
Catholic Missionary: A Mobile Phone Killed Her

Moisés López Olórtegui, 25, was arrested for the April 21 murder of the Italian missionary Nadia de Munari in the Mamma Mia Centre in Nuevo Chimbote, Peru.

Nadia was the director of the centre which runs six kindergartens and a primary school and provides free food to needy children and mothers.

She was butchered in her sleep with a machete. López confessed to the crime, saying that he beat Nadia because she woke up when he was stealing her mobile phone. Investigators believe that the motive for the crime was robbery, not revenge as initially thought.

Also arrested were López’ partner Liz Panduro, 24, and two women who were working in the home at the time when the crime occurred: Angelica Rojas, 19, and Melsy Cruz, 20. All of them were found with mobile phones stolen from the property on that night.

They all lived near the crime scene, knew the victim and the rooms of the home very well. López and Panduro are former coworkers of the centre.

atreverse pensar
She was not killed by the mobile phone, but by the killer.
Now do we apply the death penalty...? To the phone?