
Connecticut apostate bishop appoints laywoman to lead parish

NEW YORK - Less than two months after serving as delegate in the Bishops Synod on Youth which called women’s leadership within the Church …
This is the beginning of a very great heresy that will overrun the Church...but the Bishop seems more interested in obtaining his 15 minutes of fame. He said he made his decision after "discernment." Well, that settles it - we'll disregard Scripture and precedent and rely on personal discernment.
This MIGHT work if the laywoman involved runs the entire Diocese. She could throw out THE mad Bishop - retire off the Base Clergy and get some TRUE Latin Rite CATHOLIC Priests in to replace them....
Then SHE can resign and pray the Pope invites her to do the same in Rome! 😉
@mccallansteve your suggestion is not far-fetched.
Maybe after Francis exits, the bishop can nominate some liberal pro-abort for pope