
Last Minute: Bishop Cracks Down on Mass

Days before being replaced, on May 18, St Augustine Bishop Felipe Estévez, 76, Florida, mercilessly cracked down on the Roman Mass.

From June 29, a Roman Mass which has been celebrated in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception since before Summorum Pontificum (2007) will be forbidden. Mass will be "allowed" only in two locations, St Joseph in Jacksonville and St Edward in Starke. No other authorisations will be granted.

The readings in these two Masses "must" use English translations approved by the US bishops and may not be proclaimed in Latin. Only "authorised priests" are permitted to celebrate the Roman Mass. No other sacraments or rites - e.g. marriages, baptisms, blessings - may be celebrated according to the Rituale Romanum.

In an accompanying letter, Estévez "forbids" distributing the Novus Ordo Communion at an altar rail. However, Holy Providence already has the solution: The Society of St Pius X. is refurbishing a 100-year-old Romanesque church the diocese sold to Protestants years ago. This will quickly become the biggest and most vibrant parish of the diocese.

On May 24, Father Erik Pohlmeier, a pastor in Little Rock Diocese, was named the new bishop of St Augustine. He may be less extremist than Estévez.

Picture: Felipe Estévez, Erik Pohlmeier, #newsMzxeiqzzeb

Geweldig zo wordt de Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholiek Concilie kerk tot de grond toe afgebroken.
A cowardly act.
Rand Miller
Likely a Modernist .
Wilma Lopez
Pius XII: “In the tempest of earthly events, and in spite of the deficiency and weakness which may dim her luster to our eyes, [the Church] has the security of remaining imperturbably faithful to her mission to the end of time” (Allocution to Cardinals, Dec. 24, 1944).
Wat een grap, de Rooms Katholieke kerk heeft natuurlijk niet het alleen recht op het Universele Tridentijnse Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie. De Rooms Katholieke is tijdens het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie overgegaan naar het Protestantisme met haar Novus Ordo gekkenhuis.
John A Cassani
This is either a lousy thing to foist on one’s successor, or, he’s doing his succesor’s bidding. I suppose that the new bishop’s response will be telling.
Louis IX
Then the new bishop needs to correct the error of his predecessor.
Vincent Capuano
And that is why the VOM is booming in the chapels of the SSPX located throughout Florida. It is another example of state-ism, i.e. using the power of coercion to impose a monopoly on the faithful. If there was free competition we could see what type of Mass and what type of parish Catholic priests and faithful wanted. The proponents of the NOM are afraid of competition they have no confidence in …More
And that is why the VOM is booming in the chapels of the SSPX located throughout Florida. It is another example of state-ism, i.e. using the power of coercion to impose a monopoly on the faithful. If there was free competition we could see what type of Mass and what type of parish Catholic priests and faithful wanted. The proponents of the NOM are afraid of competition they have no confidence in what they are offering.
Vincent Capuano
There is no greater example of clericalism than not respecting the intelligence and freedom of fellow Catholics.
Plus it is contradictory and illogical. The NOM crowd make a counter-intuitive claim that the NOM is the same as the VOM. Then "for the sake of unity'" they don't permit the free substitution of one for the other. Thus it would seem to indicate by their actions that it is not the same. …More
There is no greater example of clericalism than not respecting the intelligence and freedom of fellow Catholics.
Plus it is contradictory and illogical. The NOM crowd make a counter-intuitive claim that the NOM is the same as the VOM. Then "for the sake of unity'" they don't permit the free substitution of one for the other. Thus it would seem to indicate by their actions that it is not the same. But if they admit that it is not the same it follows that the NOM is illegitimate and perhaps invalid. The NOM depends on its continuity with the VOM for its legitimacy and validity. It is absurd to afirme that the NOM is both the same and not the same as the VOM at the same time and in the same respect.