
Cardinal Ouellet – Opportunism as Vocation

Father Claude Barthe published on ResNovae.fr (May 1) an assessment of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, 77. Highlights.

• When Benedict XVI named Ouellet Prefect of the Congregation for the Bishops, he was considered a Ratzinger follower.

• Ouellet was a rival of Cardinal Scola although both were Ratzinger followers.

• In the 2013 conclave, the Ratzinger party demolished itself because of the Ouellet-Scola duel. In the first round, Scola received only 33 votes, followed closely by Ouellet who later endorsed Bergoglio.

• Bergoglio allegedly promised Ouellet to make him Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

• Ouellet remained a secondary figure under Francis because Ouellet’s Secretary, Archbishop Ilson de Jesus Montanari, calls the shots in the congregation.

• Ouellet’s episcopal appointments follow the principle "above all no rumours, above all no scandals".

• Ouellet, an enthusiastic disciple of Hans Urs von Balthasar, opposes Thomism.

• Ouellet’s theological profile is “conservative but not too conservative.”

• Already in 2012, Ouellet advocated for a “compromise” on the sacramental reception of adulterers.

• Ouellet is hostile to the Roman Rite and a proponent of a hermeneutic "of reform in continuity” – without exaggerating continuity.

Picture: Marc Ouellet © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsDxgewojlka

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