
Francis “embittered” about Vigano’s testimony

Pope Francis is “embittered” about the statement of former U.S. Nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò, reports Ansa (August 28).

The agency cites “close associates” of Francis.

According to them, Francis “is not thinking about resignation”.

This means that Francis has no intention to live up to the standards he applies to other bishops, especially if they do not belong to his wing.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsUjkztrmmvz
Oh, poor Francis.
We're in the endgame of this pontificate. No clue when it officially ends, but the final act has begun
GJA Taylor
The Holy Father will be upset that a nuncio has not remained silent (in his retirement), but in the end, please Almighty God, Pope Francis will see that repentance and Catholic action is the only way forward after his corpse of a Vatican is beginning to be exposed for what it really has become.
@St Cuthburt Mayne Ora pro nobis No, he's not decent even if he did resign. Look at all the damage he has done.