalls that the bishops had the authority to persecuted the Roman Liturgy in their dioceses, but Summorum Pontificum allows every priest to celebrate Mass, whether the local bishop likes it or not.

However, Reese wants to disempower the priests and to revert to the old, repressive regime, "It is time to return to bishops the authority over the Tridentine liturgy in their dioceses.”

Reese wishes that - what he calls - the "unreformed liturgy" will disappear, and to “allow” it only out of "pastoral kindness to older people who do not understand the need for change" although "older people who do not understand the need for change" are found in Reese's Novus Ordo group. Reese himself is 75 years old.

He suggests that “children and young people should not be allowed to attend Mass.” This method is presently used in China. Evidently, Reese has no trust in the Novus Ordo liturgy since he believes that people need to be forced into it.

Picture: © Lawrence OP, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsGlyuqzwddk

Dr Bobus
Father Reese is like a manufacturer selling an inferior product and trying to stop the manufacturer of a superior product that people want to buy
The claim is that the novus ordo was created for pastoral reasons. In fact, it has been a pastoral flop.
It's the same ole same ole: Liberals want to make changes because they claim the people want them. When the evidence is that the people don't want …More
Father Reese is like a manufacturer selling an inferior product and trying to stop the manufacturer of a superior product that people want to buy

The claim is that the novus ordo was created for pastoral reasons. In fact, it has been a pastoral flop.

It's the same ole same ole: Liberals want to make changes because they claim the people want them. When the evidence is that the people don't want them, liberals want to become dictators.
@la verdad prevalece
"The imitation of the family by the sodomites is not only a threat against the Catholic Family "
The imitation is never a threat to the real thing. Therefore, the gay buggerage cannot be a threat to the Catholic family unless the latter is not Catholic at all.
la verdad prevalece
Saint Catherine of Siena calls the Sin of Sodomy Leprosy so the Sin of Sodom -and Gomorrah- corrupted 5 neighboring cities that had to be destroyed by God.
P. O'B
Force people into the Novus Ordo? Paul VI, considered a saint (?), gave us ten years of that. Almost every bishop in the world followed suit. Fifty years of this. Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre.
Saint New Paul the Apostle of New Evangelization.
You know who else forbids children from going to Mass? The CCP and other Communist regimes
Freemasons in Portugal and Spain?
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Apostate priest Thomas Reese, who has said, “I personally think the Church’s battle against the legalization of gay marriage is misplaced. The idea that gay marriage is somehow a threat to family life or heterosexual marriage doesn’t make sense.”
la verdad prevalece
Heresiarch Thomas Reese: 'Mass is not about adoring Jesus' "The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Anti-Christ, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel,' And strength was given …More
Heresiarch Thomas Reese: 'Mass is not about adoring Jesus' "The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Anti-Christ, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel,' And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice' (Daniel 8:12)." St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church. (1696-1787)
"The idea that gay marriage is somehow a threat to family life or heterosexual marriage doesn’t make sense"
I agree. That idea (of so-called gm) is too ridiculous to pose a threat to the Catholic family life.
la verdad prevalece
@V.R.S. The imitation of the family by the sodomites is not only a threat against the Catholic Family but also against children who are adopted or manufactured in laboratories as if they were animals, whose human dignity is violated and their rights to have a true family with a father and mother are violated. And those children are treated as if they were private property like slaves at the service …More
@V.R.S. The imitation of the family by the sodomites is not only a threat against the Catholic Family but also against children who are adopted or manufactured in laboratories as if they were animals, whose human dignity is violated and their rights to have a true family with a father and mother are violated. And those children are treated as if they were private property like slaves at the service of the gay lobby. Sodomites use them to satisfy their own selfish desire, since they themselves in rebellion against their own nature have closed off the natural source of life. But also a pseudo gay marriage is a rebellion against the Natural Law of God that He ordained when He created man and woman so that the two of them would unite in marriage and procreate. But I do not need to explain more since EVERY good Catholic knows that this is such an abominable sin before God that it cries revenge to Heaven.
Fr Dan
If the TLM is removed, I see large numbers of faithful opting out completely, it would be a sad day for the Church.
The TRR cannot be removed. Another attempt to remove it de facto will end with the total collapse of the Glorious VII Revolution.
Dr Bobus
Fr Reese was for me the canary in the coal mine. I knew that Jesuit vocations had collapsed. But the first time I saw him on TV, I realized that most who actually had entered were flatliners.
We shouldn't put the equality sign between useful canaries and useful idiots.
Dr Bobus
No, it's useless idiots
The Jesuits want all people to be protestant like they are
Unfortunately for him, the Tridentine liturgy is a big money-maker. Bishops like seeing all those zeros in their account ledgers every fiscal quarter.
Reese even argues contra fide that deacons or laypeople could be ministers of the Sacraments of Penance or Anointing of the Sick
Let just say it.
Anyone that has this kind of contempt for the Liturgy of our Catholic Forefathers, is much worse than liberal. I doubt he is actually a Catholic.
Reese - former editor-in-chief of America magazine - looks unnaturally skinny. Not to say against nature...