Gloria.TV News on the 17th of January 2017 God of Fertility: Yesterday, the president of Guinea Alpha Condé, who is a Muslim, visited Pope Francis. He brought as a gift the reproduction of a traditional …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of January 2017

God of Fertility: Yesterday, the president of Guinea Alpha Condé, who is a Muslim, visited Pope Francis. He brought as a gift the reproduction of a traditional metal mask representing – quote – “the god of fertility and life.” Francis replied, "This is good, because Italy needs fertility so much." He offered Condé a peace medal and a copy of his controversial apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia.

Care for Politics: In December, radical Father Allwyn D'Silva was named as Auxiliary Bishop of Mumbai, India. Cruxnow.com calls him, “another Pope Francis bishop.” D’Silva was, for decades, deeply involved in human rights issues, social concerns and, most recently, environmental matters at the local, regional and national level. His episcopal motto will be, “Care for Creation.”

Friends: Pro-death and pro-homosex U.S. President Barack Obama had a better relationship with Pope Francis than with the American bishops, according to radical Jesuit Thomas Reese, speaking to the French Catholic daily, La Croix.

Very Religious: Reese also claimed that Obama is – quote – “a very religious” person. Quote, “I was invited several times to breakfast for Easter at the White House and we could hear Barack Obama talking about Jesus as his personal ‘Lord and Savior’!”
god of Fertility! This is a violation of the first commandment. “You shall have no other gods before me.
Bergoglio, instead of looking to his convertion from Islam confirmed his idolatry.
Off Topic (from Rorate Twitter):
In Spain, in 2001, 73.1% of all weddings were Catholic. In 2015, 14 years later, they had fallen to 29.6% of all weddings.More
Off Topic (from Rorate Twitter):

In Spain, in 2001, 73.1% of all weddings were Catholic. In 2015, 14 years later, they had fallen to 29.6% of all weddings.
Francis: God of fertility - this is good. In my opinion Francis is spiritually deranged.
Holy Cannoli
Very Religious: Reese also claimed that Obama is – quote – “a very religious” person.
Radical is too mild a word to describe the apostate Jesuit and leftist Democrat Thomas Reese. In fact just when you think you've heard/seen it all starting with “who am I to eat poop judge” to washing the feet of women on Holy Thursday along comes Reese with his own brand of Jesuit lunacy.
Reese is the former …More
Very Religious: Reese also claimed that Obama is – quote – “a very religious” person.

Radical is too mild a word to describe the apostate Jesuit and leftist Democrat Thomas Reese. In fact just when you think you've heard/seen it all starting with “who am I to eat poop judge” to washing the feet of women on Holy Thursday along comes Reese with his own brand of Jesuit lunacy.

Reese is the former editor of the Jesuit Magazine America, was pressured to step down by the Vatican in 2005 for misrepresenting Catholic teaching on a number of issues, including same-sex marriage, homosexual priests, priestly celibacy, women’s ordination and offering Holy Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians. And now this deranged Jesuit praises the most pro-abortion president in history by saying Obama is “very religious”? Does the following sound “very religious” to you?
President Barack Obama, Planned Parenthood Nation Conference, April 26 2013.
"Thank you Planned Parenthood. God bless you. God bless you."

Part of the "Obama Effect", is the Nation's significant increase in the acceptance of infacticide over the eight years of his presidency. Even to abortion's most staunch advocates, there was always some shame associated with the practice. However today, abortion is championed and paraded across the country and social-sphere. It is no secret that President Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion advocate to ever hold the nation's top executive office. Prior to the Presidency, when still in the Illinois State Senate, he had the most pro-abortion voting record, receiving a 100 percent score from the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council.

He has expanded abortions, and abortion acceptance, through Obamacare, appointing pro-abortion judges and officials, and stripping medical professionals of conscience rights, and forcing taxpayers to fund groups who provide abortions in other countries.

Obama has emboldened a new generation of abortion supporting religious leaders. These pastors, elders, and prophets are not prophets of Jesus Christ, rather they are abortion supporting prophets of Baal (dread god of the Canaanites). They only masquerade as Christian, and rather than righteously standing against the behavior that leads to unwanted pregnancies, these pastors, religious leaders, and prophets advocate the offering unwanted babies up as a sacrifice on Baal's altar of convenience.
Friends. Dis-moi qui tu hantes, je te dirais qui tu es.
sorry i am not happy with news
In this, then, we ought to express gratitude to the U.S. bishops at every opportunity. I am certain Obama never expected the fight he got on the contraceptive mandate, especially since so many so-called Catholics completely ignore Catholic teaching.
Of course, Obama couldn't back down because his next push, after ObamaCare, was to get rid of the Hyde Amendment that has kept the gov't from paying …More
In this, then, we ought to express gratitude to the U.S. bishops at every opportunity. I am certain Obama never expected the fight he got on the contraceptive mandate, especially since so many so-called Catholics completely ignore Catholic teaching.

Of course, Obama couldn't back down because his next push, after ObamaCare, was to get rid of the Hyde Amendment that has kept the gov't from paying for abortion.