
Synodality Charade: Francis Annuls Democratic Election Of Montecassino Abbot

The monks of Montecassino Abbey, Italy, founded by St Benedict, elected Father Mauritius Wilde, 56, as their new abbot in August, the 193rd successor to St Benedict.

Wilde belongs to Münsterschwarzach Abbey, Germany, and has been prior of Sant'Anselmo Abbey in Rome since 2016. He publishes spiritual commentaries on VaticanNews.va.

CiociariaOggi.it (14 October) reports that Francis personally rejected the choice of Wilde who therefore will not become abbot despite his supposedly solid biography. No reasons are given for Francis’ ukaze.

The dictator is expected to appoint a new abbot over the heads of the monks in December.

Picture: Mauritius Wilde, Montecassino © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsLinihrplsk

This great historic monastery for the Benedictine order has had a scandalous history of late. A former abbot was discovered involved in drug trafficking!
Bergoglio seems to hate contemplative orders and prayer. Seems odd for a Catholic let alone one who claims the papacy.
John A Cassani
This comes on the heals of the abbey losing its territory in 2013-14. Also, the last territorial abbot was never consecrated a bishop. Sadly, this seems to go along with Bergoglio’s overall strategy to phase out the contemplative religious life. What could possibly go wrong in a world where no one is completely devoted to prayer?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
There also was the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Cassino, which existed from the 14th century until afew years ago. This Congregation, which was part of the Benedictine Federation was disbanded by Bergoglio and his Vatican. Don't know why....they still had 7-8 monasteries and over 100 monks total. They were just absorbed into the Benedictine Order, but can't claim being a distinct "congregation …More
There also was the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Cassino, which existed from the 14th century until afew years ago. This Congregation, which was part of the Benedictine Federation was disbanded by Bergoglio and his Vatican. Don't know why....they still had 7-8 monasteries and over 100 monks total. They were just absorbed into the Benedictine Order, but can't claim being a distinct "congregation" anymore, One Benedictine Congregation which has turned rad liberal in most of its houses and is probably headed for extinction are the Camaldolese (founded by St. Romulaud in the 10th century). They only have about 90 monks left, including 15+ at Big Sur, California ( trying to live like 1960's monks). The only good Camaldolese branch is that of Monte Corona (founded, 16th century), which is much more traditional, and has 2 fairly substantial monasteries of monks in Poland, and 1 in USA with about 8 monks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That cartoon of Pope Francis reminds me of my nephew, Benjiro (one who enjoys peace), but of course is know as Ben...even Benjamin by teachers in his elementary school. He's 7, and I'll bet could throw a wicked temper tantrum even better than Pope Francis. I've seen one. But back to the Pope, this abbot-elect doesn't look like a traditionalist to me, or even a conservative. Maybe Francis rejected …More
That cartoon of Pope Francis reminds me of my nephew, Benjiro (one who enjoys peace), but of course is know as Ben...even Benjamin by teachers in his elementary school. He's 7, and I'll bet could throw a wicked temper tantrum even better than Pope Francis. I've seen one. But back to the Pope, this abbot-elect doesn't look like a traditionalist to me, or even a conservative. Maybe Francis rejected him because he's not gay. Hmmmmm?
Sally Dorman shares this
More “synodality” and “decentralisation” in action: the monks of Montecassino elect a new prior, Pope nullifies election and is expected to impose his own candidate.
Malki Tzedek
And about Fr. James Martin, and other flagrant distorters of Catholic teaching, nothing. The ham-fisted 'Peron' Pope.
Janis Priedkalns
Father Mauritius got e very generous offer to enter freemassons, didn't he? Just a guess from my side. I suppose, he refused. Nobody to blame.
Wilma Lopez
Francis acts like an autocratic despot, described by those who know him as "a man sick with power" and even sociopath.
Dr Bobus
There's too much of Jorge Bergoglio in Pope Francis.