Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of February 2015 No Longer Wanted: Yesterday Rorate Caeli blogspot published a beautiful video containing footage from the now defunct Seminary of the Franciscans of the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of February 2015

No Longer Wanted: Yesterday Rorate Caeli blogspot published a beautiful video containing footage from the now defunct Seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The footage was filmed on December 8, 2013, the very same day, when the Apostolic Commissioner of the Friars, Fr Fidenzio Volpi, closed down the Seminary. One of the friars filmed the entire day showing the way of life in the seminary not wanted anymore by those who lead the Church at the moment.

Those in Power Don’t Want It: On the day when Fr Volpi killed the Seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate he met with Pope Francis. After the closure of the Seminary the footage was kept in secret, witness of something no longer tolerable to those in power.

Specifically Ordered by Pope Francis: Rorate Caeli comments on the video: “With all the problems and scandals in the religious life in our times, which seem to be deemed praiseworthy by the highest authorities, what you see in this video is what they find so unacceptable, so horrific, so dangerous that it had to be stomped out and crushed as – quote - "specifically ordered by the Vicar of Christ," Pope Francis.”

Persecution From Within: A great number of the friars seen in this film have had to flee after the closing of the seminary, because they found themselves in a new atmosphere of doctrinal corruption and moral relaxation, of the disintegration of the religious observance they had avowed themselves to maintain. Quote: “You'd think they were fleeing 16th Century England and the Tower -- but this form of priest hunting is so much more dangerous as it comes from within.”
Fiel al Evangelio
St Bridget Prophecies about the Birth of Antichrist
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden (Audio)
“When many Christians will be lovers of heresies, and wicked men will persecute the clergy and trample spirituality and justice under foot, this should be the sign that Antichrist shall come without delay.”
“The time of Antichrist will be near when the measure of injustice will …More
St Bridget Prophecies about the Birth of Antichrist
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden (Audio)
“When many Christians will be lovers of heresies, and wicked men will persecute the clergy and trample spirituality and justice under foot, this should be the sign that Antichrist shall come without delay.”
“The time of Antichrist will be near when the measure of injustice will overflow and when wickedness has grown to immense proportions, when Christians love heresies and the unjust trample underfoot the servants of God.”
Que bueno que se hable del jubileo de la "misericordia" ya que con los frailes franciscanos esa palabra no existe¿Qué es el Jubileo de la Misericordia?
J 10,12 Ten, kdo není pastýř, kdo pracuje jen za mzdu a ovce nejsou jeho vlastní, opouští je a utíká, když vidí, že se blíží vlk. A vlk ovce trhá a rozhání.
SPRÁVY GLORIA.TV, 3. február 2015
UŽ VIAC NEŽIADÚCI: Včera blog Rorate Caeli zverejnil krásne video obsahujúce zábery z dnes už zaniknutého seminára Františkánov Nepoškvrnenej. Video bolo natočené 8. decembra 2013, v rovnaký deň, kedy …More
J 10,12 Ten, kdo není pastýř, kdo pracuje jen za mzdu a ovce nejsou jeho vlastní, opouští je a utíká, když vidí, že se blíží vlk. A vlk ovce trhá a rozhání.
SPRÁVY GLORIA.TV, 3. február 2015
UŽ VIAC NEŽIADÚCI: Včera blog Rorate Caeli zverejnil krásne video obsahujúce zábery z dnes už zaniknutého seminára Františkánov Nepoškvrnenej. Video bolo natočené 8. decembra 2013, v rovnaký deň, kedy apoštolský komisár pátrov františkánov, otec Fidenzio Volpi, seminár zavrel. Jeden z mníchov nasnímal celý deň ukazujúci spôsob života v seminári, ktorý je už nežiadúci tými, ktorí Cirkev vedú v súčasnej dobe.

