
Francis' Ghostwriter Discovers "Great Novelty" in Querida Amazonia

Francis hasn't closed or opened doors to abolishing celibacy nor to other proposals of the Amazon Synod but he “avoided rushed solutions.”

La Plata Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, Argentina, an expert in kissing and ghostwriter for Francis’ wrote this on OsservatoreRomano.va (February 17).

Fernández stresses that Querida Amazonia “officially presents” the Synod’s final document and even calls for “its application” (QA, 4).

“The document must therefore be applied,” Fernández concludes, calling it “a great novelty” that a papal document is only “complementary” to a Synod’s final document.

He believes that “a space opens for a possible elaboration” where Francis talks about an “Amazonian rite.” This, for Fernández, enables “a broader approach" that may include married priests.

Picture: Víctor Manuel Fernández, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFklkgxcquv

"The argument has moved on..." According to whom, Thors Catholic Hammer? This is another one of your "passive-voice" falsehoods. You're not going to "move" the argument to where you want it, just by saying so.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The argument has moved on because only the very stupidest of alleged Catholics accept a s valid a Vicar of Christ who actively promotes and condones homosexuality as Jorge Bergoglio has done.
"only the very stupidest of alleged Catholics accept"... No True Scotsman Fallacy, Crackers. This is a regular fall-back in your "play-book" of bad rhetoric.
Nothing's "moved on" and you're not going to change the subject simply by ranting it's been changed. There have been at least four homosexual Popes. Even Francis isn't that bad.
"only the very stupidest of alleged Catholics accept"... No True Scotsman Fallacy, Crackers. This is a regular fall-back in your "play-book" of bad rhetoric.

Nothing's "moved on" and you're not going to change the subject simply by ranting it's been changed. There have been at least four homosexual Popes. Even Francis isn't that bad.

Thors Catholic Hammer
The argument has moved on and the critical issue now is to remove the filthy and openly pro sodomite formal heretic Bergoglio from all positions of influence in the Catholic Church
Fernandez can write, but not read, because "officially present" a document to "enforce" it means "APPROVE", equivalent to « IMPRIMATUR » ! Listen buddy: go back to kindergarten because you don't know the meaning of the words!
Fr Paul Kramer has written a very interesting book "To Deceive the Elect" laying out the argument that Benedict is still pope.
la verdad prevalece
dpfurey : El P. Paul Kramer ha escrito un libro muy interesante "Para engañar a los elegidos" en el que expone el argumento de que Benedicto sigue siendo Papa.
"We must pray for these deluded souls." @Thors Catholic Hammer
Maybe you should present factual evidence for your claim.. If Benedict is still Pope, then post a photo of him of him from 2019 wearing his Papal Ring. The nice round gold one with the portrait of St. Peter that says BENEDICTVS XVI on it.
Better look like this one
This is his Bishop's Ring. So don't …More
"We must pray for these deluded souls." @Thors Catholic Hammer

Maybe you should present factual evidence for your claim.. If Benedict is still Pope, then post a photo of him of him from 2019 wearing his Papal Ring. The nice round gold one with the portrait of St. Peter that says BENEDICTVS XVI on it.

Better look like this one

This is his Bishop's Ring. So don't waste everyone's time with another photo of it.

Thors Catholic Hammer
Fernandez is just another mouthpiece for the Antipope francis.
A load of truly stupid Catholics still actually believe that francis is the Vicar of Christ.
Their conception, if you could even call it that, of religion , is that God sends them a Vicar who openly urinates all over their church.
Spiritual sadomasochism.
We must pray for these deluded souls.
If Pope Francis wants a Catholic "Amazonian Rite" he should go live with the savages he idolizes. “The document must therefore be applied,” Sounds like Archbishop Fernandez took writing lessons from Thor's Catholic Parrot.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Are nt you the loon who truly believes that God sends Catholics a Vicar who urinates daily all over their church?
A "loon"?? The parrot just called me a loon? :P Oh dear me, why, I do believe my feelings are hurt. Thor called me a mean name! .
Isn't it funny how quick you are to throw such unChristian mockery like "loon" and just as quick to cry like a toddler, wounded unto your very heart about "bile" and "vitriol" and "intimidations" and "aggression" and "bullying" and "unrelenting mockery"
Poor Thor's …More
A "loon"?? The parrot just called me a loon? :P Oh dear me, why, I do believe my feelings are hurt. Thor called me a mean name! .

Isn't it funny how quick you are to throw such unChristian mockery like "loon" and just as quick to cry like a toddler, wounded unto your very heart about "bile" and "vitriol" and "intimidations" and "aggression" and "bullying" and "unrelenting mockery"

Poor Thor's Special Snowflake. People don't let you jabber on GTV uncontested. They're so mean to you, poor darling. How could anyone be so callous, so unthinking of your feelings?

Dry those tears, little angel. Do you want some warm milk? Maybe a nice lolly?

Now that you're done flaunting your hypocrisy and double standards, go look up how the many "bad popes" abused their office to suit their own ends. Go look up the degenerates who were homosexuals and the profligates who fathered children as pope.

Maybe then you'll have an educated perspective for your hysteria about "a Vicar who urinates daily all over their church?"