The grim record of Archbishop Paglia in numerous articles on my blog.

Catholic Conclave

Under the Patronage of Our Lady, of the Passionists and of Holy Hope. News and comment on modern Catholic life throughout the world. The practice of Catholic devotions as a remedy and …
Is he going to be the first to try it ?
John A Cassani
The only way that a Catholic could ever legitimately support a law that allowed for euthanasia, abortion, or the like is if it were already legal, and the law in question was going to significantly limit the evil practice. It has been proven, time and again, that supporting legalization in hopes of limitation is a policy doomed to fail.
Sandy Barrett
'Church Militant' argues that the media have 'misread' Vincenzo Paglia's apparent endorsement of assisted suicide: Media Mob Hijacks Pope's 'Lifeboat'
Wilma Lopez
Vincenzo Paglia: "Theological thought evolves in history, in dialogue with the Magisterium and the experience of the people of God (sensus fidei fidelium), in a dynamic of mutual enrichment"
Wilma Lopez
You'will find here a full English translation of Paglia's "clarifying" remarks