
De Mattei: "Holy Father, you are the First One Responsible for the Confusion"

Pope Francis is not the only cause of the Church crisis. He is also the product of a process of the Church's auto-demolition that has its roots in modernism, the Nouvelle théologie, the Second Vatican Council, and the post-conciliar era, said the Italian historian Roberto de Mattei.

Talking to Catholic Family News (April 7), the scholar stated that it is not enough to denounce errors but those who spread errors need to be “called out by name”,

“Today we must admit that the Pope himself promotes and propagates errors and heresies in the Church.”

De Mattei calls for the the courage to say: “Holy Father, you are the first one responsible for the confusion which exists today in the Church."

And, "You are the first one responsible for the heresies which are circulating in the Church today. The first one, but not the only one who is responsible."

Picture: © Mazur/catholicchurch.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsJfvogriyql
Lisi Sterndorfer
Pius X is clear against modern (Francis') ideas
Roberto de Mattei says Papolatrists “deceive themselves” and “tranquilize” their conscience by thinking the pope is “always right, even when he contradicts himself or his predecessors.”
“True devotion to the Chair of Peter is not the worship of the man who occupies this Cathedra, but is the love and veneration for the mission which Jesus Christ gave to Peter and his successors.” Roberto de Mattei
@bagzmore Your theological and evidentiary argument for that remark? Go ahead, you can google the big words.
Should read, Un-Holy Father.
Católicos Apostólicos
Calling Bergoglio Heretic and at the same time 'Holy Father' is a heresy because the dogma of the Papacy ensures that the Pope will never fall into manifest heresy and much less teach heresy. Bergoglio was already a pertinacious and manifest heretic in Argentina, his elevation to the papacy is invalid and null as taught by the Magisterium of the Church. So YES I agree, we have to call things by …More
Calling Bergoglio Heretic and at the same time 'Holy Father' is a heresy because the dogma of the Papacy ensures that the Pope will never fall into manifest heresy and much less teach heresy. Bergoglio was already a pertinacious and manifest heretic in Argentina, his elevation to the papacy is invalid and null as taught by the Magisterium of the Church. So YES I agree, we have to call things by their names: THE HERETIC AND ANTIPOPE BERGOGLIO IS THE MAIN RESPONSIBLE OF THE CURRENT APOSTASY.