Cardinal Sarah: Where Confusion Reigns, God Cannot Live. Cardinal Sarah: Where Confusion Reigns, God Cannot Live We bishops, priests and faithful are responsible for the de-Christianization of the West …More
Cardinal Sarah: Where Confusion Reigns, God Cannot Live.

Cardinal Sarah: Where Confusion Reigns, God Cannot Live

We bishops, priests and faithful are responsible for the de-Christianization of the West, Cardinal Robert Sarah said during a November 9th conference in Milan, Italy. He quoted the French author George Bernanos who criticised that "we continue repeating that the world is de-christianised.” However, Bernanos stressed that the world has never received Christ, rather WE received Christ for the world. Therefore de-Christianization means that God withdraws from our hearts. Quote, “WE are de-christianising ourselves.”

God Is Side-Lined

Cardinal Sarah noticed that instead of thinking about God and the Faith, we spend a lot of time promoting homosexuality, immigrants, dialogue, environment, socio-economic and political issues. Yet God is side-lined.

West Commits Suicide

Sarah stresses that in the history of the world, there has never been a civilization that has legalized abortion, euthanasia or demolished the family in such a measure, as the West does today. His conclusion, “The modern world is in a crisis that mortally threatens its future and the survival of humanity.”

Diagnosis: Madness

The Cardinal asks how we arrived at – quote – “such madness.” His answer: “because we overwhelmingly rejected God” and because “man has taken the place of God.” He gives an example of today’s madness: “While we fight genital mutilation everywhere, an inhuman practice widespread in some countries, we are simultaneously legalizing the mutilation of people who want to change their sex in the West.”

Church Engulfed in Confusion

The spiritual collapse, the confusion in the doctrinal and moral teaching of the Church and the erosion of the Christian faith have for Sarah purely Western origins. He asks how we can accept that episcopal conferences contradict each other? Quote: “Where confusion reigns, God cannot live!”
Funny how GTV always promotes Sarah when he blames the West for the world's problems. If only they named the real enemy like I do and the Church of the past did, but no, that would be too much truth. Can't have that. They probably can't with the laws in Europe. Meanwhile, the enemy continues behind the scenes pulling the strings as they have done for centuries to bring to fruition their jew world …More
Funny how GTV always promotes Sarah when he blames the West for the world's problems. If only they named the real enemy like I do and the Church of the past did, but no, that would be too much truth. Can't have that. They probably can't with the laws in Europe. Meanwhile, the enemy continues behind the scenes pulling the strings as they have done for centuries to bring to fruition their jew world order. They'll cause another financial collapse and then a war so they can bring about their antichrist and enslave all of humanity to the devil.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Sarah is just another brain dead cardinal supporting a formally heretical antipope.
Living in great comfort and prestige he and all his brother cardinals to a man are cowards terrified to confront the greatest and most evil prelate to have ever unlawfully usurped the Chair of St. Peter.
Shame on them for not acting to prevent the destruction of Catholicism and a coming schism.
Col. Buckshot
Thank-you Gloria.tv for making this video. We are grateful to God -- and to you too. +JMJ+
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
And if you do not know who is the true Pope, then confusion downpours!
What Sarah says is very interesting, but it is not credible, in the sense that it does not address the real problem. Was he not present at the October Synod? And what did he do? He didn't open his mouth and stayed like a mute dog! Does he not know that it is Bergoglio who is creating the confusion and that it comes from Vatican II?
Thors Catholic Hammer
There is no confusion.
There is an antipope called Bergoglio causing deliberate confusion to weaken the faith of true Catholics.
Bergoglio is not a catholic and rejects core catholic doctrines.
Those who support him do so at great peril to their souls.
The true pope is of course the confused half theologian Benedict xvi now probably too embarrassed to admit his colossal blunder in pretending to …More
There is no confusion.
There is an antipope called Bergoglio causing deliberate confusion to weaken the faith of true Catholics.
Bergoglio is not a catholic and rejects core catholic doctrines.
Those who support him do so at great peril to their souls.
The true pope is of course the confused half theologian Benedict xvi now probably too embarrassed to admit his colossal blunder in pretending to resign
Until Sarah denounces VII, I don't care what he says. Sarah has nothing but contempt for traditionalists (Catholics) just like Francis.
Thors Catholic Hammer
I support v2. I am a practising catholic who only recognizes Benedict xvi as the true Vicar of Christ.
Bergoglio , thank God, never actually succeeded to the Chair of St Peter because Benedict’s resignation was entirely invalid and defective.
So you support the VII teaching that the muslims worship the same God together with Catholics?
Thors Catholic Hammer
@ @mattsixteen24.
That is not a formal teaching of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Trinitarian God is not worshipped by Moslems.
Any such claim from any church council would be patently false.
The Council Vat 2 was at pains to state it was purely pastoral and not doctrinal.
Therefore highly ambiguous comparative statements like you allude to above have no proper authority.
Ignorant bishops and …More
@ @mattsixteen24.
That is not a formal teaching of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Trinitarian God is not worshipped by Moslems.
Any such claim from any church council would be patently false.
The Council Vat 2 was at pains to state it was purely pastoral and not doctrinal.
Therefore highly ambiguous comparative statements like you allude to above have no proper authority.
Ignorant bishops and the antipope quote these statements but they are doctrinally void

