
Forbidden Amazon Liturgy Again on the Table

A “Mass for the Earth without evil” invented in 1979 by the Spanish born Brazilian Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga, 91, is again on the table, writes José Antonio Ureta on AldoMariaValli.it (October 12).

Casaldáliga calls himself a hammer-and-sickle bishop. His liturgy was forbidden by Rome with the argument that Mass is a memorial of Christ not of something else.

The phrase “Earth without evil” is also used in the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris.

Ureta shows that it was invented by Curt Unckel (+1945), a German mechanic, who emigrated to Brasil, started living among the natives, and called himself Nimuendajú.

As “Liberation Theology” is morphing into a “Native Theology” the Marxist “laborours’ paradies” is now reinvented as “Earth without evil.”

The goal is to replace the Church with a secular messianism in order to help “the poor.”

As a result, Latin America’s poor are leaving a secularized “Catholic Church” in masses in order to join evangelical Protestant sects, Ureta explains.

La liturgie amazonienne interdite, de nouveau sur la table
Une "Messe pour la Terre sans mal" inventée en 1979 par l'évêque brésilien d'origine espagnole Pedro Casaldáliga, 91 ans, est de nouveau sur la table, écrit José Antonio Ureta sur AldoMariaValli.it (12 octobre).
Casaldáliga se qualifie lui-même d'évêque marteau-et-faucille. Sa …More
La liturgie amazonienne interdite, de nouveau sur la table
Une "Messe pour la Terre sans mal" inventée en 1979 par l'évêque brésilien d'origine espagnole Pedro Casaldáliga, 91 ans, est de nouveau sur la table, écrit José Antonio Ureta sur AldoMariaValli.it (12 octobre).

Casaldáliga se qualifie lui-même d'évêque marteau-et-faucille. Sa liturgie a été interdite par Rome avec l'argument que la messe est un mémorial du Christ et non de quelque chose d'autre.

L'expression « Terre sans mal » est également utilisée dans l'Instrumentum Laboris du Synode.

Ureta montre qu'elle a été inventée par Curt Unckel (+1945), un mécanicien allemand, qui a émigré au Brésil, a commencé à vivre parmi les indigènes, et s'est appelé Nimuendajú.

Alors que la « Théologie de la libération » se transforme en une « Théologie indigène », les « paradis du travail » marxistes sont maintenant réinventés en « Terre sans mal ».

Le but est de remplacer l'Église par un messianisme séculier afin d'aider « les pauvres ».

En conséquence, les pauvres d'Amérique latine quittent en masse une "Église catholique" sécularisée pour rejoindre les sectes protestantes évangéliques, explique Ureta.

[Ce phénomène date de Vatican II. Voir ici : La CROYANCE que les INDIGÈNES DEVRAIENT... ]
Cristiano cattolico
A heretical Pope – three options
VIDEO www.youtube.com/watch
From 6 to 27 October 2019, the Synod on Amazonia is held in Vatican City. Pseudo Pope Francis aims to bring the spirit of paganism into the centre of the Church. By the expulsion of the Holy Spirit, he will cause the daily sacrifice to cease (cf. Mt www.youtube.com/watch, Dan www.youtube.com/watch). Instead of the Holy Spirit, the …More
A heretical Pope – three options

VIDEO www.youtube.com/watch

From 6 to 27 October 2019, the Synod on Amazonia is held in Vatican City. Pseudo Pope Francis aims to bring the spirit of paganism into the centre of the Church. By the expulsion of the Holy Spirit, he will cause the daily sacrifice to cease (cf. Mt www.youtube.com/watch, Dan www.youtube.com/watch). Instead of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of paganism is to reign in the liturgy. Behind pagan rituals is a hidden worship of the devil. This will open the way for the transition of the Catholic Church to the anti-Church of the New Age. The Amazon Synod confronts us with three options: Option 1: Cardinals and bishops will remain passive. At this turning point, when the Amazon Synod is taking place, this is a crime and betrayal! Option 2: The orthodox cardinals will choose a rightful Pope in an extraordinary election and he will declare the heretic Bergoglio an invalid Pope. Option 3: If cardinals remain passive, a team of rightful and orthodox bishops must take over their duty to give a rightful Pope to the Church. Question: What means will Bergoglio use in order to inconspicuously transform the Catholic Church into the anti-Church of the New Age? Response: He has a plan to create extreme chaos right at this time. He wants to do so by abolishing celibacy and allowing marriages of priests. Question: Is it possible to prevent his plan to abolish celibacy? Response: It is possible only if a rightful Pope is elected as soon as possible. This will cause a great stir in the Church and completely change the spiritual atmosphere. Question: Who does the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate propose should be the Pope? Response: We are convinced that it is the will of God that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò should be elected and proclaimed Pope.

Not a surprising development right in tune with the devilish vision of "Pope" Francis.
"His liturgy was forbidden by Rome with the argument that Mass is a memorial of Christ not of else."
1. Importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
2. Importance of the man held out as the Vicar of Christ
And if
3. Who while acting in Persona Christi would preside over this liturgy
4. Wouldn't this clearly be the Abomination of Desolation?
Matthew 24:15-16: “... when you see standing in …More
"His liturgy was forbidden by Rome with the argument that Mass is a memorial of Christ not of else."

1. Importance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
2. Importance of the man held out as the Vicar of Christ
And if
3. Who while acting in Persona Christi would preside over this liturgy
4. Wouldn't this clearly be the Abomination of Desolation?

Matthew 24:15-16: “... when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”

If of any interest, exposit this yourself - no room here for a complete 'fleshing out' of the idea.