Archbishop on Poor Clares: Excommunication on the Table

A televised statement by the Poor Clares of Belorado, who have joined a sedevacantist sect, has left the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, emotionally challenged ("very painful"), writes …More
A televised statement by the Poor Clares of Belorado, who have joined a sedevacantist sect, has left the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, emotionally challenged ("very painful"), writes (16 May).
The nuns have declared that Francis is "a heretic and usurper" and that there has not been a valid Pope since Pius XII.
Mgr Iceta mentioned that a change of abbess was due on 29 May. He wants to "build bridges" and sit down with the nuns "when the conditions are right", but "at the moment they are not, with all the media tsunami".
He is "particularly concerned about the older sisters who are not at their best mentally". One of the nuns, Sister Amparo, has left the community. She saw some suspicious things but didn't know what was going on in her convent. The story she can tell is very fragmentary.
For about a year, the nuns have been in contact with the sedevacantist leader Pablo de Rojas, who, according to, likes extravagant furniture, clothes and servants …More
Father Karl A Claver
Considering what the Vatican has been doing, I am not surprised that many are becoming sedevacantist.