Gloria.TV News on the 29th of January 2016 Change your life: On Thursday morning, Pope Francis received the infamous womanizer Leonardo DiCaprio in private audience. The meeting lasted for 15 minutes.…More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of January 2016
Change your life: On Thursday morning, Pope Francis received the infamous womanizer Leonardo DiCaprio in private audience. The meeting lasted for 15 minutes. Since the year 2000 DiCaprio took the honor of at least eight concubines. The media supposed that Francis talked with DiCaprio about climate change. As a pope he should have talked with him about life change.
Deeply Disturbing: Pope Francis’ post-synodal apostolic exhortation devoted to the family will be published on the feast of Saint Joseph, March 19th, according to Edward Pentin. One source, which Pentin calls reliably informed, a recognized moral theologian, who has seen the draft, said he was "deeply disturbed" by the text as it “calls into question the natural moral law”.
Cheerleader for Suicide: The BBC has come under fire over a documentary showing an assisted suicide, taking place in Switzerland. The 90-minute program, due to be aired on 10 February, shows British businessman …More
Change your life: God has given us minds like the mind of God, only inferior and limited.
But this laissez-faire attitude is wrong, because God does matter for the fate of His creatures. Obeying God and the Apostles is a support for us, - no limitation or restriction of the free will and our decisions.
Uncle Joe
Not only did Lehmann praise Luther. In 1983, St. John Paul II, the Great referred to Luther as the theologian who ''contributed in a substantial way to the radical change in the ecclesiastical and secular reality in the West.'' He continued: ''Our world still experiences his (Luther's) great impact on history.''
There you have it. Although debatable, it would seem that time heals all most many someMore
Not only did Lehmann praise Luther. In 1983, St. John Paul II, the Great referred to Luther as the theologian who ''contributed in a substantial way to the radical change in the ecclesiastical and secular reality in the West.'' He continued: ''Our world still experiences his (Luther's) great impact on history.''
There you have it. Although debatable, it would seem that time heals all most many some a few wounds. 😊
No wonder did Cardinal Lehmann (an evil and know modernist who was made cardinal by John Paul II) call Luther "our common doctor in the faith". There is no doubt that Lehmann's faith is sick and needs a doctor, but Luther is for sure the wrong one 😀 .
Uncle Joe
“Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly.”
-Martin Luther 😇More
“Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly.”

-Martin Luther 😇
Pope Francis would never get close to a sexual abuser of children. But he receives DiCaprio who turned (at least) eight women into prostitutes or used them as such. I understand that these mortal sins are well received by the Empire. But the Church is not supposed to take orders from the Empire.
@Uncle Joe, you seem to be having some fun with this one. I had to familiarize myself with a correct definition of "concubines" : ) but I'd say this report of diCaprio is very fitting! What seems to prevail these days is this misunderstood mercy. Here is how this and other receptions appear to me... Pope Francis receives this notorious playboy and appears to emphasize meeting him on common "ground …More
@Uncle Joe, you seem to be having some fun with this one. I had to familiarize myself with a correct definition of "concubines" : ) but I'd say this report of diCaprio is very fitting! What seems to prevail these days is this misunderstood mercy. Here is how this and other receptions appear to me... Pope Francis receives this notorious playboy and appears to emphasize meeting him on common "ground" (pun intended), as if a basis of, "who's to judge? We're all searching," and therefore not the slightest indication of a serious belief that perhaps our actions can put our souls in peril. Someone, please, knock me flat whenever I am so presumptuous, even if in only the appearance of evil. I'm sure Francis and popes before him have received all sorts of people. Am I the only one desperately longing for a true shepherd to gather his fold rather than suggesting the high road is to consider himself one of the fold?
Uncle Joe
Why all the harsh words for Leonardo DiCaprio. Don't hate him because he's a relatively young, good-looking, filthy rich actor who likes to 'date' Victoria Secret Models. And do we know for a fact that he “took the honor of at least eight concubines.” Since when are Victoria's Secret Models concubines? And how do we know he “took the honor” from anybody? Do Victoria Secret Models, who parade in …More
Why all the harsh words for Leonardo DiCaprio. Don't hate him because he's a relatively young, good-looking, filthy rich actor who likes to 'date' Victoria Secret Models. And do we know for a fact that he “took the honor of at least eight concubines.” Since when are Victoria's Secret Models concubines? And how do we know he “took the honor” from anybody? Do Victoria Secret Models, who parade in front of hundreds of men in their underwear/negligee and 100s of thousands in the Victoria's Secret catalog, have any honor left anyway? You can't take something away if it's not there to begin with. 👌
Although I wouldn't listen to either one of these two about climate change or anything else scientific, the story is that the pope got a check (likely 10s of thousands of dollars) and Leo got a photo-op with il Papa which might help him finally win an Oscar in February. All these Sexual innuendos about “took the honor” and “concubines” is not relevant. Is it? 😁
Fiel A Cristo