Jewish podcast host Eric Weinstein said that “Vatican 2 may have been a big mistake” in a discussion regarding the Traditional Latin Mass. During an appearance on Chris Williamson’s podcast, Weinstein …More
Jewish podcast host Eric Weinstein said that “Vatican 2 may have been a big mistake” in a discussion regarding the Traditional Latin Mass.
During an appearance on Chris Williamson’s podcast, Weinstein and Williamson discussed the rising popularity of the Traditional Latin Mass among the youth in the United States.
The Novis Ordo is not a problem. The reform of the Sacred Liturgy was legitimate and valid. The problem has always been the abuses of the Clergy. Things introduced that were never part of the legitimate reform, eg., Receiving Holy Communion standing and in the hand. Removing altar rails, moving the tabernacles, etc. Mass in the vernacular is beautiful. However, few seem to remember the abuses in …More
The Novis Ordo is not a problem. The reform of the Sacred Liturgy was legitimate and valid. The problem has always been the abuses of the Clergy. Things introduced that were never part of the legitimate reform, eg., Receiving Holy Communion standing and in the hand. Removing altar rails, moving the tabernacles, etc. Mass in the vernacular is beautiful. However, few seem to remember the abuses in the Mass before Vatican II.
Dr Bobus
There are huge problems with the NO, even though it's valid.
1. The loss of Latin created serious problems. Among which, is the loss of a sense of transcendence
2. Vernacular means local. It's no surprise that vernacular morals have accompanied it.
3. Further, the Offertory is too short and contains an ambiguous reference to the consecrated wine, a spiritual drink. No problem with Bread of Life,More
There are huge problems with the NO, even though it's valid.

1. The loss of Latin created serious problems. Among which, is the loss of a sense of transcendence

2. Vernacular means local. It's no surprise that vernacular morals have accompanied it.

3. Further, the Offertory is too short and contains an ambiguous reference to the consecrated wine, a spiritual drink. No problem with Bread of Life, which is found in the sixth chapter of the 4th Gospel.

4. There is no diocese or religious order in the West that has produced enough vocations to the priesthood or religious life to replace those who have died or left.
John A Cassani
@Mirror If the supposed abuses in the older Rite were the problem, why were they not corrected, instead of throwing the entire Rite out the window? No, the Novus ordo is a product of the erroneous belief that modern man had outgrown the old religion, and needed something almost entirely new. I believe that Bugnini even expressed, in his personal writings, the hope that the new rites would constantly …More
@Mirror If the supposed abuses in the older Rite were the problem, why were they not corrected, instead of throwing the entire Rite out the window? No, the Novus ordo is a product of the erroneous belief that modern man had outgrown the old religion, and needed something almost entirely new. I believe that Bugnini even expressed, in his personal writings, the hope that the new rites would constantly be changing with the times. Yes, it is valid, all the conditions for validity being present, but it is deeply problematic, in a way that is very likely unsolvable.
According to the demons, Vatican II was their biggest success ever.
Dr Bobus
Vat II:
1. Never called for the vernaculariztion of the liturgy.
2. Never called for the promulgation of a new rite.More
Vat II:

1. Never called for the vernaculariztion of the liturgy.

2. Never called for the promulgation of a new rite.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Like with Francis. It changed everything without changing the words.
Dr Bobus
It didn't change it. Bugnini had control of the commission and engineered the present mess.
Pope Paul turned loose forces he thought he could control. Instead, they controlled him.More
It didn't change it. Bugnini had control of the commission and engineered the present mess.

Pope Paul turned loose forces he thought he could control. Instead, they controlled him.
V2 also declared that Latin and Gregorian Chant was to be maintained and given pride of place in the liturgy.