TÍ, PRI MOCI, TO NECHCÚ: V deň, keď otec Volpi zrušil Seminár Františkánov Nepoškvrnenej, stretol sa s pápežom Františkom. Po uzavretí seminára video bolo držané v tajnosti, ako svedectvo niečoho, čo už nie prijateľné pre tých pri moci.
VÝSLOVNE NARIADENÉ PÁPEŽOM FRANTIŠKOM: Rorate Caeli poznamenáva k videu: "So všetkými problémami a škandálmi v náboženskom živote našich čias, ktoré sa zdajú byť považované ako za chvályhodné, najvyššími autoritami, to, čo vidíte na tomto videu je to, čo považujú za neprijateľné, tak strašné, tak nebezpečné, že to muselo byť udupané, a rozdrvené na - citát - "vyslovený príkaz Kristovho námestníka, pápeža Františka."
PRENASLEDOVANIE ZVNÚTRA: Veľký počet mníchov videných v tomto filme muselo utiecť po zatvorení seminára, pretože sa ocitli v novej atmosfére doktrinálnej korupcie a morálnej relaxácie, rozložením rádových regúl, ktoré si uznali sami zachovávať. Citát: "Človek by si myslel, že unikali Anglicku 16. storočia a veži - ale táto forma honu na kňazov je oveľa nebezpečnejšia, keď prichádza zvnútra."
Rosa de Sarom
Pope Francis can go out of Church too!
very sad, all this
Miserere nobis...
Wolves are "the wolves in sheep's skin" (Mt. 7:15). They are the modernists who are building the tyranny of modernism inside to destroy Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church by "hermeneutics of rupture"(B XVI). Through disguised vicious attacks in the form of merciful words and goodhearted smiles, they are continuously forcing the evolution of pastoral approach against doctrine in order to gradually …More
Wolves are "the wolves in sheep's skin" (Mt. 7:15). They are the modernists who are building the tyranny of modernism inside to destroy Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church by "hermeneutics of rupture"(B XVI). Through disguised vicious attacks in the form of merciful words and goodhearted smiles, they are continuously forcing the evolution of pastoral approach against doctrine in order to gradually achieve the change of doctrine which will no longer resemble the truth in Revelation. The wolves can not be satanists because they would obviously reveal themselves. Therefore they must resemble the most "merciful" prophets inside the Church. As a result, they will be for most blind folded and stubborn faithful very difficult to recognize. Names and latsnames? Start from the heretic authors of the famous scandalous Relatio. One may continue the investigation here (www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-ap…). Truth for some is very disappointing, unless the Truth is embraced. Sursum Corda!

It is written: (J 8:32)

...and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Hummm, does anyone know of any other arguments FOR and AGAINST the closure of the Seminary of the FI? This report is a tad one-sided...... 🤨
Heaven can be reached by pain of cross after cross is pentecostal eve.
If those Franciscans were open to praying in tongues and charismatic movement they would be still open
but they drop Holy Spirit in favour of rituals so Pope had to close them and it's not our part to judge.
Rituals bring death, Power of Holy Spirit brings life, read letters of Apostle Paul - Faith out of demonstration of power …More
Heaven can be reached by pain of cross after cross is pentecostal eve.

If those Franciscans were open to praying in tongues and charismatic movement they would be still open

but they drop Holy Spirit in favour of rituals so Pope had to close them and it's not our part to judge.

Rituals bring death, Power of Holy Spirit brings life, read letters of Apostle Paul - Faith out of demonstration of power of Holy Spirit not demonstration of rituals.
W Padre Stefano Manelli
the whole video is here: FFI: How they were
In the life of St Odo of Cluny, before he was abbot of Cluny, he was a monk at St Martin's in Tours. There is a story he told when he was abbot of Cluny about two of the monks from his days in Tours.
He said that many of the monks in Tours didn't like to wear their habits in public (this is the 10th century, not the 21st) and so they would dress in …More
the whole video is here: FFI: How they were

In the life of St Odo of Cluny, before he was abbot of Cluny, he was a monk at St Martin's in Tours. There is a story he told when he was abbot of Cluny about two of the monks from his days in Tours.

He said that many of the monks in Tours didn't like to wear their habits in public (this is the 10th century, not the 21st) and so they would dress in ordinary clothes when they went outside of the monastery. One day two of the monks were sent on some trip outside the monastery, one of them wore his habit and the other didn't, but instead dressed in normal clothes.

However, the one dressed in normal clothes became so sick on the journey that he was about to die. Then the two monks had a vision. The sick monk was in front of a throne, and St Benedict was sitting on the throne, and he was surrounded by an army of monks, all in the Benedictine habit.

St Benedict peered down at the sick monk lying in front of him and said, 'I don't seem to recognize this monk's habit. He must belong to a different order. I can't help him, because I don't have the right to judge the lives and deeds of monks in other orders.'

