MGR. LEFEBVRE AND SEDEVACANTISM - Abp. Lefebvre made many statements favoring sedevacantism, but SSPX and Salza/Siscoe cover this up in their anti-sede screed. Fr. Cekada provides a selection of the …More
MGR. LEFEBVRE AND SEDEVACANTISM - Abp. Lefebvre made many statements favoring sedevacantism, but SSPX and Salza/Siscoe cover this up in their anti-sede screed. Fr. Cekada provides a selection of the archbishop's own words on the topic, and sets them in their historical context. Source: Marcel Lefebvre: Sedevacantist - See also: 1. "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 2. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - 3. BERGOGLIO PROMOTES PAGANISM IN THE VATICAN. - 4. BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS. - 5. BISHOP VIGANO'S J'ACCUSE. - 6. WORK OF HUMAN HANDS. - 7. "Ecumenism: The Original Sin of the New Mass" - Jo… - 8. 11 AÑOS CON FRANCISCO.
Sean Johnson
Reflecting upon these quotes is the primary reason for me recently having abandoned my former dogmatic anti-sedevacantist position, which I now recognize is at least theologically plausible.
Super Omnia Veritas
I agree, that seems also to me the most reasonable attitude nowadays. To which we should add the real possibility that we are living in imminently pre-Parusian times and that we are attending the Passion of the Church, Mystical Body of Christ, whose resurrection will occur on the occasion of His glorious Second Coming...