Live Mike
"If Russia invades...then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." - 7 February 2022 | "Two powerful explosions near Nord Stream gas pipelines. Gas is leaking out of the …More
"If Russia invades...then there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it." - 7 February 2022 | "Two powerful explosions near Nord Stream gas pipelines. Gas is leaking out of the Nord Stream. Norway is now stepping up preparedness." - 27 September 2022
Rand Miller
Only problem is closing the Nordstream pipelines hurts Europe in a devastating way.
there's more to this than meet the least those who only watch the MSM
Wow. So let me get this straight.
If Russia invades Ukraine (which they have), then the US is going to hobble Europe by significantly damaging Europe's energy supply infrastructure (which they apparently have), and thus promote Russia's ability to more aggressively and effectively threaten Europe, thereby enhancing Russia's capability for subsequent European invasions.
"With friends like that... ?"More
Wow. So let me get this straight.

If Russia invades Ukraine (which they have), then the US is going to hobble Europe by significantly damaging Europe's energy supply infrastructure (which they apparently have), and thus promote Russia's ability to more aggressively and effectively threaten Europe, thereby enhancing Russia's capability for subsequent European invasions.

"With friends like that... ?"
Diabolic 'great reset' agenda in play to control human mind and soul against God ...
alfred dunn
How can this man be so stupid.
alfred Did you understand Biden's cynical message? Not only does he know where nordstream2 is located but also provides assurance of stopping gas transmission. The leading role in advancing Euroatlantic global hedonist-consumption tyranny is played out by American-Israeli intelligence and military in service of globalists, freemasons etc. The minds of "we the people" have been lured and conditioned …More
alfred Did you understand Biden's cynical message? Not only does he know where nordstream2 is located but also provides assurance of stopping gas transmission. The leading role in advancing Euroatlantic global hedonist-consumption tyranny is played out by American-Israeli intelligence and military in service of globalists, freemasons etc. The minds of "we the people" have been lured and conditioned by social engineering to falsly perceive their security and well being in Transatlantic partnership. In reality people voted themselves into enslavement by chaotic system control and impostor of Savior after the dethronement of Christ the King. Do you think any of these diabolical intellects in gov control cares if a European family can afford fuel to keep their children warm in winter? The end of all these state occupants rejecting law of God is to implement antichrist (agenda 2030). Especially to drastically decrease standard of living, most of all denial of Creator and creature in His image...
"For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape."
martin fischer
The man does what he says...