Then the healthy monk took off his habit and wrapped it around the sick monk, begging for mercy. Then Benedict healed him, the vision ended, and his health was fully restored.

I know a priest who once gave a homily about his days in seminary. He said that most of the young men in the seminary studying to join the priesthood do not finish all the way, but most of them left before ordination. He asked the director of the seminary why this happened.

The director of the seminary said he had a pet dog, and there was a rabbit that one day ran into the yard in front of the dog. The dog then chased after the rabbit. And as the dog was chasing and barking, other dogs started to follow behind. However, after a few minutes, the other dogs got tired and one by one they stopped chasing, only his dog kept running.

Why did he keep running? Because his dog saw the rabbit and the other dogs didn't.

In the same way if someone is really following Christ, no matter what obstacle is placed in their way, they will have the strength to overcome it and keep following it.

If we really know who Jesus is then we don't need to worry or be anxious about any of these things; Christ has conquered and He is not going to be defeated. People are put under persecution because it is necessary, but if they really saw Christ, then this is not going to stop them. If they never saw Him, then they will stop, go into schism or something else like that. Only those who endure to the end will be saved.

May the traditionalists in the church offer up their sufferings for the rest of the church that it may be holy. Just as the monk wrapped his habit around the sick monk that needed mercy, so we also need to give ourselves up in sacrifice to help those who have gone astray.

Thank you for the news!
Leonard Wessell
Some 50 years ago I attended a language school housed for the Summer at a Catholic College in Oregon, USA. Many of the non-Catholic students heard of the Latin Mass and decided to attend. The nuns, to become hip as they did soon a few years later, translated the Latin into English, leaving the students cold. It caused in me a most severe and destructive reaction (Pope Francis in his form of love …More
Some 50 years ago I attended a language school housed for the Summer at a Catholic College in Oregon, USA. Many of the non-Catholic students heard of the Latin Mass and decided to attend. The nuns, to become hip as they did soon a few years later, translated the Latin into English, leaving the students cold. It caused in me a most severe and destructive reaction (Pope Francis in his form of love has suggested various derogatory terms for my type of religious personality), I seemed to sense a foreboding. It was the first tiny rip in the Titanic, so to speak, and I sensed the sinking. A friend sought to cool me down saying that it means nothing, the Church will never do that (of which I had an inkling), Never! Never has become now and I seem to be losing all forever. The video on the Friars has revived that day in my aging memory and I weep, literally. In my way I, the "Prophet of Oregon" (a once humorous self-designation, now a perverse reality), I can identify with those Friars, for my life in the Church was then felt as no longer wanted and now it seems to be actually so. My "longing for deep, profound Eternity" (the words of that atheist Nietzsche, not of a pope!) and its theological and liturgical mode of expression that was once the Church is now derided, often with despicable insults by the current Pope, and offended daily utterings by "The Church of Nice" (so-called by Michael Voris); a Nova Ecclesia that is merciless to those who do not dance the tune (often literally during a Mass). I can emotionally feel solidarity with those monks, victims of what I most vaguely sensed, now fleeing its reality. But to where when just about every place one goes is singing the new papal song, mercy, mercy, Baby (make what you want out of that song title), which is really a seemingly enjoyed cruel pleasure of destruction (called psychiatrically "sadism"--at least for me. Is is time to say R.I.P., at least emotionally?

Can Gloria.tv get hold of the whole video and show it?
"Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven." (Mt 5:11-2)
Noticias de la Iglesia.
Noticias de la Iglesia.More
Noticias de la Iglesia.

Noticias de la Iglesia.
Thank you to whomever recorded this video, and preserved it from those that would Kill it.
Thank you to Rorate Caeli for your faithful representation of the faith, and crisis in our days.
Thank you Gloria.TV for your resolve, and fortitude amongst so many wolves.
May God be praised, in His faithful servants.
May God Bless the souls of the FFI
Thank you to whomever recorded this video, and preserved it from those that would Kill it.
Thank you to Rorate Caeli for your faithful representation of the faith, and crisis in our days.
Thank you Gloria.TV for your resolve, and fortitude amongst so many wolves.

May God be praised, in His faithful servants.
May God Bless the souls of the FFI
