Grim humor that reflects a grim situation

Fifty Reasons Why the Dicastery for Divine Worship Prohibited the Traditional Mass at Covadonga

The following article by Luis López Valpuesta appeared in Spanish on July 12, 2024 at Infovaticana. The …
The 29 points the liberal Roman heirarchy posit as reasons to ban the traditional pilgrimage are laughable. This is what these old 60's social revolutionaries believe that, that's what the youth want. But the points are based on a 1960's mentality and does not reflect the reality of young people today who are post-modern or even moving toward pre-modern values who make up the majority of attendance …More
The 29 points the liberal Roman heirarchy posit as reasons to ban the traditional pilgrimage are laughable. This is what these old 60's social revolutionaries believe that, that's what the youth want. But the points are based on a 1960's mentality and does not reflect the reality of young people today who are post-modern or even moving toward pre-modern values who make up the majority of attendance and interest in the Apostolic Tradition and TLM.
Father Karl A Claver
As I wrote before, this is a wonderful and unique Catholic shrine. Satan knows how powerful the TLM is, and that is also a reason for the Mass of all ages to be prohibited.