
Cardinal Ouellet – Opportunism as Vocation

Father Claude Barthe published on ResNovae.fr (May 1) an assessment of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, 77. Highlights. • When Benedict XVI named Ouellet Prefect of the Congregation for the Bishops, he was …More
Father Claude Barthe published on ResNovae.fr (May 1) an assessment of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, 77. Highlights.
• When Benedict XVI named Ouellet Prefect of the Congregation for the Bishops, he was considered a Ratzinger follower.
• Ouellet was a rival of Cardinal Scola although both were Ratzinger followers.
• In the 2013 conclave, the Ratzinger party demolished itself because of the Ouellet-Scola duel. In the first round, Scola received only 33 votes, followed closely by Ouellet who later endorsed Bergoglio.
• Bergoglio allegedly promised Ouellet to make him Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
• Ouellet remained a secondary figure under Francis because Ouellet’s Secretary, Archbishop Ilson de Jesus Montanari, calls the shots in the congregation.
• Ouellet’s episcopal appointments follow the principle "above all no rumours, above all no scandals".
• Ouellet, an enthusiastic disciple of Hans Urs von Balthasar, opposes Thomism. • Ouellet’s theological profile is “…More
Kardinalen die tegen het Universele Tridentijnse, Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof zijn geloven niet in God.
Wilma Lopez
Interesting profile