
Canada Jails Preacher For Praying With Others (Video)

Tim Stephens, the preacher for Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, Canada, who holds a Computer Engineering degree, was arrested on June 14 in front of his seven children on new charges regarding offences against the Corona regime.

He will be held in prison until June 28 due to his refusal to sign bail conditions that would limit his ability to gather with his people.

His group gathered for underground worship for the second week in a row since their church building was seized by Alberta Health Services. Last month, Alberta authorities had to drop other charges against Stephens as they never served him with the court order he was accused of having violated.

Another Canadian preacher resisting the Alberta health regime is Artur Pawlowski.


"Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely." St. Catherine of Siena
Lutheran problems. Canadian government. Feelz good being a Catholic, an American and living in the most right-wing state in the whole country.. :)
Hopefully This premier will be voted out in the next election ,
atreverse pensar
Roberto 55
Pastor is praying with others and weakbrainers jailed him.
Premier of Alberta is drinking with others under same conditions like pastor and believers and.... nothing happened.
Good example of double standard.
Communism @ its best.. In this present time, we are witnessing the prophecies of our lady @ Fatima & Akita unfold.