
Homosexualism Promoted by Synod On Synods "Not Proper" - Cardinal Burke

Sister Nathalie Becquart’s April 3 lecture to the homosexualist New Ways Ministry was “simply wrong” - Cardinal Raymond Burke told NCRegister.com (April 12).

Becquart is an undersecretary at the Synod of Bishops. In her talk, she said that the 2018 Youth Synod was a forerunner for opening the Church's doors for homosexualism. She spoke of a “remarkably" homosex-positive document that came out of that synod and that she herself had helped writing.

Burke states that it was “not proper" that a member of the Synod of Bishops speak to homosexualists who contradict Church teaching. He explained that the Church cannot accept heresies ("positions contrary to her teaching"), and that the Church’s teaching on homosexuality is "unchanging" because it's based on Scripture and the Magisterium.

LaNuovaBq.it's Riccardo Cascioli added that "from the beginning" the Synod on Synodality was planning to endorse homosexualism.


Sister Nathalie frequently alluded to the Youth Synod as paving the way for greater acceptance of pro-homosexual communities within the Church, and spoke of a “remarkably LGBT-positive document” that came out of a pre-youth-synod meeting that she herself had helped to coordinate.
Fortunately, the radical left can always be counted on to go too far, too fast, Here in Murrica. this kind of "gay push" killed John Kerry's presidential campaign.
Live Mike
Burke: " Yes — we were told repeatedly this is not what the synod is about, but in the end, that is what it was about. And it was about a rethinking of the church’s teaching on human sexuality, with talk about finding the good elements in genital acts between people of the same sex, finding the good elements in sexual intercourse outside of marriage.
During one of the breaks, Cardinal Caffarra […More
Burke: " Yes — we were told repeatedly this is not what the synod is about, but in the end, that is what it was about. And it was about a rethinking of the church’s teaching on human sexuality, with talk about finding the good elements in genital acts between people of the same sex, finding the good elements in sexual intercourse outside of marriage.
During one of the breaks, Cardinal Caffarra [Carlo Caffarra, the late archbishop of Bologna], who was a dear friend of mine, came up to me and he said, what is going on? He said those of us who are defending the church’s teaching and discipline are now called enemies of the pope. And that is symbolic of what happened. Throughout my priesthood, I was always criticized for being too attentive to what the pope was saying. And now I find myself in a situation where I’m called the enemy of the pope, which I am not."
"I haven’t changed. I’m still teaching the same things I always taught and they’re not my ideas. But now suddenly this is perceived as being contrary to the Roman pontiff. And I think here what’s entered in is a very political view of the papacy, where the pope is some kind of absolute monarch who can do whatever he wants. That has never been the case in the church. The pope is not a revolutionary, elected to change the church’s teaching.
And a lot of the secular view is people looking at the church, but not understanding her profound reality." - 9 November 2019
Opinion | Cardinal Burke: ‘I’m Called the Enemy of the Pope, Which I Am Not’ (Published 2019)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That nun belongs to a very small religious Order of radical liberal habitless nuns, which has less that 75 members. Francis must have really dug deep to find her from a tiny group like that. She should be disiplined for this serious breach , but nothing will happen to her. I wish there was a way to impeach a heretic Pope, like there is to impeach a crimnal or corrupt president.
"Simply wrong". What incredible strong language.