
Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

On 28 April, in the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, known as the Sanctuary of Santa Terezinha, in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil, a priest disrespected a faithful and refused him Communion (video below).

The communicant was kneeling. Rev. Silvio José Dias tried to force the faithful to receive the Communion with his hands, but the layman refused to touch the Body of Christ [Noli me tangere" / "Do not touch me" Jn 20:17].

As a result, the disrespectful priest denied him Communion and turned around.

The Archdiocese of São Paulo told Metropoles.com (16 May) that a member of the faithful who is in a state of grace has a "right" to receive Communion.

"In situations where there is a risk of the Eucharist falling or being desecrated, such as in large crowds, it is recommended that Communion not be distributed in the hand".

The archdiocese added that in "exceptional circumstances", such as a "health emergency", a bishop may allow grabbing Communion with the hand [as if this were "more hygienic"].


Yes, I go to a Catholic parish where the reverse happened and I think it was a plant by local liberal Catholics. The man refused to kneel and received communion on the tongue, he stood there, in the center, like he was at his local church and had his hand out. The young priest just held the host above him and refused to give it to him until he kneeled and put his hands down. It was a showdown. The …More
Yes, I go to a Catholic parish where the reverse happened and I think it was a plant by local liberal Catholics. The man refused to kneel and received communion on the tongue, he stood there, in the center, like he was at his local church and had his hand out. The young priest just held the host above him and refused to give it to him until he kneeled and put his hands down. It was a showdown. The man left in anger. Bravo.
Father Karl A Claver
Standin for and receiving Holy Communion in the hand are OPTIONAL. No matter what some lunatic bishop says, liturgical law has always been on the side of devotion to the Blessed SACRAMENT.
A sign to the young man maybe the consecration never happened deep rabbit hole. Go to a traditional Catholic community who can trace their Bishop to the old rite consecration of Bishops .Remember Anglicans lost their succession why not novus odor
Tony M
So in today's Church.... public heretics like Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi are given communion....no problem.... but a devout Catholic attempting to give all due reverence to the God of the Universe who he is about to receive into his body....is refused.
This is not the Catholic Church I was born into in the early 1950's..... It just isn't!!!!!
@Tony M. Well said, nor was it in the Church I was born into in 1941.
In such circumstances, the priest should ask himself 'What would Christ do in the same situation; taking into account the Lords instruction to "Feed my Sheep"? The answer is patently obvious despite any direction to do otherwise.
God bless the (spiritual) Communicant!
The archdiocese reaffirms that Communion on the tongue must be given if requested, but makes no mention of the priest being punished for being arrogantly disobedient to the bishop and deliberately humiliating one of God's faithful.
That is the state of the Church, so hard and sad to watch...
Tony M
Tragic to watch!!!
I guess the priest believes that one should not kneel as a sign of reverence before Christ.
Ann Smith
The Priest KNOWS he's NOT allowed to refuse anyone kneeling and on the tongue. STAND YOUR GROUND!!! Don't get up!! I've had to do that several times. Thank God, We had finally found a Latin Mass.