Understanding the circumstances surrounding the Third Secret of Fátima.

The First Secret of Fatima

The first & second part of the Secret of Fatima Provided by the Vatican, actually only contains the first of three secrets. The Original text… Vatican English Translation…
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Understanding the circumstances surrounding the Third Secret of Fátima.
James Manning
It's an interesting read, and the author makes some good points, but I doubt the authenticity of the letter presented at the end (although to be fair the author makes no claim of truth regarding it).
Live Mike
@Carolan @salliperson You are both correct, we ARE living the chastisement since 1958. That is when our Lord's Church completely and utterly disobeyed Him. The Third part of the Secret was never going to be revealed and Our Lord Jesus always knew that.
@salliperson I think we probably do know the 3rd secret. We are most likely living it right now, as we appear to be in the midst of the Great Apostasy predicted by Our Blessed Mother at LaSalette and Akita, which message Pope Benedict said was essentially the same as Fatima. Pray for the Church, pray for a new, holy, rightful Pope; and may God be with you.
In charity, I do not think we will ever know the third part of the Secret of Fatima. Or even if it exists any longer. In my heart, there could be nothing more catastrophic than the takeover of the church by the homosexual mafia. She no longer renounces sin. Calls it by every other name than what it is, SIN. It continues to destroy the church worldwide and so many Catholics that are no longer Catholic …More
In charity, I do not think we will ever know the third part of the Secret of Fatima. Or even if it exists any longer. In my heart, there could be nothing more catastrophic than the takeover of the church by the homosexual mafia. She no longer renounces sin. Calls it by every other name than what it is, SIN. It continues to destroy the church worldwide and so many Catholics that are no longer Catholic is sad. God bless Russia, God bless Christians everywhere.
Jeffrey Ade