
Mercy in Action: Cardinal Burke Criticises Francis' HARSHENSS

Cardinal Raymond Burke detected a number of flaws in Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes (NCRegister.com, July 16).

He cannot, for instance, understand how the Novus Ordo could be the “unique expression" of the Church's liturgy as the new motu proprio alleges, because the Roman Rite has never ceased to exist. He also criticises that the Motu Proprio takes immediate effect, although it contains "many elements" that require study regarding its application.

Further, Burke has never witnessed the “gravely negative situation” as evoked by Francis in his accompanying letter. On the contrary, Burke declares that the faithful of the Roman Rite “have a profound love for the Church and for their pastors" and don't ascribe to a schismatic or sedevacantist ideology [unlike the Modernists whom Francis favours so much].

Burke finally notices Francis’ harsh tone and hopes that the faithful will not give way "to the discouragement which such harshness necessarily engenders."


bergolio is the definition of rigid.
"Traditionis Custodes..."
It's quite simple. Bergoglio and his saints:Roncalli, Montini and Wojtyla are all custodians of rather young tradition of the religion born from the synthesis of the religion of God who became Man with the religion of man who made himself a god. No return to the pre-synthesis religion is allowed.
Burke full
"In comments to the (National Catholic) Register, Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura, noted what he sees as a number of flaws in Traditionis Custodes, saying he could not understand how the new Roman Missal is the 'unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite,' as the new motu proprio states. The Extraordinary Form of the Mass 'is a living form …More
Burke full

"In comments to the (National Catholic) Register, Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect emeritus of the Apostolic Signatura, noted what he sees as a number of flaws in Traditionis Custodes, saying he could not understand how the new Roman Missal is the 'unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite,' as the new motu proprio states. The Extraordinary Form of the Mass 'is a living form of the Roman Rite and has never ceased to be so,' Cardinal Burke noted.
"He also could not understand why the motu proprio takes effect immediately, as the decree 'contains many elements that require study regarding its application.'
The American cardinal further noted that in his long experience he has not witnessed the 'gravely negative situation' Francis describes in his letter.
"While some faithful may have 'erroneous ideas,' he said, he has found the faithful in question generally 'have a profound love for the Church and for their pastors in the Church' and 'in no way ascribe to a schismatic or sedevacantist ideology. In fact, they have often suffered greatly in order to remain in the communion of the Church under the Roman Pontiff,' he said.
"Cardinal Burke added that if there are situations 'of an attitude or practice contrary to the sound doctrine and discipline of the Church, they should be addressed individually by the pastors of the Church, the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops in communion with him.'
Cardinal Burke also questioned the motu proprio’s tone, observing that it is 'marked by a harshness' towards faithful who worship in the Extraordinary Form.
“'I pray that the faithful will not give way to the discouragement which such harshness necessarily engenders but will, with the help of divine grace, persevere in their love of the Church and of her pastors,' he said."
The 'unique expression' suggests that suppression was contemplated.
Sunamis 49
i bought it,
you learn a lot from that book-
So when is the next dubia? Honestly C. Burke should have followed through the first one. The longer this anti-pope is treated like a real pope the longer the devil delights. Frank must go & go now!
Manky Franky keeps showing his true colors. He is a Modernist who shows he is no pope. To be a lawful, a man must be a Catholic, and he is no Catholic. A very very very liberal Protestant, maybe.
Carlos A Loya
Bergoglio's a globalist tool. He doesn't get a name change since it was an illicit vote from the St Gallen Mafia.
Not in parish churches? Maybe in horse stables?
atreverse pensar
You don't understand anything in the last 50 years.
"Cardinal Raymond Burke detected a number of flaws in Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes (NCRegister.com, July 16)"
And, in the tradition of Cardinal Raymond Burke, what will he DO? Talk and little else while continuing to calumniate others as schismatics. (Revisit VII documents, your Excellency. Follow the bouncing ball and ask yourself where it came from and where it's intended to go.) …More
"Cardinal Raymond Burke detected a number of flaws in Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes (NCRegister.com, July 16)"

And, in the tradition of Cardinal Raymond Burke, what will he DO? Talk and little else while continuing to calumniate others as schismatics. (Revisit VII documents, your Excellency. Follow the bouncing ball and ask yourself where it came from and where it's intended to go.)

I do so want to have respect for these individuals, but those like +Burke who have ridden the fence SO long while throwing stones and slurs makes it near impossible.

Thanks.... no thanks.
"Talk and little else while continuing to calumniate others as schismatics." It isn't calumny they fail to submit to The Pope as Canon Law requires. ;-)
Exactly. Francis has decreed that the Tridentine Mass is no longer the prayer of the Catholic Church. TLM'ers can't use parochial churches. Pagan ritual in St Peter's? No problemo.
Hugh N. Cry
IMHO Francis is a or THE false prophet.
He forgot the "Catholics need not apply" bit.
If only we had an Abp Lefebvre today.........More
He forgot the "Catholics need not apply" bit.

If only we had an Abp Lefebvre today.........
Kardinaal Burke, de tijd van discussie is voorbij, paus Franciscus heeft, ondanks het feit dat hij niet de echte Paus is, een schisma uitgesproken met de Traditionele Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieken, er moet een Nieuwe Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke kerk worden gesticht.
...and if we did, Francis would nail his hide to the barn door even faster than John Paul II did. Unlike JPII's successors, there wouldn't be any lifting of the excommunication, either. Francis is working very hard to make sure he's followed by other leftists and the college of Cardinals wants to make sure whichever leftist follows Francis is more malleable than the Argentinian.