Islam is a religion with a confused and inadequate conception of God.
@Thors Catholic Hammer It's not a teaching of the Catholic Church. It's a teachings of a false VII cult, but your Ratzinger pope supports that cult. Ratzinger prayed with muslims with his shoes off inside their mosque. He even prayed with jews in their synagogue.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Thors Catholic Hammer
@ @mattsixteen24
My belief is that all recent popes up to Benedict xvi are valid catholic popes.
I do not reject VAT 2 and regard aspects of it as valuable.
Pope Ratzinger, as pope, has never promulgated formally heretical teachings.
His actions you describe I don’t support but they don’t make him a formal heretic.
Bergoglio as an alleged official pope has promulgated doctrinal formal heresy.
@ @mattsixteen24
My belief is that all recent popes up to Benedict xvi are valid catholic popes.
I do not reject VAT 2 and regard aspects of it as valuable.
Pope Ratzinger, as pope, has never promulgated formally heretical teachings.
His actions you describe I don’t support but they don’t make him a formal heretic.

Bergoglio as an alleged official pope has promulgated doctrinal formal heresy.

Nothing of that kind has ever happened before in my lifetime as a Catholic.
As such I reject the pontificate of Bergoglio as false.
I am now left with Ratzinger as the only true pope for better or worse.
That’s it.
Good luck.
@Thors Catholic Hammer The infallibility of both Solemn and Ordinary Magisterium was solemnly defined by the First Vatican Council (1870) when it stated the following:
"All those things are to be believed by divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the written Word of God or in Tradition, and which are proposed by the Church, either in solemn judgment or in its ordinary and universal …More
@Thors Catholic Hammer The infallibility of both Solemn and Ordinary Magisterium was solemnly defined by the First Vatican Council (1870) when it stated the following:

"All those things are to be believed by divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the written Word of God or in Tradition, and which are proposed by the Church, either in solemn judgment or in its ordinary and universal teaching office, as divinely revealed truths which must be believed."

In other words, both forms of the Magisterium of the Church (Solemn or Ordinary) are infallible and must be believed, according to this General Council. So if a teaching in the Church is universal, and allowed to propagate without condemnation from the Solemn Magisterium, it is considered infallible by the First Vatican Council.

ref: www.baptismofdesire.com

VII heresies have been allowed to propagate and are universal within the Church. It's been ove 50 years now. Those who even criticize VII heresies are "suspended" or "excommunicated".
I agree with you, but sometimes you say things that confuse me too
Cardinal, you are a Bergoglio's big supporter. There is a big confusion.
michael f
Cardinal Sarah refuses to see the elephant in the room anti Pope Francis and his anti Catholic appointed Bishops and Cardinals, all with one thing in common anti Catholic agenda and dare no one challenge them.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
Oh the terrible Justice of God for these men in the hour of their death!