Rome Today Isn’t What It Was

Rome Today Isn’t What It Was

Thirty years ago, St. John Paul the Great launched two new pontifical academies, the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences (PASS) and the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV)…
Father Karl A Claver
The termites increased and did much unseen damage to the Church under JPII, and only after his death did the destruction become apparent. JPII talked with both sides of his mouth; he gave the liberals more power, and he gave chicken bones to conservatives and traditionalists.
Sean Johnson
And let’s not forget it was him who “excommunicated” Lefebvre.
Juan Perez
@Sean Johnson in my worthless opinion I think Pope Francis is way better than JPII. Because it gives me the impression that P.F. is more transparent in what he wants to achieve, at least this is what I can infer from the media.
Sean Johnson
Good point
Credo .
Pope John Paul 2nd desperately tried to fit a square peg in a round hole. He was naively convinced the Holy Ghost was at work in the Church to bring about a new springtime. Unfortunately it took a bullet to wake him up; and for all practical purposes he found it was too late. He suffered enormously for his mistakes. ~ God rest his soul!
Sean Johnson
Boy, when the destructive days of JPII (the worst pope until Francis) can be looked upon with fondness, as though the Koran-kisser were some kind of traditionalist, merely because he more or less retained Catholic morals (while completely jettisoning doctrine and liturgy), you know we’re in deep trouble. Tgat said, it does at least demonstrate just how clueless the conservative modernists are (and …More
Boy, when the destructive days of JPII (the worst pope until Francis) can be looked upon with fondness, as though the Koran-kisser were some kind of traditionalist, merely because he more or less retained Catholic morals (while completely jettisoning doctrine and liturgy), you know we’re in deep trouble. Tgat said, it does at least demonstrate just how clueless the conservative modernists are (and consequently, why they are actually enemies of tradition, simply proposing a more disguised conciliar rupture).