
Francis’ Grey Eminence Hospitalised

Jesuit Father Germán Arana Beorlegui, 74, was admitted to hospital this week for cancer, InfoVaticana.com (May 24) writes.

A former professor of spirituality at the Gregorian University where he got to know Archbishop Bergoglio, and former rector of the Comillas Seminary, Arana is considered Francis’ grey eminence in Spain and beyond.

Said to "whisper in Francis’ ear," Arana has been involved in the cases of bishops such as Zanchetta (Argentina), Barros (Chile), Pineda (Honduras).

Francis put him in charge to override the nuncio’s episcopal appointments in Spain. For years, Arana has been going from diocese to diocese, preaching spiritual exercises to priests and getting to know personally almost all Spanish bishops.

One of Arana’s most important appointments is Barcelona Cardinal Omella. Both are good friends.

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