
Orthodox Local Church: Gender Ideologies Are "Demonic Attack"

Bulgarian Orthodox Patriarch Neofit, 75, who already defended his Church during the Communist regime, has called gender ideologies "a demonic attack" aimed at "separating man from God" according to a statement of the Bulgarian Holy Synod (OrthoChristian.com, June 17).

The statement was a response to an invitation of the Constitutional Court for an opinion on how the concept of “gender” should be understood. The Synod underlines that the court has already ruled that gender can only be defined biologically - which is a truism.

It adds that the interpretation of “gender” is not legal, but is based in reality ("in the very foundation of humanity") and emphasises the “unchangeable Biblical [and common sense] truth” that God created mankind as male and female giving them the command to multiply.

Like every ideology, gender ideology is based on a confusion which replaces reality with demented human fantasies.

Picture: Патриарх Неофит © Kremlin.ru, CC BY-SA, #newsGitnqxkjsv

Thank you Patriarch Neofit for being a voice in the darkness. This video is ALSO a voice in the greatest darkness the Church has ever been enveloped in. It's really worth viewing. May God bless you Patriarch Elijah
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