
Roman Pilgrimage: Francis Prohibits Mass

For the first time ever, the annual Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage (October 27-29) will not be allowed to celebrate a Mass in St Peter's. However, once Francis is gone, the permission will be renewed.…More
For the first time ever, the annual Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage (October 27-29) will not be allowed to celebrate a Mass in St Peter's.
However, once Francis is gone, the permission will be renewed. Last year, the pilgrimage attracted 1,700 participants. This year, after Francis' prohibition, that number will increase.
The rest of the programme, including vespers, adoration and a procession, remains unchanged.
The event will be preceded by a series of conferences at the Augustinianum. Among the speakers will be Bishop Schneider.
Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAwzqkpqsgn
Jan Joseph
Alweer een schismatieke daad van Paus Franciscus.
GJA Taylor
Francis has exposed himself as the very dirty old man that he is. Pray for his conversion before his coming death and judgement.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on this dreadful man on Peter's Chair.
Tony M
Bergoglio is not 'The Rock' on which Jesus' Church was built....he is the quicksand in which it is sinking.....fast!!!
John A Cassani
Is anyone surprised? TC was essentially the suppression of Summorum Pontificum, so it would be odd for the legislator to facilitate what amounts to a protest against his actions.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"However, once Francis is gone, the permission will be renewed." I'm sure millions would like to see him gone VERY SOON....maybe in a big sudden surprise dramatic emergency this Summer, or before Christmas at least. I can imaging a huge sector of the Church joining in a Te Deum of thankfulness.
I think not only will we get a Catholic Pope, but it will be someone who first of all, sacks Fr. James …More
"However, once Francis is gone, the permission will be renewed." I'm sure millions would like to see him gone VERY SOON....maybe in a big sudden surprise dramatic emergency this Summer, or before Christmas at least. I can imaging a huge sector of the Church joining in a Te Deum of thankfulness.
I think not only will we get a Catholic Pope, but it will be someone who first of all, sacks Fr. James Martin from any influence in the Vatican at all....and then goes way beyond Summorum Pontificum, actually mandating 1 Mass in the TLM every Sunday in every parish, and allowing it daily in monasteries, convents, seminaries, etc.
He still might not celebrate it himself personally, but the TLM will have full freedom. Much to the sobs of people like Roche, Gambetti, Parolin,Tagle,Cupich,Tobin, McIlroy, Schonborn, Grech, Hollerich and all the other homos who together with Francis tried to destroy the Church.
John A Cassani
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is definitely wishful thinking to say that “once [Bergoglio] is gone, permission will be renewed.” One day, I believe that the TLM will be the norm again, but it’s very doubtful that will be any time soon. I used to think it would be good to mandate it, but, that is not necessary, if priests are truly free to be able to say it publicly, which has not been the case, …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori It is definitely wishful thinking to say that “once [Bergoglio] is gone, permission will be renewed.” One day, I believe that the TLM will be the norm again, but it’s very doubtful that will be any time soon. I used to think it would be good to mandate it, but, that is not necessary, if priests are truly free to be able to say it publicly, which has not been the case, practically anywhere.