Randall Smith: 1960s holdovers seem to think stripping away all the beauty of the Church, architecturally and liturgically, will make Catholicism more “approachable.” It won’t.

Stuck in a Box of Suicidal Madness - The Catholic Thing

So I read that the pope was interviewed on Like most people, I only read the headlines about the papal interview, not the interview itself. (Who …
Denis Efimov
Doesn't GTV prohibit posting photos of Protestant chapels?
English Catholic
@Louis IX Anything rather than admit that God made Man hung and died on a cross for our salvation. It's all so anodyne.
Louis IX
What’s with the plus sign on the wall?
Juan Perez
Some modernist thought that beauty was subjective and depended on his ability to create it. So he (because he is so special, and unique) came out with a "better" way to represent the Catholic cross.
John A Cassani
Those running the Church are in the same position as those running Western governments; every failure just means that more time, money, and effort needs to be expended doing the same things. The Eucharistic Congress this year is an example of this. Also, the people who keep pushing this agenda are of the very small minority of Catholics who have remained enthusiastic about the way the Church has …More
Those running the Church are in the same position as those running Western governments; every failure just means that more time, money, and effort needs to be expended doing the same things. The Eucharistic Congress this year is an example of this. Also, the people who keep pushing this agenda are of the very small minority of Catholics who have remained enthusiastic about the way the Church has done business over the past 60 years, despite all that has gone on.