Gloria.TV News on the 20th of November 2015 The World is Bad: Thursday morning Pope Francis delivered a somber homily on the present state of the world. Quote: “We have chosen the way of war, the way …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of November 2015
The World is Bad: Thursday morning Pope Francis delivered a somber homily on the present state of the world. Quote: “We have chosen the way of war, the way of hatred, the way of enmities. We are close to Christmas: there will be lights, there will be parties, bright trees, even Nativity scenes – all decked out – while the world continues to wage war. The world has not understood the way of peace.”
More Radicals: Pope Francis has promoted radical Innsbruck bishop Manfred Scheuer. He will take over Linz, the second largest Austrian diocese after Vienna. Scheurer opposes celibacy and is in favor of Communion for adulterers, of homosexualism and of lay-homilies.
Abortion Aborted: Under threat of punishment, Communist North Korea has forbidden abortion and the implant of birth control devices in an effort to reverse the country’s falling birth rate. Most married couples deliberately have only one child. Communist Soviet Union was the first state …More
Adwentowe dni skupienia RCS, RCSM 2015
Adwentowe dni skupienia RCS, RCSM 2015

"...The world has not understood the way of peace."
If they wanted to have really peace, why do not they listen to the Word of God and the righteous persons in charge?
And how is it possible that alleged bishops not warn against the desecration of God's rainbow - because the desecration of God´s covenant and mercy, and to desecrate His name, precedes judgment...!?
The peaceless "world" is the result …More
"...The world has not understood the way of peace."
If they wanted to have really peace, why do not they listen to the Word of God and the righteous persons in charge?
And how is it possible that alleged bishops not warn against the desecration of God's rainbow - because the desecration of God´s covenant and mercy, and to desecrate His name, precedes judgment...!?
The peaceless "world" is the result of atheistic rulers and violent ideologues. But God exists - and according to His law of sowing and reaping - everything good or bad that people emanates, they harvests. Therefore violence leads to self destruction. In this respect the evil ones exterminate finally themselves.

"We have chosen the way of war, the way of hatred, the way of enmities..." 😈
It is nothing more than a self-description of the ´Team Bergoglio´ and the politicians in East and West, because they form a unity in recognition of the so called UN 'human rights', but they deny God´s Law.
We can see it on the lawless decisions of the worldwide Governments, who making laws against citizens and children. …More
"We have chosen the way of war, the way of hatred, the way of enmities..." 😈
It is nothing more than a self-description of the ´Team Bergoglio´ and the politicians in East and West, because they form a unity in recognition of the so called UN 'human rights', but they deny God´s Law.
We can see it on the lawless decisions of the worldwide Governments, who making laws against citizens and children.
Mercy cannot be encountered unless it is measured against the eternal law, which is truth. "Mercy and truth have met together". Psalms 85,10
Our Lord and God is uniting mercy with truth, as did the psalmist.
He also warned of false teachers who taught men’s traditions in place of God’s commandments. He warned that false teachers would come, claiming to represent Him and deceiving many. He warned that many would deny God’s Law, and that sin would abound. Mark 7,7, Matthew 7,21-24
Ana Luisa M.R
Oración por la Iglesia
Oh Espíritu Santo, Creador, Esposo de María, ten misericordia de la Iglesia Católica. Por Tu Poder Celestial, hazla fuerte y segura contra los ataques de sus enemigos exteriores e interiores. Renueva en caridad y en gracia el espíritu de Tus siervos, a quienes has revelado que deben glorificarte a Ti y al Padre, y a Su Hijo Unigénito, Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor.
María, …More
Oración por la Iglesia
Oh Espíritu Santo, Creador, Esposo de María, ten misericordia de la Iglesia Católica. Por Tu Poder Celestial, hazla fuerte y segura contra los ataques de sus enemigos exteriores e interiores. Renueva en caridad y en gracia el espíritu de Tus siervos, a quienes has revelado que deben glorificarte a Ti y al Padre, y a Su Hijo Unigénito, Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor.
María, Virgen Inmaculada, Madre de Dios y Madre nuestra, Tu que ves como la Fe Católica es asaltada por el diablo y el mundo, esa Fe en la cual nos proponemos, con la ayuda de Dios, vivir y morir. A Ti encomendamos nuestro firme propósito de nunca unirnos a asambleas de herejes o a sociedades secretas. Tu, Santísima Virgen Madre de Dios, ofrece a Tu Hijo Divino nuestras resoluciones y obtén de El las gracias necesarias para que las guardemos hasta el final. Amén.
Ana Luisa M.R
Prayer for Pope Francis: Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, the Pope, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.
We ask this through our Lord …More
Prayer for Pope Francis: Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd, the Pope, a spirit of courage and right judgement, a spirit of knowledge and love.
By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he, as successor to the apostle Peter and vicar of Christ, build Your church into a sacrament of unity, love, and peace for all the world.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Libor Halik
Díky Bohu, že zakázali umělý potrat a nitroděložní tělísko v Severní Korei komunistické. Abortion Aborted: Under threat of punishment, Communist North Korea has forbidden abortion and the implant of birth control devices in an effort to reverse the country’s falling birth rate. Most married couples deliberately have only one child. Communist Soviet Union was the first state worldwide to …More
Díky Bohu, že zakázali umělý potrat a nitroděložní tělísko v Severní Korei komunistické. Abortion Aborted: Under threat of punishment, Communist North Korea has forbidden abortion and the implant of birth control devices in an effort to reverse the country’s falling birth rate. Most married couples deliberately have only one child. Communist Soviet Union was the first state worldwide to legalized abortion in 1920.
sad to say yellow journalism is very diffuse and rampant today!!!! ✍️ 😡 🙏
Leonard Wessell
The Pope is wrong! One specific "religion of peace" (so designated by the Pope himself) has, in the Name of Allah (alias God), decided to carry out the demands of the message from Allah to his Prophet Mohammed (whose mass killings of opponents are part of Koranic and secular history), and that means "war" on the non-Islamic world so as to establish the "true" peace of Islam. I note that -slm- in …More
The Pope is wrong! One specific "religion of peace" (so designated by the Pope himself) has, in the Name of Allah (alias God), decided to carry out the demands of the message from Allah to his Prophet Mohammed (whose mass killings of opponents are part of Koranic and secular history), and that means "war" on the non-Islamic world so as to establish the "true" peace of Islam. I note that -slm- in iSLaM means: Subjugation (to subjugate/submission); and this means that the so-called acts of war by ISIS are necessary acts leading to the "peace" of Allah, once the iSLaMic "ummah" (community) has been established.

