Tucho "Fully Supports" (sic) the Coptic Statement against "Fiducia Supplicans"

Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II received Tucho Fernández on 22 May to discuss the March decision of the Copts to suspend theological dialogue with the Vatican because of Francis' homosexual propaganda …More
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II received Tucho Fernández on 22 May to discuss the March decision of the Copts to suspend theological dialogue with the Vatican because of Francis' homosexual propaganda text 'Fiducia supplicans'.
A press release on CopticOrthodox.church, which could not have been published without Tucho's approval, says that Tucho supports the Coptic March statement against 'Fiducia supplicans':
"Cardinal Victor Fernández stressed that the Catholic Church fully supports this statement and is committed to everything contained in it, considering that these are the teachings of the Holy Bible", the press release says.
At the end of the meeting, Tawadros II spoke of a "path of love" between the Church and the Copts and the "importance of dialogue", and sent greetings to Francis. In this context, the terms "love" and "dialogue" must be synonymous with mutual deception.
A monumental exercise in futility, since BOTH are raging heretics and apostates, deniers of the True Faith of Holy Mother Church in their own respective and peculiar way. What else is new? 😐
Ass kissing in its highest and most advanced form. (may God forgive me)😐
The modernist are pluralists in which the Church is compartmentalized.
Boanerges Boanerges
The game of diabolical disorientation... completely opposite of "yes, yes, no, no" speech that Christ commands
Everyday for Life Canada
So, put Fiducia Supplicans in the shredder, along with all the other documents produced by this “Who am I to judge” pontificate.
Denis Efimov
In other words, previously Tawadros essentially said that Tucho is a heretic, and now Tucho says he agrees with it because it is the teaching of Holy Scripture? Well, thank you for admitting that you are a heretic, Tucho.