
And Again: Homosex-Activist Presents Show on His “Stage": the Cathedral

Gery Keszler - Austria's most-notorious homosex activist - stages himself again in Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Vienna's Cardinal Schönborn calls Keszler his "personal friend" and tried to "bless" his homosex liaison. Keszler has been staging an event at the cathedral once or twice a year since 2017.

On 28 May he will celebrate a 90-minute show about the history of Austria in and around St Stephen's Cathedral. It will be broadcast on state television.

The money raised will go to various "aid organisations" such as Caritas to help victims of the "pandemic" [or of the "pandemic" measures?].

Keszler calls St Stephen's Cathedral an "extraordinary stage." During the show, its south flank up to its spire will be illuminated with ten projectors.

The state power and several oligarch companies are financing the show, including the supermarket chain Billa, several pharmaceutical companies and the two ministries for "health" and for "culture."

Picture: Gery Keszler, © Flickr-User: aline "blue", CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCuvlsttwtz

It should tell you something as why these militant homos target the Catholic Church. Why not a protestant church?
"The money raised will go to various "aid organisations'" Shouldn't that be "aids organizations? :P I wonder how many of them are under the direct financial control of Herr Keszler, too. Follow da Euros. ;-)
sad so sad ,what is going around in the world