The Pope is a religious analogue to the secular/political peace seeker, Chaimberlain, who in 1938 made a treaty for "peace in our time" (Chaimberlain's very words) with Hitler. Chaimberlain was certainly motivated by the desire to avoid the horrors of war as exemplified in WW I. The effects of Chaimberlain's "way of peace" was to enable the followers of the Nazi version of an "ummah", i.e., the Nazi "Volk's community", to better war for their ideal causing many more deaths than iin WW I. Chaimberlain disarmed the opposition to the aggressive nature of Nazism with his way of "peace in our time". Correlatively, Pope Francis with his "abstraction" called "the way of peace" ignores the "real" nature of iSLaMic supremacy (not only ISIS, but the Saudis or Iranians). I have taken the terms "abstraction" and "real" from the Pope's own vocabulary that he uses to crititze traditionalists who want to uphold and apply the teachings of the Church, the so-called non-merciful postion of the "doctors of the law" (sic). I fear that, just as Chaimberlains "abstraction" got untold numbers of people killed, so too will that Pope's "abractionn" disarm "real" resistance to the iSLaMic "religion of peace" (sic), resulting in the death of untold numbers of people. There is a possible difference between Chaimberlain's "way of peace" and that of the Pope. When Nazi Germany attacked Poland in 1939 Chaimberlain, repesenting England, declared WAR on Germany. Today I find little to convince me that the current Pope could become a rellgious analogue to Chaimberlain, i.e., end his vocierfous disarming of resistance to evil, such resistance in belleristic form being contrary to the Pope's own "way of peace" in our time. The last word of the Pope's "way of pace" might well be R.I.P., alas.
I don't know about Serra, but there were actually saints who approved of torture, especially in relation to the Inquisition. The catechism itself even mentions how in past times the church even condoned torture, although it was wrong to do so. Without checking, I seem to think that maybe Thomas More is on record of having approved of it, and perhaps also Thomas Aquinas argued in favour of it? Robert …More
I don't know about Serra, but there were actually saints who approved of torture, especially in relation to the Inquisition. The catechism itself even mentions how in past times the church even condoned torture, although it was wrong to do so. Without checking, I seem to think that maybe Thomas More is on record of having approved of it, and perhaps also Thomas Aquinas argued in favour of it? Robert Bellarmine was a judge for the Roman inquisition when it burned people to death, which is also a kind of torture.

Even in the bible, the manner that Moses orders the death of people by stoning, is certainly a kind of torture. Regardless of what is said about Serra, I don't think anyone would deny that there is guilt in Catholic history on this point.

The gospel is always the same, but people can misunderstand it from time to time, because like idolaters we prefer to follow the ways of the world because it seems easier, and thus we follow the creature, rather than the Creator. It is just as true now, as it was back then.